Folding@Home Weekly Team News - 23rd September 2005

26 Dec 2002
Folding@Home Team News - w/e 23rd September 2005 - Evening Edition

Current Team Position - 65th
Current Team Score - 6,139,237
Crunched This Week - 222,581

Next on the stomping horizon :cool:

61 Poland - 19 days
63 ChicagoG***rs - 7 days
64 China Folding@Home Power - 5 days

Teams stomped this week :D

67 Tasmanian Dept of Education

Ones to keep an eye on

None currently :cool:

This Week's Top Dumpers

Sammael(OcUK) - 51032
DarkendViper - 31997
Whitestar - 15639
KE1HA - 10081
sculptor(OcUK) - 9908
_Berserker_ - 9046
hornytoe - 8809
Sadgeek - 6158
froggy - 5900
kinnison - 4905
Walter_Anderson - 4299
rich99million - 4027
diogenese - 3184
Steevo38_(OcUK) - 3146
happytechie - 3116
Kyzia - 2941
Bigstan - 2748
MetalGuru - 2369
Mattus - 2237
ShaunBrewer - 2215
nicholas_yiu - 2143
si_mats - 2142
Haly - 1932
Gunda - 1828
dr.who - 1469
duggyruss - 1449
polandro - 1345
ZX_MUPPET - 1241
Trick - 1232
sr4470 - 1182
Pixel - 1181
Acolyte - 1175
casale - 1155
theredguy - 1096
Tifosi - 1053

This Week's Top Stompers

si_mats - 278
polandro - 258
KillBait - 224
Napalm - 196
sagaboy2 - 110
AcidHell2 - 62
chronicfathead - 31
Walter_Anderson - 24
Prescott28 - 19
Whitestar - 14
FatRakoon - 11
V_K_Guy_Ltd - 8
Gunda - 7
Pedrinho - 7
pmbuzz - 5
Rees - 5
Acolyte - 3
Kuso - 3
Kyzia - 3
nicholas_yiu - 3
beatvar - 2
DevilsGT2 - 2
Haly - 2
hornytoe - 2
Sammael(OcUK) - 2
theredguy - 2
WeeRapscallion - 2

This Week's Tiffy-Kat Winners

DarkendViper - 480,000
KE1HA - 320,000
Sammael(OcUK) - 300,000
_Berserker_ - 200,000
Steevo38_(OcUK) 180,000
MetalGuru - 180,000
kinnison - 80,000
Bigstan - 50,000
Whitestar - 40,000
Haly - 30,000
Gunda - 20,000
Saftlad - 20,000
sr4470 - 15,000
Ken - 15,000
Acolyte - 12,500
Walter_Anderson - 7,500
beatvar - 7,500
WeeRapscallion - 7,500
ZX_MUPPET - 3,000
V_K_Guy_Ltd - 3,000
si_mats - 2,000
FatRakoon - 2,000
pmbuzz - 2,000
polandro - 1,000
AcidHell2 - 1,000
sagaboy2 - 500
Napalm - 500
chronicfathead - 500

This Week's New Members


A very warm foldy welcome to all of you

Watch out - there's a Sammael about!!! :D
We're now outproducing kcgeek again though only just - way to go everyone
Sorry anyone who's not been mentioned - you know what to do now :)

Stats compiled from Stanford official stats page and EOC stats page
Stomping and Dumping Stats calculated between 22:30 September 16th and 17:20 September 23rd
Previous Week's News: September 16th, September 9th, September 2nd, August 26th, August 19th, August 12th.
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BillytheImpaler said:
Sammael(OcUK) is really tearing it up lately. What are you running there Sam? From the looks of it it's a sizable herd of P4s. :)

I always wondered what the collective noun was for CPUs :p

Nice work again, team 10.

Who is this LigerZero who will be stomping my sorry ass within a week? :confused: Whoever you are - stomp on mate :D

Stan :)
Bigstan said:
Who is this LigerZero who will be stomping my sorry ass within a week? :confused: Whoever you are - stomp on mate :D

Stan :)

I noticed LigerZero too, came out of nowhere with over 2K 24hour average :eek: Stomped me like I was some bug!

Nice work team and rich for the news :D
I'm down my 2nd best cruncher for about the next week due to an explosive capacitor (at least I hope that's all that went bang - it still smells a bit).

Glad my proxy testing has finally benefited the team. :eek: :D
rich99million said:
I'm pretty sure LigerZero is Whitestar - could be wrong though :o

Yeah, you got it. Whitestar was alredy taken when i started folding and instead of just adding OcUK to the end, i used LigerZero, a name i use in another forum.

I don't spose you can change your name in folding, to sort out the confusion.

[Edit] Oh and sorry for not parping on the way up, ive been so busy at work the past couple of weeks that folding and seti got put on the back burner.
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Whitestar said:
I don't spose you can change your name in folding, to sort out the confusion.
No i'm afraid once the work has been submitted under one name it can't be changed - really stupid way of doing it if you ask me but that's the way it's done :(
If you changed your name now it would mean starting from zero again :o

I can change your name in the news or add (Whitestar) afterwards though - that's not a problem :)
rich99million said:
No i'm afraid once the work has been submitted under one name it can't be changed - really stupid way of doing it if you ask me but that's the way it's done :(
If you changed your name now it would mean starting from zero again :o

I can change your name in the news or add (Whitestar) afterwards though - that's not a problem :)

Thanx rich, whichever way round is cool.
Whitestar said:
[Edit] Oh and sorry for not parping on the way up, ive been so busy at work the past couple of weeks that folding and seti got put on the back burner.

I'll consider that to be a parp then :p

I've not long moved into cell 22, looks like my stay will be a short one :(

I've hardly had time to decorate so most of the crud in here belongs to Trick (honestly :o ) - not that you'll be in here long anyway.

Stan :)
The main cruncherer is dead. Long live the main cruncherer.

Almost got all the niggles sorted out. Should be back online tomorrow.

To date, the old PSU took out:

  • Itself
  • 5A fuse in the plug.
  • One F@H workunit (40-something percent done).
  • My wallet.
Won't be running 24/7 for a few days - want to keep a close eye on things until I'm sure it's stable enough to return to full-time crunching.
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