Stan, dropbox 403? no permissions?
Odd, it was in a public folder. Rehosted on Imgur
Stan, dropbox 403? no permissions?
You can pick up 12 core Opteron 6172's on the bay for under £150 each, the motherboards are a bit steep at around £620 but memory's not too bad.
Yes I've also looked into that getting 4 x 6172 from USA via bay. Motherboards are hard to find though and steep Also struggling to find a suitable case for mobo to go in. Then there is the issue of what o/s to use for a 48-core monster. (or 64-core if you get the newer 16-core Opterons)
i thought toxictbag was all raved up for folding, his ppd has dropped back to next to 0 now
Yes I've also looked into that getting 4 x 6172 from USA via bay. Motherboards are hard to find though and steep Also struggling to find a suitable case for mobo to go in. Then there is the issue of what o/s to use for a 48-core monster. (or 64-core if you get the newer 16-core Opterons)