Ummm, Thanks for the replies.....
I have decided to take it in my jacket, zipped up so nobody will see it. Just to clear a few things up, this money is not for;
A) Russian Bride
B) Drug Deal
If i was sensible i would just send it via WestUnion but they charge about £50.
Heh. I thought of that, but then I checked Wikipedia and it says they were last printed in the 40s or something, and none are known to be in circulation at the moment.
Your not a very nice person, are you? Quite sick actually. Pathetic.
You will need..
tongs (for removal later)
a volunteer
1. roll notes into fat bundle
2. place money in condom/condoms
3. use vaseline to lube up
4. take said condom bundles
5. get volunteer to push bundles into said lubed area
6. another volunteer will be needed at arrival point to remove said bundles with tongs
Happy flying
First time I arrived in Colombia, in front of me in the immigration queue were two extremely well-dressed men each with a silver Haliburton case. It didn't do much to assuage my preconceptions... I was trying not to look for fear of getting shot
Ban him unless he comes up with proof in 24 hours imo.