For Honor Beta Codes

C'mon seriously, especially people that have played the wildlands beta, how you finding For Honor, good PC support?

There is a free beta coming up for all try it or go to and look at what has been ticked off the list. It looks ok i think there is 21:9 support there is Supersampling, FXAA, SMAA and TAA. There is also 4K support and i am sure it supports 144hz too what else are you looking for exactly? Performance wise a 1080 on extreme which is the highest setting will average 55fps. But it should go over 60 once you disable motion blur.

Cannot wait until this is out!
haven't had much time for gaming recently but will be giving this a go if anyone wants to add me - newb still trying to learn moves :)

ps - looks like only option is full screen (not windowed) so need to close the game to type a reply here?

edit: now windowed is available.
This is "looking" like fun but is it ??

Anyone playing it this weekend.

I have a feeling its gonna be a play loads for a couple of weeks then never come back.
peer 2 peer
and Team play.... Which... can fail so hard in pugs
Really can't stand this game, I tried to like it but I'm finding it utter tripe. Constantly getting butt raped from behind with no way of knowing what's coming, clunky controls, nightmare fights on anything more than one on one.
Well tried it, & its not for me, got my backside handed to me by players & AI in a couple of hits, dodge made no difference AI still hits 100%, matchmaking put me against a level 7 player when I was level 1..... couldnt even compete the advanced training after several attempts.

Graphics are good & it runs smooth, but definitely not buying.
Not really enjoying this, think the defend system needs some work. It's alright 1 on 1 but soon gets messy when others join in.

Overall though it just seems a little boring, probably because I die so quickly :D
Brilliant game, it's essentially a fighting game you just have to learn the mechanics and the combos.

Mostly enjoying 2v2s with my mate, if you win your fight you wait and see who wins the next (for the most part some people do just 2v1 you)

But it's great, really enjoying it. I'm using an xbox controller seems much more suited to controller to me.
Played it for.. omg 9 hours, TODAY!

I like it though, it's frustrating while learning, getting stabbed in the back while fighting etc but after a few hours it's all good.
Yeah it has a bell of a learning curve. You need to go through the advanced tutorial, learn the basic movesets. Then run through the tutorial for your class for your specific moveset.

The dominion mode is entertaining but duelling is where it's at...even when you get stomped it's rewarding to keep playing the same person and figure out their play and counter it.

2v2 the AI it always tries to 2v1, for shame!
Game looks great and plays well. I hate to say it though and not my kind of game but I can really see why people would enjoy it.
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