For the gym rats

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Weights are improving slightly even though im on a cut. Started benching again in this cut phase, up to 130k for 6, not to bad a suppose, should be a lot better. Deadlifting saturday next, see what weights i can get out. If i dont get at least 160k for 6 i wont be happy at all. Roll on bulking, i think i will be overtaking oddjob in my next bulking phase :p
oddjob62 said:
Well i'm on a cut till end of Jan... so now's your chance.

Yup, well im goig to start bulking now probably around january/febuary time, and bulk all the way through until next xmas, but im going to try and bulk lean, because i am prone to adding quite a bit of bodyfat. Ive always cutted then bulked, and gone back and forth like that, realised now that i have to bulk and bulk for a year or so and then cut after that.
Rol on the big weights
After my failure on Wednesday I hit a massive PB and my yearly target for squats today. I managed 160K five times which is a 40K improvement in less than a year and a 20K improvement on my previous 5 rep max of 140K which I set less than 3 months ago. I should easily manage 170K+ next week but I doubt I'll get to four plates aside. I'll be bulking for another 3 months after Christmas so I'll be keeping a keen eye on some of your weights ;) :p

Monday 18/12/06 Update: Just hit 130K on the bench for 1 rep but couldn't get past the sticking point at 140K which was my yearly target. Also nailed a 115K row but it was quite slow going and I didn't seem to have half as much power as I did for 110K. Very successful workout :D

Wednesday 20/12/06 Update: Just hit my yearly target of 200K on the deadlift and found it surprisingly easy. I've probably spent about 5 hours researching form and watching videos over the last week after hurting my back last week. It's now completely changed and while I don't feel like I've got as much power I'm now using my legs and back together rather than individually. I think I was probably straightening my legs before my back which was putting too much strain on my back. It shouldn't take too long to get used to the form and push my weights higher. I also hit 90K for seated shoulder press which I'm quite happy about. Another successful workout :D

Friday 22/12/06 Update: Last session of the year for me and I hit a 170K ATG squat. Didn't plan to go any lower than parallel but went down to quick and struggled to lift it. I started off the year lifting 140K but had to drop the weight to 115/120K after changing my squatting style because I wasn't going low enough and my hamstrings weren't getting hit very hard. Taking that in to account, I've improved my squat by at least 50K but more importantly improved my form. The rest of the session was crap because my arms felt like jelly after using my new powerball for the first time today :D
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As the year is closing I think I have done fairly well...

I have got my swimming targets, my long distance running targets and about 20% more than my bench targets...

My short distance running needs work though, I really want to shave 1 minute from my 1.5 miler
oddjob62 said:
Well done mate. Now it's time to think about end of next year ;)

Indeed, i think we need a new thread and a decent post/blog/journal format created for everyone to keep good track of how all are doing.

i suppose someone could make a ocuk based site for journals (like ocuk motors i guess)?
NitrogenY3K said:
Hit a 140k Bench x2 today, and 100k x 16. Not bad, improving slowly. Starting my bulk now within a week or so, so role on the big weights :)
Good work on lifting 100K 16 times. Having spent the last month and a half deloading on Bill Starrs 5x5 I very much doubt I could managed more than 8 reps at any weight.

I'm going to try and start another bulk in a month or so and plan to hit 140K around April time. My current 1rm is 130K so it shouldn't be too much of a problem. I hope you won't be too far ahead of me by then as I've got my eye on beating your compounds by the end of the year ;) :p
Chong Warrior said:
Very impressive!!

Hope you don't mind me asking but are you a natural? lifetime natural?

Hope no one i know read's this bored, turned to the "dark side" 18months ago. Currently 20 years old, currently "off", going back on In march. I wont discuss any furthur as its a family forum.

Pigeon_Killer - How about a little competition, give us both some extra motivation? See how can hit the biggest lifts in the 3 compound lifts. Squat/Dedlift/Squat?.

I will list my best ever lifts and what i think i can achieve by the end of the year, and you post yours. (1rm)

Bench - 150k December - 190k
Squat - 190k December - 230k
Deadlift - 230k December - 270k

I seriously need to get back into deadlifting properly again, missed a lot of sessions since august, and training has been rubbish since then, so need to get my head around it. And what i hoped to have achieved by this time in the big 3 really hasnt happened, all my own fault though :(
NitrogenY3K said:
Hope no one i know read's this bored, turned to the "dark side" 18months ago. Currently 20 years old, currently "off", going back on In march. I wont discuss any furthur as its a family forum.

Pigeon_Killer - How about a little competition, give us both some extra motivation? See how can hit the biggest lifts in the 3 compound lifts. Squat/Dedlift/Squat?.

I will list my best ever lifts and what i think i can achieve by the end of the year, and you post yours. (1rm)

Bench - 150k December - 190k
Squat - 190k December - 230k
Deadlift - 230k December - 270k

I seriously need to get back into deadlifting properly again, missed a lot of sessions since august, and training has been rubbish since then, so need to get my head around it. And what i hoped to have achieved by this time in the big 3 really hasnt happened, all my own fault though :(

I know you, you naughty boy... I would never do such a thing ;)
:eek: Didn't expect to see that kind of weight. Perhaps competition isn't the right word to use :(

Bench - (Now) 130K - (December) 150K
Squat - (Now) 170K - (December) 200K+
Deadlift - (Now) 200K - (December) 230K

I think I'll just about manage to hit my goal for the bench and once I get past the mental barrier of seeing four plates aside I should easily hit and beat my squat goal. I felt like I had more in me when I set my PB but I just didn't have the confidence. The deadlift could be hit or miss. One week I seem to get the form spot on yet another it's awful. I should easily hit my goal if I don't cripple myself.

I think I might need to take up the offer of coaching because I don't see how I'll get anywhere near your targets without it.

Edit: Out of interest how long have you been lifting? I'll have been lifting for two years come April time.
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Just think more positive, just do anything you can to reach the weights you want to. Dont let anybody say you cant reach them and most of all believe you can reach them, get in contact with a sports nutrtionist that will make a big help to your training.

Around 3.5years, first year I was still 17st fat and eating a diet which consist of biscuits mcdonalds any any other crap lol. But 3.5 years ive been training give or take a few months.
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