Folding@Home Weekly Team News - 20th January 2006

26 Dec 2002
Folding@Home Team News - w/e 20th January 2006

Current Team Position - 53rd
Current Team Score - 10,764,370
Crunched This Week - 313,180

Next on the stomping horizon :cool:

49 Slo-Tech - 40 days
52 Team Lithuania - 25 days
51 PC Club Folding@Home Team - 12 days

Teams stomped this week :D

54 Project Tweakers

Ones to keep an eye on :eek:

55 Team Hack-a-Day - 4 days
63 Team Engadget - 35 days

This Week's Top Dumpers

Sammael(OcUK) - 81089
DarkendViper - 36753
Whitestar (LigerZero) - 30087
Walter_Anderson - 19350
sculptor(OcUK) - 15302
KE1HA - 9589
froggy - 6558
Steevo38_(OcUK) - 5533
Bigstan - 5453
vent - 5143
hornytoe - 4935
rich99million - 4440
KillBait - 4293
polandro - 3958
duggyruss - 3672
Concorde_Rules - 3439
ShaunBrewer - 3098
kinnison - 2944
Trick - 2683
Kieran_Hirpara - 2673
Paul_Holliday - 2493
BlackAndWhite - 2279
BigChris - 2250
sagaboy2 - 2199
AcidHell2 - 2082
beatvar - 2014
Mattus - 2009
Haly - 1929
Ken - 1753
aXeR - 1729
Staffy - 1687
Huddy - 1519
sr4470 - 1455
Gunda - 1411
casale - 1396
Quacky - 1351
jamief - 1285
dr.who - 1281
Dean_Vile - 1241
nicholas_yiu - 1087
diogenese - 1072
Napalm - 1007

This Week's Top Stompers

Huddy - 299
hooneeawr - 241
Spikes - 210
divine_madness - 192
00bob00 - 187
jidh007 - 171
Hominid - 160
MajorPart - 133
i_know_nothing - 106
Kieran_Hirpara - 101
chunmanwan - 80
Jonathan_CTI_Amesbury - 72
Andy_113 - 65
SaBBz - 53
xyphic - 46
A_N_Other - 38
DiG - 30
Pilgrim57 - 29
stuartbut - 23
the_running_man21 - 22
Xavien - 20
Joe42 - 19
blitz2163 - 14
MartinH - 14
BillytheImpaler(OcUK) - 12
aceface57 - 11
alxxx - 11
Dounix - 10
sagaboy2 - 10
VictorianStar - 9
BigChris - 8
BlackAndWhite - 8
AcidHell2 - 7
spacelobsters - 7
jamief - 5
Quacky - 5
custard - 4
Paul_Holliday - 4
Plasmoid - 4
vent - 4
beatvar - 3
BlackAqua - 3
jonsbro - 3
KillBait - 3
Napalm - 3
Staffy - 3
thekOna - 3
Concorde_Rules - 2
melymel2789 - 2
TinkerBell - 2

This Week's Tiffy-Kat Winners

Sammael(OcUK) - 1,400,000
Whitestar (LigerZero) - 425,000
Steevo38_(OcUK) - 275,000
kinnison - 160,000
Trick - 100,000
polandro - 80,000
Mattus - 70,000
aXeR - 70,000
KillBait - 50,000
vent - 30,000
Buzwad - 25,000
Quacky - 10,000
Napalm - 10,000
mhalsall - 7,500
Kieran_Hirpara - 2,500
Xavien - 2,500
Huddy - 1,000
Jonathan_CTI_Amesbury - 1,000
Pilgrim57 - 1,000
DiG - 1,000
stuartbut - 1,000
blitz2163 - 1,000
Dounix - 1,000

This Week's New Members


A very warm foldy welcome to you all :)

Congrats one and all - another fine week of foldy crunchage
We have just welcomed our 500th cruncher ever and are now almost at 100 active members
Sorry anyone who's not been mentioned - you know what to do now :)

Stats compiled from Stanford official stats page and EOC stats page
Stomping and Dumping Stats calculated between 17:45 January 13th and 17:55 January 20th
Previous Week's News: January 13th, January 6th, December 30th, December 23rd, December 16th, December 9th, November 25th, November 18th, November 11th, November 4th, October 28th, October 21st, October 14th, October 7th, September 23rd, September 9th, September 2nd, August 26th.
Wow, another great week for new recruits. Welcome foldy types! We salute you and wish you a long and happy stay in the land of OcUK FAH.
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What a poor week for units. Instead of 2 600 point one, I've had a couple of 41 point ones, a several other under 100. I've a 600 point one now though, but it finshes tomrrow so hope I can get moving up the ladder next week!
w00t, 70k tiffy :D

Not a brilliant week because of the German exchange student who kept turning the computer o** at 9.30 in the evening :mad: All back to normal now :p
Mr Huddy said:
Quite happy with my first week.

How the hell do some of you manage 5k a week?

Well tuned Intel rigs :D

[Runs for cover]

ps. Well done on being No. 1 Stomper
Mattus said:
w00t, 70k tiffy :D

Not a brilliant week because of the German exchange student who kept turning the computer o** at 9.30 in the evening :mad: All back to normal now :p

don't mention the war!

good stats all, I'd like to see even more recruits so maybe we should start pimping F@H in GD?
Yeah. Be good if we can think of an original approach so the GD'ers don't think 'meh, another weird DC thread' and click back. Must be hundreds of members who have read the previous threads but either haven't understood what we're going on about or haven't seen the point in joining up!

Of course once they're here they'll never leave... it's getting them in 'ere that's the tricky bit :D
Mattus said:
Yeah. Be good if we can think of an original approach so the GD'ers don't think 'meh, another weird DC thread' and click back. Must be hundreds of members who have read the previous threads but either haven't understood what we're going on about or haven't seen the point in joining up!

Of course once they're here they'll never leave... it's getting them in 'ere that's the tricky bit :D

I can't help but feel that involving your sig might help with this... and going off some of the threads in there, providing some sort of evidence of it working would virtually guarantee success with a lot of GDers :D
Thanks for the news Rich.

Production has been down as I've been trying to redecorate the "PC/Radio" room all week, and the linux box has been off.

But yay, two tiffies in the last two weeks :D
I should be back folding full time now, after upgrading my mobo, cpu, memory and grafix then learning how to overclock my new Opty146 :D

Great to be back Folding, can't wait to see how much i do this week coming.

Sorry for slacking !!!
Mattus said:
Yeah. Be good if we can think of an original approach so the GD'ers don't think 'meh, another weird DC thread' and click back. Must be hundreds of members who have read the previous threads but either haven't understood what we're going on about or haven't seen the point in joining up!

Of course once they're here they'll never leave... it's getting them in 'ere that's the tricky bit :D

This got me thinking. Let's say that we do some pimping or somebody just strolling around the forums discovers the TOSAH forum. They look around for a moment seeking to find a thread title that is appealing. This is what I do in GD. I don't post there often, but I do sometimes look around.

Putting myself in the mindset of someone unfamiliar to DC and all that jazz, I look around at the last few threads:
DC newbie said:
S@H Parp to Magman
Parp? What's that? Gibberish.

Might be interesting.

Distributed Computing, what do you want me to do!
What's distributed computing? Sounds complicated.

I've installed BOINC and registered for a project.. what next?
BOINC? Gibberish.

Folding@Home Weekly Team News - 20th January 2006
Don't know what that is, Yawn

Folding@Home Weekly Team News - 13th January 2006
Yawn, yawn

F@H position?
Might be sexual, this forum is very confusing
Maybe we should have a unified 'Welcome to the DC forum" sticky. Something that explains what we do here and why we do it. It should also have a fairly complete glossary of the terms we crazies use. I don't think that people are too dumb to figure it out (as most of us did). I just think that if we want a larger audience we'll need to open up a bit, be a little bit less esoteric. Most people make snap judgements about hwether or not something is interesting to them. If we can just get people's feet in the door I think we can keep them around for a long time.

It's not a criticism, it's an idea. Feel free to shoot it down.
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Recruiting for F@h

VeNT said:
good stats all, I'd like to see even more recruits so maybe we should start pimping F@H in GD?
I agree. The only way to recruit for F@h is in the gd, there must be hundreds of people in there with idle machines.

I had a few ideas of how we might do this:

1: The 100ghz project.
Simple. We set up a thread in the gd and try and hit 100ghz of added folding power. Obviously, for a64s and the like a 3200+ = 3.2 ghz added. Someone would keep tabs on people and check that they are only adding new machines and not adding machines that are already folding. Perhaps a prize of some sort for the person who adds the most. Someone can keep a running total of how much has been added.
This idea was inspired by the Techreport 'terahertz project ' where they added a terahertz of folding power. They are 7th at folding btw.

2: Offer a prize (£20 or something perhaps) to the first person to beat my points score (or anyone else who's point score would be relatively easy to beat).
Participants must not be previous folders, they must be new recruits. They must also announce in the thread in the gd that they are participating. First one to beat my point score and overtake me gets the prize, or something along those lines.

3: Create a folding name (OCUK Gangsters or something) and award the person who contributes to it the most a prize. This allows people who haven't a hope of competing with the rest of us, or who don't want an account under their own name to participate. Again, inspired by the Techreport 'UnitedGerbilNation '. The prize might not even be necessary, if we launch this in the gd and give people the details to join.

4: Create a thread in the gd and simply ask people to fold. Sure to get some new recruits.

I think a realistic target for any or all of these folding initiatives is to hit a 24hour average of 50,000 points. Were currently 30th when ranked by 24hour average points with about 45,000. I think 'going red' it a pretty good target.

If we can think of some sort of prize, these ideas are much more likely to work. Maybe someone can create a special sig or something which could be the prize for one of these initiatives.

What do you think? ;)
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BillytheImpaler said:
This got me thinking. Let's say that we do some pimping or somebody just strolling around the forums discovers the TOSAH forum. They look around for a moment seeking to find a thread title that is appealing. This is what I do in GD. I don't post there often, but I do sometimes look around.

Putting myself in the mindset of someone unfamiliar to DC and all that jazz, I look around at the last few threads:

Maybe we should have a unified 'Welcome to the DC forum" sticky. Something that explains what we do here and why we do it. It should also have a fairly complete glossary of the terms we crazies use. I don't think that people are too dumb to figure it out (as most of us did). I just think that if we want a larger audience we'll need to open up a bit, be a little bit less esoteric. Most people make snap judgements about hwether or not something is interesting to them. If we can just get people's feet in the door I think we can keep them around for a long time.

It's not a criticism, it's an idea. Feel free to shoot it down.

Agreed. The stickies could do with a cleanup.
The only problem is, people only visit this forum if they intend to start folding or boinc.
Whatever we might decide to do in the dc forum, we must start it with an extremely short and easy guide to folding.

Btw i'm soon to add an opteron 175 to my folding effort :D
Joe, those are good ideas, I like the CPU-driven membership drive. The unified sticky would have to be very brief, well-written, and functional. Attention spans are short these days :)

Perhaps we need to talk to spie about this. How many people found OcUK through their DC efforts? I had never heard of OcUK before I saw ya'll on the SETI Classic site. It was essentially me looking at the top teams list thinking, "Gee SETI.Germany has a lot but I don't speak German. Oh look, a UK team in 2nd, I'll check them out becasue I speak English." We work for OcUK DC which is free advertising for the OcUK shop. They sell more becasue we pimp their product.

It's probably been discussed before but what about this: Mind you this is purely theoretical, Spie offers a small percentage discount for those forum members who are active in a DC project. Either BOINC or FAH is acceptable. It can be some small number like 1% too. I think that having all those deal-seekers would more than make up for the loss in profit by making the OcUK name far more prominent in groups of people who are fanatical about high-performance computer hardware.

A system of validation could be as simple as providing a DC username and link to that user's appropriate stats page into a form. A user would enter into the form whenever he went to purchase something from the OcUK online shop. The cutoff for participation would be greater than 0 ppd on EOC (as it refreshes itself each week so after a few weeks inactivity it would zero out) or RAC in BOINC. All that data is available in the XML feeds from the sites. Sure, you could cheat and put in somebody else's info, but most are honest. If somebody can come up with a similarly easy system that is more secure that'd be fantastic.

Ideas? Concerns? Huge glaring flaws in my thinking?


P.S. Nice go with the opty, sah.
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We think on the same wavelength it seems! :D

Unfortunately, anything involving spie or the shop is extremely unlikely to get anywhere, regardless of the possibilities. Its been tried before in other contexts and it never works.

This was last discussed when spie wanted to introduce forum membership.Same idea of linking ocuk customers with forum id's, and giving people points for buying stuff from ocuk, which could be used to forum 'gold membership' access.

Unfortunately, spie seems to view the forums as a huge expense rather than an asset. When we were shown the extent of the running costs of the forums, it was agreed that it probably did not generate enough revenue to pay for itself, although many people expressed disbelief at the huge running cost, and i wasn't convinced that he was getting value for money.

My point is he's unlikely to view dc as an asset to ocuk, and therefore offering discount won't happen. He also perfers to keep the shop and the forum entirely separate, and not to link forum members to customers.

Unpopular though it may be, in my opinion the forums are a huge asset to ocuk, and helping us with dc is the least spie can do to reward us for our custom. As far as i know spie himself doesn't fold or do boinc. (although it seems he founded the boinc team, so i may be wrong.)

One way or another, we need an incentive or prize to make out recruiting initiatives work. I think our best bet is a special sig.

Edit: I am wrong, spie contributes quite a bit to boinc.
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well the folding sticky could certianly do with a clean up - it is also still missing a general introduction and a few pictures wouldn't hurt

i find that links in signatures work quite well (hence the ones in mine) for a bit of passive pimping - all you have to do then is go out and get yourself seen

i'm all for active pimping of the forums but you have to work really hard not to turn it into some sort of flame fest - it's also a good idea to run a few ideas past the dons, infact Berserker himself did a lovely general pimping thread in GD and GH a while back
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