Football *Spoilers* 29th-30th March

I don't think Arsene will get the sack for a while. He's done far too much at Arsenal to just be kicked out.

It's a season too early IMO for them. And I'm sure I'll be saying the same thing this time next year as well.
I honestly believe we will never win the league again under Arsene Wenger unless he changes his stance on nurturing young players and buying some quality prooven players. It might have worked a few years ago but the Premiership is so much stronger now that to win the league you need a team full of quality players, which we don't have at the moment. :(

Still, at least we won't be relegated, unlike Bolton :p
This kind of form gets managers the sack. If Liverpool dump Arsenal out of the CL how long before people start questioning Arsene's position at Arsenal?

Only by complete idiots. What he's done with arsenals squad this year is remarkable. Many thought they would struggle to stay in the top 4.

People on this board questioned arsene's job before the start of the season then shut up for months while they were at the top after spending nothing compared to their rivals.
I honestly believe we will never win the league again under Arsene Wenger unless he changes his stance on nurturing young players and buying some quality prooven players.

See some Fans make you want to cry. It was good enough to have you top of the table shouting about your young team for 3/4's of the season. A season that started with the loss of one of your greatest players.

Then the so called fans where fearing the worst, which then turned round to Henry was holding back the kids. Now we are back to OMG we need to buy proven players.
It's one mighty hangover that's lasted about 1 and a half months, maybe even more if they lose to Liverpool.

They had a bit of a hangover when we ended their huge winning streak.
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