Folding@Home Weekly Team News - 19th October 2007

I'm still slacking, trying to get various bits together and RMA'in a CPU and mobo isn't helping.

Looks like I've got one rig back up tonight tho.. fingers x'ed @ watercooled Q6600
Home rig is all back together again with just the enermax and raptor making any noise now - passive WC rocks!
Only running the [email protected] ATM :o but will not be long before i crank up the OC again :D

Off to bed with standard WU's crunching away silently :cool:

Edit: 2.6 now (50 degress on coretemp)
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Home rig is all back together again with just the enermax and raptor making any noise now - passive WC rocks!
Only running the [email protected] ATM :o but will not be long before i crank up the OC again :D

Off to bed with standard WU's crunching away silently :cool:

Edit: 2.6 now (50 degress on coretemp)

Come on man! That chip will be fine at 70! Might as well get it to 3GHz :D
Come on man! That chip will be fine at 70! Might as well get it to 3GHz :D

At 2.8 now (upped the vcore and NB volts) just finish some more stress testing - errors at 2.9 but solid at 352x8 - as with my air cooling days the northbridge needs extra volts, that and vdroop has alway been the limiting factor on this board.

Anoyingly my lapped chip has done 3.6 on air, but on a 965 board :o - my Abit is a 975 which should be fine when my christmas present arrives but for now I'll stick with 2.8

The Zalman has an optional NB waterblock - just need to buy one, but I've less money that you SB at present so will need to wait.

Temps wise - I'm at 55 - so plenty of headroom, but temp has never been a limiting factor - also the reason why I chose passive WC'ing :D
but still the extra 200Hz = 5 degree rise! = minus 1 minute a step :)
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