Food and The Gym

Can i suggest something if you are a beginner,

Don't worry about your diet to much. Eat sensible yes but get into a routine first. Get to know your stengths and weaknesses around the gym. Become familiar with the equipment and the techniques you will be using. Set yourself a realistic program that you can achieve. If you don't then you will become disheartened with the whole thing and loose interest. Then when you feel fitter and more comfrtable about the exercise you are doing then think about weight gain and a bulking diet.

Even i've had to go back to basics when things aren't going right.. I take it right back to the beggining, work back up. :)
I'm not too fussed about a little fat. Obviously if it gets out of hand (the misses will be the first to say so lol) I'll cut down but I love my milk and have so far loved the benefits its gave me. I've always struggled to put on weight in the past and now I'm average, which is great.

Will start to look at other simple foods I can have. I can't cook you see ;) well won't cook is more like it. I hear cottage cheese is good for you?
Cottage cheese is a good bedtime snack when "bulking". It is full of casein which is a slow release protein. While it won't do much for protein synthesis it will definately help prevent muscle breakdown and thus is great to consume right before sleeping when you'll be going 8 hours without food. It's great stuff. :)
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