Mixed bag for me really:
Lemonman is way below my 7k target - Poor 200pts units across the whole network and a smp unit that missed rich's deadline - have just got two 'new' 2615 on the other C2D so their are a few nice WU's about
[SIR]_shadowscotland has been doing much better (aka working) and just got it's 4wu finished in time
but as with many I've been plaged with lower scoring SMP wu's
Great news on the team stomp
And it's really good to see that the top twenty is 'all change' from last week. Some great crunching their people - keep up the good work.
On the subject of top 20, I'd like to raise the whole subject of sub teams again. (Looking much better in the orange btw - thanks rich)
Not sure if subteams ID's should get an indervidual listing in the complete table...
... as currently they get two entrys and that don't seam fair. Whats do others think?
Defernatly include them in the single cruncher league (that's half the point)
and [SIR] as a whole should be in the main league (the reason it exists)
I've a few other points to raise/get peoples views on - but as it's been over a hour since I started this post
I'll start a new thread when I've cleared some work. (edit probably in 12 hours