Folding@Home Weekly Team News - 24th February 2006

26 Dec 2002
Folding@Home Team News - w/e 24th February 2006

Remember to check out the new Folding@Home Setup Guide and the pimp-tastic super concentrated Quickie Guide
Huge thanks go out to BillytheImpaler, Joe42 and the rest of the team who helped create it all.

Current Team Position: 54th
Current Team Score: 12,066,222
Crunched This Week: 300,499
Change from Last Week: +39,990

Next on the stomping horizon :cool:

45 AOA Forums - 63 days
49 Hewlett Packard - 57 days
48 Free-DC - 49 days
50 Team MacNN - 40 days
51 Slo-Tech - 14 days

Teams stomped this week

us :(

Ones to keep an eye on :eek:

110 TSC! Russia - 172 days

This Week's Top Dumpers

Whitestar (LigerZero) - 75922
DarkendViper - 35757
sculptor(OcUK) - 33475
hornytoe - 9932
_Berserker_ - 7875
Bigstan - 7381
polandro - 6452
KillBait - 6400
Steevo38_(OcUK) - 6176
vent - 5850
Hominid - 5237
rich99million - 4284
BillytheImpaler(OcUK) - 3912
kinnison - 3769
Concorde_Rules - 3750
MajorPart - 3692
Walter_Anderson - 3649
froggy - 3338
duggyruss - 3247
Trick - 2963
the_running_man21 - 2733
Napalm - 2463
BlackAndWhite - 2415
Ken - 2347
Huddy - 2239
dr.who - 2180
KE1HA - 2164
aXeR - 2113
Haly - 2086
Plasmoid - 2049
Joe42 - 2042
AcidHell2 - 2039
Mattus - 2014
Prescott28 - 2000
diogenese - 1645
ShaunBrewer - 1608
BlackAqua - 1601
Staffy - 1568
aceface57 - 1565
casale - 1448
cheets64 - 1373
pmbuzz - 1327
nicholas_yiu - 1292
piggott - 1272
beatvar - 1224
Gunda - 1217
Fatiain - 1169
sr4470 - 1060
divine_madness - 1041
Sammael(OcUK) - 1039
hooneeawr - 993

This Week's Top Stompers

null - 189
Chippie - 155
oceaness - 139
piggott - 91
MaTt - 58
johannes001 - 30
Dunky - 27
J - 24
MajorPart - 24
BillytheImpaler(OcUK) - 22
Hominid - 21
divine_madness - 18
leezer3 - 18
iraiguana - 16
Joe42 - 15
i_know_nothing - 14
00bob00 - 13
the_running_man21 - 11
DiG - 9
Creature - 7
hooneeawr - 7
Huddy - 7
Plasmoid - 7
A_N_Other - 6
aceface57 - 6
Andy_113 - 6
BlackAqua - 6
Napalm - 6
AcidHell2 - 5
Jonathan_CTI_Amesbury - 5
VictorianStar - 5
blitz2163 - 4
DevilsGT2 - 4
spring85195 - 4
BlackAndWhite - 3
Prescott28 - 3
cheets64 - 2
cococlownboy - 2
MartinH - 2
Staffy - 2

This Week's Tiffy-Kat Winners

sculptor(OcUK) - 675,000
Whitestar (LigerZero) - 625,000
Bigstan - 140,000
casale - 90,000
KillBait - 70,000
vent - 50,000
BlackAndWhite - 25,000
Hominid - 20,000
jamief - 20,000
BillytheImpaler(OcUK) - 10,000
DevilsGT2 - 10,000
MajorPart - 7,500
the_running_man21 - 7,500
Huddy - 7,500
BlackAqua - 7,500
aceface57 - 7,500
spacelobsters - 7,500
Joe42 - 5,000
Jonathan_CTI_Amesbury - 5,000
A_N_Other - 5,000
piggott - 1,000
johannes001 - 1,000
J - 1,000
iraiguana - 1,000

This Week's New Members

null (piggott - doh!)

Welcome to the team!!!

If you haven't done so already then why not check out the Folding@Home Setup Guide and the Quickie Guide for more foldy-tastic tips

Another great week for production, and our 12 million Tiffy - way to go team!
Sorry anyone who's not been mentioned - you know what to do now :)

Stats compiled from Stanford official stats page and EOC stats page
Stomping and Dumping Stats calculated between 17:35 February 17th and 18:30 February 24th
Previous Weeks' News: February 17th, February 10th, February 3rd, January 27th, January 20th, January 13th, January 6th, December 30th, December 23rd, December 16th, December 9th, November 25th, November 18th, November 11th, November 4th, October 28th, October 21st, October 14th, October 7th, September 23rd, September 9th, September 2nd, August 26th.
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Yay, I've made 3 of 4 lists! It's great to have the new guide all done. Thanks to all who contributed.

Another good newsy post, Rich. Keep up the good work.
Ah, my weekly fix of stats.

Over 300,000 for the week - well done team :cool:

Welcome to the new folders - happy folding :)

Thanks as always to the man in pink for the stats :p

Sixth in the top dumpers and a spanglytastic new tiffy for me \o/.


Stan :)
Great work everyone, welcome to the new folders.

Keep up the good work Rich, sah.


Not sure if i wanna stomp as i'm stuck in my favourite position !!!

I've updated the team news link in the faq.
Seeing as i always read it anyway, its no problem to just update the link every week. I might change the stats/links section around a bit, its a bit of a mess atm.

I'm really fed up with this opteron.
-I bought silent fans and a silent psu and they make too much noise to keep it on over night.

-I bought an opteron so i could overclock it, and it needs 1.4v to get to 2.4, a 200mhz increase. Both my A64 and sempron overclocked by 200mhz and required no volts, and the Techreport got an opteron 165 to 2.7ghz with only 1.37 volts.I would have probably got a better overclock with an x2.

-I bought a scythe ninja extreme aircooling heatsink and i struggle to keep temps below 45, despite SPCR finding that it could keep a 3.8ghz prescott at <60 with only a case fan.

And to top it all, i had a 6600gt blow up, and i can't return it because i fitted an ac silencer to it. The reason i fitted an ac silencer is because the stock cooler was faulty, and they refused to let me send it back.

Ohh and my folding output is down...

Great week :mad:
BillytheImpaler said:
Yay, I've made 3 of 4 lists! It's great to have the new guide all done. Thanks to all who contributed.

Another good newsy post, Rich. Keep up the good work.

Same here, been a varied week with huge and tiny WU's..

Tring to catch you Billy ;)

Not so great a week for the |Team however, lots of inactive users and other teams seem to have a better "join up" rate, more pimping needed.
hi guys i thought i would say hello, ive been a member of the team for a coupla years now, i only have the one rig and its not folding 24-7 but ive been a steady contributor still. im jagman2k, lol ive been meaning to sign up for ocUK forums for ages but there was a long period where registration was disabled, and then i totally forgot until now. anyway nice to finally drop in and say hello
Not really. 5.04 lets you lie to it about how much RAM you have and also makes it easier to set -advmethods by including the option in the configuration. As far as speed is concerned, they are identical. Unless you want to lie to it about your RAM, I wouldn't bother upgrading.

Why might you want to lie about RAM? Well you could use it to restrict the amount of RAM it will ever use. You could also use it to overcome artificial RAM limits like QMDs have. YOu can't get a QMD unless you have <=500 MiB RAM. Imagine that integrated graphics are stealing more than 12 MiB of your 512 MiB, you will be unable to get the WUs. Lie to it and all is cool again. :)

Just a quicky to let you guys know that the large WUs (23xx series) have gone from Stanfords summery list.
Im gonna try a few rigs with advmethods off just incase they pick up the 600 pointers.
Tom :)
sculptor said:
Just a quicky to let you guys know that the large WUs (23xx series) have gone from Stanfords summery list.

What does that mean..?

I just got a 1112pointer 2390, as well as a 2357 & 63 in the last 24 hours..

Ty for the Welcome :)

and lol @ 139 stomped simply cause I've done one WU...
Worth 121 points... >_<
The first of many I hope :D

Me thinks theres 139 ppl who not be doing much folding.
MajorPart said:
What does that mean..?

I just got a 1112pointer 2390, as well as a 2357 & 63 in the last 24 hours..

they seem to be back on there now anyway - the list is generated automatically from what work has been given out over x amount of time before each update, if the work server was taken offline for an hour or so for some reason that would probably do it - or it could have just been a glitch with that server not reporting properly for that hour i guess

anyway they're back now and shouldn't have made too much difference
Nice, IIRC this is my highest ever total for the week :eek: (thanks to all these Double Gromacs) :D

Hope they keep coming, i might be doing some parping soon, after a long'ish break.

Thanks for the news Rich.
Welcome to the new starters.
And just checked out the new How-To, excellent stuff Billy,Joe et all

I'm considering adding another Dual core to my little farm, but AMD X2,Intel Duel or Opty Duel, so many choices.........
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I've had 1 WU worth 142 returned in the last 48 hours :(

I sincerely hope that this means all machines are working on mahoosive WUs and there will be dumpage of ex-lax proportions in the next 24 hours or so. I know the laptop has about 8 hours left on a 592 pointer but I have no idea what's happening back home.

Fingers crossed.

Stan :)
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