Folding@Home Weekly Team News - 19th October 2007

26 Dec 2002
Folding@Home Team News 11th - 19th October 2007

Current Team Position: 27th
Current Team Score: 65,981,799
Crunched This 8-day Week: 1,297,839 (24hr avg. 162,230)
Averaged for 7-day Week: 1,135,609
Change from Last Week: -97,847

Next on the stomping horizon

21. Dutch Power Cows - 374 days
23. Team AnandTech - 212 days (+63 days)
24. Overclockers Club - 58 days (-4 days)
25. SilentPCReview Folding@Home - 47 days (+2 days)
26. Team Hack-a-Day - 11 days (-3 days)

Teams stomped this week

28. - Team Folding :cool:

Ones to keep an eye on

32. 2ch@PS3 - 303 days (-483 days)
42. Vietnam Global Team - 833 days
50. Forums Team - 1,358 days
29. - 1,378 days

We are currently at 20th in team production, down 4 places from last week :eek:

This Week's Top Crunchers

1 . sculptor(OcUK) - 151,510
2 . Whitestar (LigerZero) - 94,995
3 . ms9cw - 66,791
4 . magman - 65,298
5 . snapsh0t - 53,494
6 . _Berserker_ - 49,548
7 . Walter_Anderson - 48,056
8 . Steevo38_(OcUK) - 45,546
9 . jaric - 39,873
10 . 2bullish - 39,853
11 . Biffa - 39,810
12 . Babyface_UK - 38,207
13 . Cob - 34,213
14 . Neil - 31,741
15 . SiriusB_[OcUK] - 27,179
16 . diogenese - 26,936
17 . DreederOcUK - 26,191
18 . Gazzza - 26,154
19 . lemonman - 24,866
20 . hornytoe - 19,360
21 . polandro - 17,186
22 . Unforgiven - 16,263
23 . KE1HA - 14,644
24 . MajorPart - 14,026
25 . A_N_Other - 12,778
26 . Borged_by_MGP - 12,320
27 . mikeymike - 11,385

28 . marktime - 9,948
29 . Rincin - 8,999
30 . Concorde_Rules - 8,800
31 . booyaka - 8,188
32 . Huddy - 8,184
33 . totalise3 - 8,000
34 . rich99million - 7,670
35 . ErNcilator(OcUK) - 6,112
36 . Pilgrim57 - 5,543
37 . dalin80 - 5,469
38 . vent - 5,356
39 . _Viking_ - 5,280
40 . CocoPops - 5,280
41 . schumi84 - 5,280
42 . RD - 5,181
43 . lightning512 - 5,159
44 . solarisfireball - 5,020
45 . Trazzall - 4,624
46 . mark001282 - 4,477
47 . BillytheImpaler(OcUK) - 4,424
48 . davejuk - 4,412
49 . verbal - 3,749
50 . bossk128 - 3,520
51 . dr.who - 3,520
52 . FatRakoon - 3,517
53 . Gunda - 3,498
54 . sr4470 - 3,388
55 . BigDom - 3,276
56 . Dunc - 3,214
57 . froggy - 3,138
58 . growse - 3,062
59 . Buxx - 3,000

60 . MattBrown - 2,920
61 . cokecan72 - 2,884
62 . gt_junkie - 2,804
63 . oceaness - 2,454
64 . Saetia - 2,367
65 . ken1307 - 2,366
66 . DeQuavus - 2,351
67 . br - 2,292
68 . feriso - 2,143
69 . biteme99 - 2,017
70 . deej - 1,904
71 . REYER - 1,828
72 . casale - 1,764
73 . Bigstan - 1,761
74 . kinnison - 1,662
75 . Dean_Vile - 1,553
76 . sammy7 - 1,440
77 . Gavindo - 1,401
78 . Montiyouk - 1,361
79 . Frogskin - 1,352
80 . steve258 - 1,336
81 . Silent_Bob - 1,273
82 . ac90 - 1,186
83 . Ken - 1,182
84 . diebymyswrod - 1,171
85 . happytechie - 1,171
86 . saikor - 1,148
87 . FTW - 1,119
88 . KALIBR(OcUK) - 1,116
89 . ShaunBrewer - 1,085
90 . tajisan - 1,077
91 . BenjiSayers - 1,047
92 . Sammael(OcUK) - 1,010
93 . Ever - 1,000
94 . Jonathan_CTI_Amesbury - 1,000
95 . Zymurgy - 1,000

96 . Phoebian - 978
97 . Snapshot - 969
98 . mB0rg - 943
99 . the_running_man21 - 855
100 . Kenstheman - 824
101 . Madkjb - 824
102 . pikeypriest - 824
103 . piggott - 813
104 . Galifrey - 792
105 . Brown_Sparrow - 706
106 . Cameron - 686
107 . theheyes - 686
108 . LiquidFox - 682
109 . Northwind - 629
110 . Poolybit 629
111 . Freefaller - 618
112 . lopkinfop(OcUK) - 608
113 . 355F1512TR - 598
114 . hikaru452 - 591
115 . takku - 529
116 . Andrew - 500
117 . Limehaus - 500
118 . Mattus - 500
119 . iBot - 456
120 . DooMSireN - 412
121 . Joe42 - 412
122 . Moonpie2 - 412
123 . pacey2g - 372
124 . ThyFlame - 372
125 . Paul_Holliday - 343
126 . SquAmy - 343
127 . MaTt - 318
128 . nikoPS3 - 287
129 . FISHGUTS - 218
130 . eLbot - 206
131 . jidh007 - 206
132 . Prescott28 - 206
133 . theredguy - 206
134 . Assasin-uk - 186
135 . BigDannyO - 186
136 . JackWolk - 186
137 . Jagman2k - 186
138 . Leon_Webster - 132
139 . blitz2163 - 81
140 . Adnams_Drinker - 44

Single Machine Folding League

Colour Key: Single Core, Dual Core, Quad Core, PS3, Unclarified

1 . Cob - 34,213
2 . SiriusB_[OcUK] - 27,179
3 . diogenese - 26,936
4 . Unforgiven - 16,263
5 . Borged_by_MGP - 12,320
6 . marktime - 9,948
7 . Rincin - 8,999
8 . Concorde_Rules - 8,800
9 . booyaka - 8,188
10 . Pilgrim57 - 5,543
11 . _Viking_ - 5,280
12 . CocoPops - 5,280
13 . schumi84 - 5,280
14 . cokecan72 - 2,884
15 . gt_junkie - 2,804
16 . Frogskin - 1,352
17 . KALIBR(OcUK) - 1,116
18 . BenjiSayers - 1,047
19 . Zymurgy - 1,000
20 . LiquidFox - 682
21 . Andrew - 500
22 . Limehaus - 500
23 . theredguy - 206
24 . BigDannyO - 186
25 . Jagman2k - 186
26 . Adnams_Drinker - 44

This Week's Top Stompers

CocoPops - 718
steve258 - 506
Phoebian - 462
nikoPS3 - 280
diebymyswrod - 211
schumi84 - 142
takku - 112
Madkjb - 81
LiquidFox - 58
ErNcilator(OcUK) - 48
pacey2g - 45
lopkinfop(OcUK) - 39
Northwind - 38
dalin80 - 27
ac90 - 26
gt_junkie - 26
REYER - 21
DeQuavus - 18
Silent_Bob - 17
Gavindo - 16
mB0rg - 15
tajisan - 12
Montiyouk - 11
biteme99 - 10
saikor - 10
MaTt - 8
BenjiSayers - 7
hikaru452 - 7
Cameron - 6
mark001282 - 6
sammy7 - 6
355F1512TR - 5
Ever - 5
solarisfireball - 5
totalise3 - 5
Biffa - 4
davejuk - 4
Andrew - 3
DooMSireN - 3
Gunda - 3
Moonpie2 - 3
Snapshot - 3
ThyFlame - 3
_Berserker_ - 2
_Viking_ - 2
booyaka - 2
Brown_Sparrow - 2
RD - 2
Rincin - 2
Trazzall - 2
A_N_Other - 1
bossk128 - 1
casale - 1
Cob - 1
diogenese - 1
Frogskin - 1
Galifrey - 1
Kenstheman - 1
lemonman - 1
marktime - 1
mikeymike - 1
ms9cw - 1
Paul_Holliday - 1
piggott - 1
Saetia - 1
SquAmy - 1
Steevo38_(OcUK) - 1
Walter_Anderson - 1
Zymurgy - 1

This Week's Tiffy-Kat Winners

Whitestar (LigerZero) - 4,400,000
sculptor(OcUK) - 4,150,000
_Berserker_ - 1,600,000
magman - 1,500,000
Gazzza - 1,450,000
Steevo38_(OcUK) - 1,450,000
snapsh0t - 1,150,000
ms9cw - 1,050,000
Walter_Anderson - 1,000,000
2bullish - 975,000
DreederOcUK - 975,000
Neil - 925,000
polandro - 875,000
Cob - 825,000
lemonman - 800,000
diogenese - 775,000
Unforgiven - 725,000
jaric - 625,000
SiriusB_[OcUK] - 600,000
Biffa - 525,000
lightning512 - 500,000
kinnison - 400,000
A_N_Other - 275,000
Rincin - 275,000
MajorPart - 250,000
casale - 200,000
Buxx - 180,000
mikeymike - 180,000
davejuk - 80,000
FTW - 80,000
MattBrown - 70,000
totalise3 - 70,000
solarisfireball - 50,000
Galifrey - 40,000
dalin80 - 25,000
BenjiSayers - 20,000
ErNcilator(OcUK) - 20,000
sammy7 - 20,000
DooMSireN - 15,000
Gavindo - 15,000
KALIBR(OcUK) - 15,000
Moonpie2 - 15,000
DeQuavus - 12,500
REYER - 10,000
schumi84 - 7,500
ac90 - 5,000
CocoPops - 5,000
FISHGUTS - 5,000
mB0rg - 5,000
lopkinfop(OcUK) - 2,500
Northwind - 2,500
diebymyswrod - 1,000
Madkjb - 1,000
pacey2g - 1,000
steve258 - 1,000

Congrats to all the Tiffy-Kat winners :cool:

This Week's New Members


A great big warm welcome to the team!

If you haven't done so already then why not check out the Folding@Home Setup Guide and the Quickie Guide for more foldy-tastic tips especially for when you're in a rush

Yet another 1mil+ week, maybe not quite as good as the last few but still very impressive. :cool:
One team down, plenty more volunteers for a good stomping. Way to go team!
Sorry anyone who's not been mentioned - you know what to do now :)

***Only got one machine crunching? - Have a looky here***

Stats compiled from Stanford official stats page and EOC stats page
Stomping and Dumping Stats calculated between 19:30 October 11th and 20:30 October 19th

Previous Weeks' News:
October 11th, October 4th, September 27th, September 20th, September 14th, September 7th, August 31st, August 24th, August 17th, August 10th, August 3rd, July 26th, July 19th, July 12th, July 5th, June 28th, June 21st, June 14th, June 7th, May 31st, May 24th, May 17th, May 10th, May 3rd, April 26th, April 19th, April 12th, April 5th, March 29th, March 15th, March 8th, March 1st, February 22nd, February 15th, February 8th, February 1st, January 25th, January 18th, January 11th, January 4th

2006 News Archives:
December 28th, December 21st, December 14th, December 7th, November 30th, November 23rd, November 16th, November 9th, November 2nd, October 26th, October 19th, October 12th, October 5th, September 28th, September 21st, September 14th, September 7th, August 31st, August 24th, August 17th, August 10th, August 3rd, July 27th, July 20th, July 13th, July 6th, June 29th, June 22nd, June 15th, June 8th, June 2nd, May 26th, May 19th, May 12th, May 5th, April 28th, April 21st, April 14th, April 7th, March 31st, March 24th, March 17th, March 10th, March 3rd, February 24th, February 17th, February 10th, February 3rd, January 27th, January 20th, January 13th, January 6th

Single Machine Crunchers:
Adnams_Drinker, Andrew, BenjiSayers, BigDannyO, booyaka, Borged_by_MGP, Carnage, celliott, Cob, CocoPops, cokecan72, Concorde_Rules, dan1987, diogenese, Frogskin, gt_junkie, Jagman2k, jklc(PSTriples!), KALIBR(OcUK), Limehaus, LiquidFox, marktime, OcUK_Inoshishi, Pilgrim57, Rincin, Scratchy, SiriusB_[OcUK], TeamJoltColaPS3, theredguy, Unforgiven, Viking, Zefan, Zymurgy ...
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Ooof! Getting close to 30K. I know we have had an extra day, but still not far off.

Rich, would it be possible to stick me on Single Crunchers? I know there is a borg out there somewhere, but I don't know where it is and looking at the stats its been ages since it dropped any points.

Single Crunchers may be temporary but be nice to be near the top of just one list for a while :p

No problemo - thought I better do it now as there's no way I'd remember till next week :p

If it's a single core machine crunching part-time somewhere it won't make enough difference to worry about I wouldn't think :)
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