Folding Parpfest

sorry mgp - me thinks, i over stepped the line, added two and two and got five. Crap day a work and no sleep (Still no sleep) I love my son dearly, but he can be a real terror at night! :rolleyes: teething :eek:
I guess i'm also in the firing line... its an effort just staying still atm :o
Nevertheless, an effort is being made. ;)
shadowscotland said:
sorry mgp - me thinks, i over stepped the line, added two and two and got five. Crap day a work and no sleep (Still no sleep) I love my son dearly, but he can be a real terror at night! :rolleyes: teething :eek:

Aaahhhh, teething - with all the drooling and crying and being obnoxious - I understand entirely. My first-born was a little terror when she was teething, youngest was no bother - luck of the draw :)

Stan :)
Just re-read post (after 4h sleep) and Doh! It didn't read as I wanted it to sound :o
Was going to remove it - but then this thread would sean discordant so just reduced its size.

I stand by what I said, but just wouldn't aim it any member here. I think their's an exerlent 'community' here, with lively banter and tech help aplenty. Just being way over protective and a downright fool to boot.

Please accept my appoligy
Hmm, I do hope the recent stompees had a moment of pleasure as my borged secretaries PC's overran you

The next couple of days should see a few more of you receive your rewards:
You know you'll secretly enjoy it :p
Joe42 said:
Woot, nearly my turn. :p

Well since you insist:


Wanrings of impending stompage is also hereby given to:
SirusB [OcUK]
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Looks like Dean Vile & Freefaller, just felt the pitter patter of stillettos, as the secretaries jumped up and down:

Tis getting a bit tougher now to climb up the ladder, A N Other has a day or two at most :p
shadowscotland said:
stomp that student slacker ;)
:eek: Not liking this. :eek:

Nice parpage MGP. Guess I'll have to ...

a) borg some friends computers
b) OC my X2 3800 again
b) get my X1900XT going properly
c) get my MacBook Pro going again

... although I doubt I can come close to your output, hell even 1000 is a little far-fetched.

Lots to do and not enough time to do it :(
I'll put half the team on parpage alert - current have 14 CPU's working and all due to dump in 18-24hrs (!) - and a fair few of them are 600 pointers

[I hope at least] :eek:
feriso said:
I'll put half the team on parpage alert - current have 14 CPU's working and all due to dump in 18-24hrs (!) - and a fair few of them are 600 pointers

[I hope at least] :eek:
Nice work. You'll be on the front page in no time. ;)
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