Folding@Home Weekly Team News - 14th October 2005

Usually on lappies the fans are quite accessible. On mine all the ones that I've wrenched on the fan is just under a cover on the bottom of the case. Mine's held in with two screws and could be replaced in less than 5 minutes, even if I didn't know what I was doing.

Oh yeah, it makes an ungodly racket all the time; it sounds like a the boss' hair dryer :)
The fan went in my old laptop, it was a tiddly little 25mm thing. (It was only a Celly 500!) I found a replacement on t'internet but I refuse to pay £15 for a 25mm fan so I gave up. The lappy can still fold with no fan as long as the CPU usage is kept to 80% :p Takes ages to do anything though.
Certainly sounds like the bearings have gone by the racket. I might have a go tomorrow if my hand is steady enough :p Then I'll try a format and see how it goes.

It's only a 930 Celery so it's not a great loss to the cause - was only doing about 50 points a day anyway.

I was going to turn the main rig not on tonight to let the CPU cool down. I need to take the HS off and give it a good clean and re-apply arctic silver before I go offshore on Friday. Damn thing is getting hotter all the time :( one of these times, I'm going to come back from the rig and find the flat not here :eek:

OT. I see you're going to the Swansea bash Rich. Looking forward to meeting the Foldy Guru at last :D

Stan :)
Bigstan said:
OT. I see you're going to the Swansea bash Rich. Looking forward to meeting the Foldy Guru at last :D
yep i'll be there - not sorted the hotel yet but that won't stop me :D

I can't help but think I may be a big dissapointment as I can't even levitate piles of rocks let alone lift an X-Wing out of a swamp using nothing but mind powers :p
Well, I've had a bash tonight.

Mine doesn't have a convenient two screw cover for the fan (it wouldn't :rolleyes: ) I have to take the whole thing apart.

I took out all the screws from the bottom of the lappy and all the screws from the back around the ports etc. I then tried to prise the thing apart but it wouldn't come apart, it is held by 1 screw going through from the other side.

Surprise, surprise, the screw is under the keyboard so I've had to take off the bezel at the top of the keyboard and remove the keyboard to get at it. After all that, the screw has a torx head and believe it or not, it's 1 size smaller than the smallest torx I have. I will have to go out tomorrow and buy a small torx screwdriver to get the damn thing apart :mad:

I wish I'd never started now :(

Why can't they make these bloody things easier to get into?

Stan :)
Rich, I was looking for the link to the foldy bash, but couldn't find it. Is there a web site for these things, or are they just word of mouth?
BillytheImpaler said:
Sounds like a Dell. Care to share the manufacturer so that we know which lappies are tough to work on?

It's a Toshiba satellite s3000.

If and when I buy another laptop, I will be checking how easy it is to work on before I buy.

Stan :)
kinnison said:
Rich, I was looking for the link to the foldy bash, but couldn't find it. Is there a web site for these things, or are they just word of mouth?
It's actually the annual OcUK Christmas Bash which has been held in Swansea the weekend before Christmas since the dawn of time - somehow I've never made it to one :o

I'll be at this one though :)
Well, I got the thing apart (good old sharp nosed pliers :D ). Turns out I only really needed to remove the keyboard and the covering plate for the CPU and HS/fan - never mind, at least I know how to take it apart if I need to again.

The fan wasn't excessively dusty so it looks like the bearings unfortunately.

I'm having difficulty finding one the same. I found an exact match on ebay but it's in the USA and will cost me $45 inc postage to get it here :eek: . I also found one which is a close match but it is also in the USA and would cost $32 to get here.

I have put a wanted ad in MM and will bung a note in the spare parts sticky, if I haven't got one by the time I get back from offshore I will have to get the one from the states.

Then all I have to do is try to get it back together again :o

Stan :)
Here's the trick:
from the TKC thread of death.
robmiller said:
Going to New York and Washington for a week, so Haly you'll end up overtaking me :(

Now all you've got to do is hit up Mr. Miller for his hotel and have them mail the $32 fan there. Then he puts it in his pocket for the transatlantic voyage and mails it to you when he gets back to Ol' Blighty. Ha! International shippping is defeated. :D

Fed Ex: 0, Bigstan: 1
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