Folding at home points: What should be done?

I’m not a folder but IMO credit for any DC project should always be proportional to how much work you are doing. I think the best thing for FAH would be to adjust the credit system gradually towards GPU clients getting fully credited for the work that they are doing. I don’t think it would be a good idea to suddenly start granting full credit to GPU clients as it would totally alienate the large proportion of participants who do not have a supported GPU. If it was adjusted gradually it would leave time for newer graphics technology to drop in price and filter down to the average participant and hopefully support for a wider range of GPUs will be added in the future.

Berserker said:
And a select few giving everyone else the smack. If you got the points you calculated for Folding, why (as someone who is mostly interested in the points these days) even bother continuing? I might as well just give up as my points contribution would be utterly meaningless. Shall I just go and turn all my PCs off then? That's not going to help Stanford.
Unfortunately it seems the hard truth is that the new GPU client is so much faster that the contributions of most CPUs are essentially meaningless, I guess this is just the price of progress.
Except for the fact that they've already said not all the units are suitable for the GPU client. I have no inside knowledge of percentages. If it's a low percentage, then there's probably no problem. If it's a high percentage, then there definitely would be.
Concorde Rules said:
The only continuous thing between us all is the Flops rating the software uses. People will buy better hardware which folds more with less power.

So there we go:
Points system using Flops = less powerful hardware being replaced by powerful, more efficent PCs..
If I were to pick a method for points calculation, Flops would be the way I'd go. After all, the more Flops you have, the more WU's you will process in shorter period time. Flops are an equal measure across Gpu's as well as Cpu's.

Question: What are the Benchmark applications for calculatiing Flops on Gpu's < aside from Game Benchmarks> .. Is there anything like MPICH for Gpu's ?
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