Folding@Home News 29th October - 5th November 2010

Bah! I haven't been stomped in ages :mad:


I wouldn't worry, you still have a 1,166,148 point lead, something like 2.8 weeks at my current production rate. So you are safe for that long, short of some sort of lottery win on my end! ;)
It's not difficult! Powershell is pretty powerful so makes stuff like this quite easy. I would probably kill myself if I had to do it in batch! :p

EDIT: I am working on something else that you may enjoy, though would require some changes to the way things are done around here! :eek: If I can get some free time tonight, I may be able to finish it!
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Just had my first EUE pause in a long while, might related to the previous BSOD I guess. No suprise it was one of the GTX295 cores.

In better news:

Good work Speed, I can feel you breathing down my neck!

Still, I'm ahead at the moment! :D

Has anyone picked up one of the P6041 units, Im assuming they're new. Has caused 3+ BSODs since 4:30pm on a system that has been stable no issues for the last month. Ive gave it a nudge in vcore to see what the score is. Luckily for me I got a very good chip and it still only needs 1.401875v (1.39-1.42 Load with 19% LLC)
Hmmmm this has got me head scratching now, played cod mw1 for a couple of hours with the rig folding all fine, when downstairs for dinner and came back to a BSOD
This the same rig? For playing COD4 and Folding? If so it could be the folding is more stressful and kicked in 100% after shutting down COD4, causing the BSOD. Check the overclock is LinX stable.
Same rig for gaming and folding, I dont earn enough for multiple rigs.

The rig has been folding stable for a month now, the rig was left running while I was at work. It comepleted a P6701 and downloaded this P6041 unit, between the P6041 being downloaded I can see a 3+ BSODS as I kept looking at HFM online while cycling. I upped the vcore and did a couple of other things for half hour or so leaving the rig to fold. I came back played a couple hours of COD4 then quit and left the rig while I had dinner, and came back to another BSOD.

The overclock is Linx stable at 1.4125vcore and I upped it 1.41875v which also ended up with a BSOD so I'm now at 1.425. Funny thing is when testing with linx it was stable at 1.40625 and I upped it a notch to be on the safe side.
OK was just about to start fiddling. I thought the card must have throttled (it hadn't) but looking at the WU it's one hell of a unit P6800 TPF 1:50 (normally 0:52ish) with a credit of 1298:eek: are these new unit or have i managed to miss them until now?


All is forgiven P6800 please can i have more of you.

Anyone spot the interesting unit :p;)
I've had to drop from 880 to 850 on the core as that unit managed to get the card to 92Deg before it hit 1% (normally run 65 to 75Deg) and i'd rather not brick the unit.

Either i've managed to do something very special without knowing it or we could all be in for some interesting times;)
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Glad to know I am competing with two GPU clients! My lowly GTX260 and two i7s are holding their own against you. Though it only the 1.2Mil points advantage that is keep you away from my cell for the next 5 months! :p
Just had two 6811 die on me at 1% - so your temp info looks right.
Running a 6800 atm - 11.2k ppd for 1298 points @ 75c
That's 5c hotter that a 106xx and 15c hotter than a 109xx or 112xx

turned off advmethods for the time being will see what I get next in 30mins time

Edit: got another 6800

looking at the stanford forum the 470 and above are fine but the 450 and 460 are getting VERY hot with these

edit: thread address changed - new linky here

some more info
For those running smp and gpu folding these should increase smp ppd as they uses MUCH less cpu time
For those running GF100 cores it's business as usual
For those with GF104, lots of extra heat generated. - I'm also pulling an extra 5-10w from the wall
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