Folding@Home Weekly Team News - 9th November 2006

attach lemonan to lemonman? even if its not getting you huge amounts of points it will still help compensate a bit, like those 12k extra points could have made you one spot higher right now :D
mikeymike said:
attach lemonan to lemonman? even if its not getting you huge amounts of points it will still help compensate a bit, like those 12k extra points could have made you one spot higher right now :D
You can't merge accounts in FAH. Once points go to one username they stay with that username. The same applies for teams.
nah leave lemonan as it is, when a lone borg starts stomping people they might get really worried :D
mikeymike said:
by attach i meant fix the spelling so its production is going onto the correct account, not best wording ever i admit

You can't change the spelling of your nickname either :p

nikebee said:
are you guys still using only one machine :eek:
thats nuts... concord_rules your F@H page says
Active processors (within 7 days) 7

Im still only using 1 PC yeah :)
Output will be horrendously down this week though since my parents decided to turn my machine off while I was away for the weekend.
Overall still a good week for team 10 and welcome drunken fool :).
I think i've currently got the best set of units i've ever had. Nothing less than 350 points on all 7 cores.
Its finally stopped chucking 153 pointers at me with a rubbish ppd.
Bit of a mid week update for all that are intreated (and the rest of you too ;) )

On the production front I'm running about 4 of the good machines 22/7, the server and home rig 24/7 with the rest on 10/5 with is cutting my total output by half :(
Currently lower still due to the pants WU's (but that affecting all teams so less of an issue)

Borgs are mostly just ticking over but with only 16 of 43 processors active in last 7 days I'll must have lost a few of these too :(

Upgrading my home rig last night failed miserably, as mobo would not even boot - more testing tonight required. But new case (TJ05) is lovely and quiet and HSF (thermalright xp-120) has droped temps 5 degree at 600 less rpm so It's not all doom and gloom on the farm :D

Looks like I'm going to be on about 5-7k a week now but I'm changing jobs soon so potentially will have two borged offices :D
shadowscotland said:
Looks like I'm going to be on about 5-7k a week now but I'm changing jobs soon so potentially will have two borged offices :D
Hmm nice one.

I dumped 1,749 yesterday, got to be a record. Sadly thats not due to higher production, just lots of good wus finishing together.

Just out of interest, any idea how much my opty 175 costs running for an extra 12 hours per day? I don't know what our electricity cost per unit is but what would be a rough figure?
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Joe42 said:
2.5 at 1.46v. I can give more detailed specs if you like but i was just looking for a ballpark figure really.

Basic spec of all parts please. Inc PSU wattage and GPU oc's if any :D

EDIT: ignore that - basic ball park for 805D at 95w (THW)

Intel Pentium D 805
Tagan i-Xeye 480 W PSU
Asus P5WD2-E Premium
OCZ DDR2-800 (2x 512 MB)
2x Western Digital WD160
GeForce 7800 GTX
Gigabyte DVD-Rom 16x

[email protected] (stock volts) 175w total system
[email protected] (stock volts) 204w total system
[email protected] (stock volts) 260w total system
[email protected] (stock volts) 360w total system

the 175 is rated at 55w so plus 15% OC and extra watts lets say 70w
as a guess 150w Idle and 225w load per hour.

or 6 kwh per day @ 15p a unit = £0.9 pence/day
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Thats not so bad in terms of affordability, but its not going to look nice on the electricity bill combined with the media centre i expect.
Its an S12 btw so more like 78~80% efficiency (not that it makes much difference)

Plus i've got a good argument: We leave a 500w heater on for the pigs all night, so 300w for me is nothing. ;)
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appoligies watts were recorded at plug so its more like 225w total. (edited above thread)
And a 80% Psu saves you 3p a day over a 75% one

Edit: It's still a £300 a year habit
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Joe42 said:
Plus i've got a good argument: We leave a 500w heater on for the pigs all night, so 300w for me is nothing. ;)

What a waste of energy! Eat the little sods and save yourself some money :eek:

I'm joking of course. Burn them!

SiriusB said:
What a waste of energy! Eat the little sods and save yourself some money :eek:

I'm joking of course. Burn them!

Noooo... :(

They are getting on a bit, bit tough.

I did once propose that i get a cat, which will eat the pigs, fish and hamster and solve all our pet problems.

Nahh i love them really, they are very sweet if a little stupid. :p

Its just occured to me that i could kill two birds with one stone and move my fileserver in with the pigs to fold and keep them warm... hmm.
Joe42 said:
Its just occured to me that i could kill two birds with one stone and move my fileserver in with the pigs to fold and keep them warm... hmm.
Now your thinking like a true folder ;)
Use the pigs to turn the wheel with a dynamo to power the PC which puts heat into there cage :D

The warmer they want to be the more power they'll produce ;)
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