Specs in sig, just tried MP.... big nope from me, find the controls way too fiddly for the pace of combat in MP needs decent controller support (steam controller wasn't detected and cba to go through key bindings)
Only played the tutorial and one game, but it's working great for me. Playing with a 360 controller. Fun game, will probably be better once I actually know what I'm doing.
Game keeps >60 on the extreme preset @ 1080, with my aging 290 which is nice. I did get the message about not meeting specs, but ignored it and runs fine anyway.
Not really used uplay much before. I did have to verify and download 3GB to play even though I preloaded. Not sure if Uplay just messed up or if the preload was not the whole thing.
Can't believe in 2017 people don't own a xbox one pad for the pc... and then they come moaning about the mouse keyboard controls on a game that is 100% a pad game..
I know its a long shot but does anyone else have a beta invite my friends all invited one another and I was left out :'( if you can I would really appreciate it.
Uplay username is clarticus
Tried this last night but it didn't really grab me, did a few matches online but it seems to get repetitive pretty fast. I like the idea of the stance system, but I don't think it feels as responsive as it should. I've had a few occasions where somebody has come at me swinging in the same direction, the first hit gets blocked but then second or third hit gets through for some reason.
Likewise when I'm on the offensive and I want to do a quick 2-3 hit combo, left, right, left, I swear it sometimes gets stuck in the same direction and will come out with 3 left swings. Switching targets can also be a pain if you have a few people after you, seems to choose the target at random or it can make you to come out of guard mode if you're not careful.
I don't find it repetitive, I'm still enjoying it and find it a fun gamejust the change stance could be a little smoother but apart from that I really like it