Folding@Home Weekly Team News - 5th May 2006

Best wishes to your daughter sculptor - hope she gets better soon :)

and yes Mister Berserker very nearly had me until the X2 started getting decent work - it's only a matter of time but I'm hoping I can stay in the top 10 if I can just catch ShaunBrewer (can't remember the last time we saw him here - hope all's well with him too) before the don sticks his boot in :o

Shaun if you're out there mate I hope you're seeing the great progress the team has made - who'd have foreseen that you and I would be battling it out for 10th? :eek: :D
Not a great week from me and will only get worse until I get home (rota says 18th May). 3 of my machines at home are out, 2 are inaccessible and the other (X2) has given up twice now (possibly stability issues) so will be left until I get back.

Thanks as always for the news, Rich and welcome to the new folders :)

Hope your daughter gets better soon, sculptor :)

Fold on team 10.

Stan :)
rich99million said:
what name are you crunching under?
I'm sure you've said before but my memory is all frazzled out :p
Don't think he has said before actually. lay-z-boy = Appleby.

I know you didn't ask me but meh, he hadn't answered yet so thought I would :p

No tiffy for me this week; up until now I think I've had a new tiffy every week, which is a hard trend to follow I guess. But oh so nearly there at 30k.

Hmmm... Think I'm going to try and make my own stats sig soon, since I want to use AMSG (my sig script) but also want my FAH stats.

Thanks as always for the stats Rich :)
Well, all this talk of 2 cpus has got me impressed, and jealous, so I've just ordered a athlon 3800 dual core with a cheapy motherboard (Abit UL8), and enough stuff to keep my current P4 3200 going as a bare motherboard. Fortunately I've got 2 hard drives in the P4 system anyway atm, so I don't have to fork out for a new HD! Just migrate one to the network.
That'll be a total of 5 PC's on the network then.. 3 of them nude :)
(no doubt the noise level will increase also!)

Should give an extra 400-500ppd boost to my production though.. maybe enough to keep bigstan off my neck :cool:

I'll have to see how far you can o/c the 3800 ....
Poor week from me :(

This 2111 project has nearly killed my poor little P4 :D The rig has'nt been on 24/7 either :(

Hopefully it will get this done by sunday night or so, and move onto some smaller ones.
w00t! I made it to the bottom of the top dumpers :D

Actually thats quite good my 5 machines have only been on for about 24 - 36 hours each in total this week cause I haven't been here. I also lost a fair few good wu's :(

More to come if I manage to get them turned on a bit more :(
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Thanks for the update rich. Not a good week for my server, I have been lumpered with some low scoring 20000 frame wu's which bogs down an xp2500 :( Oh well, will tinker with the ram timings and get it shoved on water to increase the core speed from 2.4 to around 2.6 :D
kinnison said:
Should give an extra 400-500ppd boost to my production though.. maybe enough to keep bigstan off my neck :cool:

That's the spirit.

There may have to be a new addition to the farm when I get back from the Med :D

I was thinking about giving one of my single core machines to my kids on the understanding that it remains folding 24/7 and replacing it with another X2.

This all depends on what I find when I get back, of course.
If the stability problems with the Opty 170 turn out to be hardware related, then I may have to spend some cash on that :(

Watch this space ;)

Stan :)
I expect some of the instability is down to the couple of pretty warm (at least by UK standards) days we've had in the last week

Concorde said his machine had been crashing due to the heat pushing it over the edge with the overclock. I even lost the old XP2100 this week as it started chucking out EUE's left right and centre even though it's at stock - not totally sure that's down to heat, more likely it's a problem with the teenage boy making the thing a virus/spyware haven :o. My girlfriend's machine also locked up a couple of times so I upped the fans a bit and that seems to have sorted it
Heat could be a problem for us. It only shows up then and now though. Not that often so, Its ok for now I think. Lets hope we dont have a heat wave, but lets hope we do. Sat out in the garden with a nice cold can :D You cant beat it. Thats where I was friday afternoon, pub beer garden with the lovely weather we had, whilst this rig was at home folding like a little mofo. Still yet to do this 2111 WU though.

Rig has'nt been on 24/7 though. Will be on tonight though to get rig of this 364 pointer and hopefully for my sake, onto something a little smaller.
Apparently my A64 is running at 61c but I don't trust the temp sensors - the temp seems to be pretty much the same whatever time of year it is and the heatsink doesn't feel particularly hot.

You want a bad-ass 852pt Double Gromac unit like my rig's working on. It's hovering around 400ppd :cool:
null said:
Don't think he has said before actually. lay-z-boy = Appleby.

I know you didn't ask me but meh, he hadn't answered yet so thought I would :p

No tiffy for me this week; up until now I think I've had a new tiffy every week, which is a hard trend to follow I guess. But oh so nearly there at 30k.

Hmmm... Think I'm going to try and make my own stats sig soon, since I want to use AMSG (my sig script) but also want my FAH stats.

Thanks as always for the stats Rich :)

muhahaha :D

im commin' to get ya' bi-at-ch :D

even if it takes an [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], core duo 2.16, dothan 1.7 and an a64 [email protected] :p
Eh up, now! I've been on a bit of a holiday from the forums for a week now some of you may have noticed. Imagine that, being stuck on your 1337th post for a week. ;)

Anyway, this was another good week for us, Team 10. Though it looks like BigDom is going to stompify little 'ol me, he deserves it for the fight I've put up for the past few weeks.

Thanks for the news as usual Rich. :)
At last, got the 364 pointer done. On a little roll now :D

Trying to get this rig on pretty much 24/7 this week. Get back on track.
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