Football Banter Thread

stupid post, sadly every club has whoppers like this.

football has and always will attracts a disproportionate amount of poorly educated knuckle draggers relative to just about every other sport in the world.

Most clubs do, but in a world of "knuckle draggers", Chelsea seems to attract more than its fair share. Chelsea supporters have always had a disproportionate association with groups like combat 18 etc. At leased out of the top tear clubs.

It's not so much the bad behaviour from Chelsea fans, but the pretence that some of the deluded supporters have about their own self-image as being "rich", and sophisticated, because of their location in London. Where as in actual fact, most of them are no better than the goons you get in the East End at West Ham and Milwall, and are certainly much worse that most of the fans you get in the big clubs further north, that Chelsea fans take so much glee in deriding because they are "poor".

The older I get, the more I dislike football, or the supporters at least.
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Just seen the video. What a bunch of scumbags. Sadly football is riddled with these kind of idiots and Chelsea specifically from my experience have their fair share. Hopefully they'll be identified and banned.
The Chelsea fans should blame Rangers for this behaviour. If there's any sectarian stuff going on up here Rangers fans seem to lay the blame on Chelsea supporters coming up to 'cause bother' :p It might work the other way round as well!
Most clubs do, but in a world of "knuckle draggers", Chelsea seems to attract more than its fair share. Chelsea supporters have always had a disproportionate association with groups like combat 18 etc. At leased out of the top tear clubs.

It's not so much the bad behaviour from Chelsea fans, but the pretence that some of the deluded supporters have about their own self-image as being "rich", and sophisticated, because of their location in London. Where as in actual fact, most of them are no better than the goons you get in the East End at West Ham and Milwall, and are certainly much worse that most of the fans you get in the big clubs further north, that Chelsea fans take so much glee in deriding because they are "poor".

The older I get, the more I dislike football, or the supporters at least.

So many assumptions and opinions portrayed as facts. When was the last time you went to a game at stamford bridge? I go to 10-15 games a season and have never had a problem as a non-white supporter (and I rarely wear chelsea tops so it's not obvious who I am supporting). Every club will likely have their degenerates who support them as racism isn't linked to the club you support but rather the environment and people you grow up with. I've met some chelsea fans at games that I would happily never speak to again but plenty that I would.

Also the rich image? You even said it was some supporters so why go on to describe it as most? There are idiots everywhere don't generalise a whole group based on a small sample size of supporters that you may have come across. Like I said I was abused by some united fans but I'm not idiotic enough to think that all United fans are like that. Your post is as ignorant as the pathetic people that were involved yesterday.
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So many assumptions and opinions portrayed as facts. When was the last time you went to a game at stamford bridge? I go to 10-15 games a season and have never had a problem as a non-white supporter (and I rarely wear chelsea tops so it's not obvious who I am supporting). Every club will likely have their degenerates who support them as racism isn't linked to the club you support but rather the environment and people you grow up with. I've met some chelsea fans at games that I would happily never speak to again but plenty that I would.

Also the rich image? You even said it was some supporters so why go on to describe it as most? There are idiots everywhere don't generalise a whole group based on a small sample size of supporters that you may have come across. Like I said I was abused by some united fans but I'm not idiotic enough to think that all United fans are like that. Your post is as ignorant as the pathetic people that were involved yesterday.

I'll lend weight to all of this, as a Chelsea Season ticket holder for over a decade, I can only recall one instance of hearing any racism near where I sit (MHL - the cheap seats), and it just generated a really awkward atmosphere.
Also, the rich image is not our doing, it's a fabrication by opposition fans to help them justify the rentboy chanting that goes on. No football fan wants to be regarded as 'considerably richer than you', when it's historically a working man's game.

In regards to the video, am I the only one who thinks that it actually started off with the guy trying to barge his way onto the already packed train? I don't think it was initially to do with race.
Also, if I can be Devil's advocate for a second, is it not a bit suspicious that the video jumps from the guy trying to get on, to the fans chanting about being racist. What happened in between? Did someone on the platform accuse them of being racist, so they then mindlessly ran with it to be 'funny'?
I'll lend weight to all of this, as a Chelsea Season ticket holder for over a decade, I can only recall one instance of hearing any racism near where I sit (MHL - the cheap seats), and it just generated a really awkward atmosphere.
Also, the rich image is not our doing, it's a fabrication by opposition fans to help them justify the rentboy chanting that goes on. No football fan wants to be regarded as 'considerably richer than you', when it's historically a working man's game.

In regards to the video, am I the only one who thinks that it actually started off with the guy trying to barge his way onto the already packed train? I don't think it was initially to do with race.
Also, if I can be Devil's advocate for a second, is it not a bit suspicious that the video jumps from the guy trying to get on, to the fans chanting about being racist. What happened in between? Did someone on the platform accuse them of being racist, so they then mindlessly ran with it to be 'funny'?

I think it's pretty clear these guys are idiots who deserve to have the book thrown at them, I'm not going to defend it or play devils advocate as the chant was disgraceful even if there is more to the story.
Yep, I think that is what happened, or they were plants from other clubs to make them look bad.

It's just a really odd thing for them to start chanting, when you'd have expected them to be chanting abuse at the victim. Chanting about themselves just suggests a response to something.
At no point in the video are they actually racially abusing anyone, and if they had then you would expect that would have been included in the clip.
I think it's pretty clear these guys are idiots who deserve to have the book thrown at them, I'm not going to defend it or play devils advocate as the chant was disgraceful even if there is more to the story.
Agreed, either way their stupidity has still brought the whole of English football into disrepute, and for that they should be made an example of.
Yes, in fact my comments are so outrageous they've sparked a international incident.

Your small mindedness isn't even in the same league as these racist idiots so it's hardly likely to be recognised outside these forums let alone on a global scale so using that as a barometer is pretty silly, I'm sure you'll agree.
And it is pretty pathetic tarring the majority of any group with the same brush due to the actions of a minority of that group.
Your generalising comments about most Chelsea fans (or any fans as a whole) are pretty silly considering you don't encounter any of them often.
I think the most shocking thing about all of this is that John Terry had to take the metro to the airport rather than travel on the team bus.
I think the most shocking thing about all of this is that John Terry had to take the metro to the airport rather than travel on the team bus.

Lol. So true

Edit- when I think about it, Chelsea is the only club where I am more offended by the supporters than the antics of the club.

Unfortunately, I have had too many experiences with absolute No who support Chelsea.
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In regards to the video, am I the only one who thinks that it actually started off with the guy trying to barge his way onto the already packed train?

I did wonder but that train has nothing on the drain during rush hour, London fans should be accostomed to cramped trains. If you can't feel the pulse of at least three fellow passengers, the train isn't full.
Your small mindedness isn't even in the same league as these racist idiots so it's hardly likely to be recognised outside these forums let alone on a global scale so using that as a barometer is pretty silly, I'm sure you'll agree.
And it is pretty pathetic tarring the majority of any group with the same brush due to the actions of a minority of that group.
Your generalising comments about most Chelsea fans (or any fans as a whole) are pretty silly considering you don't encounter any of them often.

True, being a Chelsea supporter (or football fan) doesn't guarantee they fit the stereotype. I really should be more carful.
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