Floating idea - Lan Party - November - In Private Hotel - Wales

A few weeks later and I would have been able to make it, poop :( I hope someone is going to take some photos of the drunken craziness.

Ah well, there's always next time.
A few weeks later and I would have been able to make it, poop :( I hope someone is going to take some photos of the drunken craziness.

Ah well, there's always next time.

I'm hoping UE is gonna have live Webcams up and running!! But I'll be taking camera for sure.
final year (though its my 5th year at uni in general lol, one failed year on a diff course, and also a placement the past 12 months) at nottingham trent doing computer science and games technology

Well that's your answer man! Research! Aint no better way to learn about games technology than watching how a LAN has been put together and researching how people play games.

This could be practical coursework!
Well that's your answer man! Research! Aint no better way to learn about games technology than watching how a LAN has been put together and researching how people play games.

This could be practical coursework!

lol thats what i tried to justify video games live as and my countless nights playing halo 3 co-op with ps2wizz lol it's startin to wear a bit thin though :(

if my laptop was any good and i could run 3d studio max on it then id be more up for it, but its shoddy and runs like a dog :(

Nokkon, thanks man :) i'll drop you an email if i get stuck on anythin. i remember you did a similiar course???

Also apologies for trashing the thread :)
Half Life 2: The Orange Box
Halo 3
Project Gotham Racing 4
Gears of War
Burnout Revenge
Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter
Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter
Rainbow Six: Vegas
Call of Duty 4

Those are the only things I can think of, I may be able to bring duplicates of certain ones.
Cokecan - If you don't make it to this LAN then I'm gonna go door to door in Nottingham until I find you then bundle you in the back of the car with Nokkon :p

(Although I figure we'll be out of space :()

Also I'm doing 460miles in 1 day - your so close tbh :(
My games:
Half Life 2: The Orange Box
Halo 3
Gears of War
Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter
Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2 (+ 1 spare copy)
Rainbow Six: Vegas
Forza 2
Splinter Cell: Double Agent
Call of Duty 3
Call of Duty 4 (hopefully it turns up Thursday morning or I'll have to grab it in Carmarthen *high street competitor* so I can return my pre-order copy when I get back).
I will be bringing:-


Medieval TW 2
Titan Quest
Company of Heroes
World in Conflict
Quake 4

All of the above i have multiple copies for people.

Not sure on console games, probably whatever i think will be fun multi. Halo 3 etc
this is me:

Halo 3
forza 2
gears of war

O_o all of my games bar gears are sequels. How rare.

Also we NEED to have a discussion/picture thread straight after we get back on here :P
I'll probably be fetching:

Xbox (if it comes back)
Play and Charge kit
Guitar Hero II
Orange Box
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