For the gym rats

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Wanted to see how people are progressing.

I got upto 150k for 10 reps on rack deadlifts the other day. I've been slacking off while fasting and having pushed myself nearly as hard as I should. But now fasting is over and I feel like I need to put a bit of effort into it. Squats and deadlifts take priority.
Started a cutting cycle today, to last till the end of the month. Man i hate cutting. Anyone who's seen me eat knows how much i love it, having to think about what i'm eating, counting calories, counting carbs, it's like hell for me :( And let's not even mention cardio :(

Main priority is to keep my lifts at the level they are at now, so in the December bulk i can hopfully at leat get my squat and deadlift goals.

EDIT: Damn... i can't believe this thread has been going since Feb.
I've been trying to get lean for the last 5 week or so, no high carb food in the evenings for me :( Usually just chicken, cottage cheese, tuna etc.

Off to Oz in less than 4 weeks so need the Calvin Klein beach hunk look lol.
My diet has slipped the past couple of weeks, but i'm going over it tonight to see what times I can best get food in me. Got my deadlifts up though yesturday to 100kg (previously best was 92.5).
Currently just going going into my 5th week of the cut, its going ok, lost about 3" and a good amount of bodyfat. Only thing now is weights are shocking, embaressing actually, lifts have plumeted, can only rep 150k on deadlifts for 6 now when it used to be 180k+ :(.
Hopefully i can get to my goal of below 10% and then lean bulk on top of that.
NitrogenY3K said:
Currently just going going into my 5th week of the cut, its going ok, lost about 3" and a good amount of bodyfat. Only thing now is weights are shocking, embaressing actually, lifts have plumeted, can only rep 150k on deadlifts for 6 now when it used to be 180k+ :(.
Hopefully i can get to my goal of below 10% and then lean bulk on top of that.

Pshhh... and i was worried you might catch me :p
oddjob62 said:
Pshhh... and i was worried you might catch me :p

Wait until the bulk my friend, never done a bulk with a bodybuilding nutritonist before, he should give me a few tips:D

What are your goals for the end of this year then? If i can get back up to where i was I wil be happy
still not bulking, diet has been a bit lax recently, tho thats down to my being away from home so much recently. also gym time has been hard to find (lots of overtime to be paid tho!).

deadlifts - i did 165kg for 4 reps on Saturday, so thats come on hell of a lot!
been doing a few weeks of flat dumbell presses, did some flat barbell again last night and was able to do 15kg more than 3 weeks ago! think i will stick to the flat dumbells a little bit longer.

still not doing any 1rm lifts, tho i would guess i could do 175kg DL / 120kg flat benchpress. squats are progressing very poorly tho, not got above 140kg yet :/
I'm currently in my fourth week of loading and I'm finding it both mentally and physically exhausting. I've got one more session on Friday and then the deload starts. If it's anything like last time should start to see some real gains in two weeks time.

As for my goals, I'm well on course to lift and beat 200K for deadlifts and 160K for squats but I'm well short of lifting 140K on the bench. If I add an extra week of deloading I should get pretty close to 220K for deadlifts and 170K for squats.
Was in the gym today. Started chatting with a guy who I usually spot when he benches 140 odd. He offered me some wraps while I was deadlifting but I use an under over grip so its not necessary.

Got 147.5kg for 5 reps, couldnt really be bothered getting the 6th lol. Then he says to me, stick another 10kg on there easy. I've gotten upto 180kg in the past but not for a few years now. I took up the challenge, think my ego got the better of me :p .

Pulled 160kg off the floor for 2 reps. I was pretty happy with that. He said my technique was spot on which I am always weary of. I didnt want to keep going because I hadnt planned to lift it.

Considering I currently weigh 160lbs (72kg) at 5'8, I liked the lift. I havent pushed myself above 140kg in floor deadlifts for quite some time but it felt good to start getting somewhere again. I'm hoping it has a positive effect on my squat numbers.

Plans are keep eating like a bird and just push myself in the gym to see where it goes. With cardio I'm probably going to drop a few more pounds while trying to increase the numbers. Strong as possible with whatever bodyweight I hold.

Did anyone see andy bolton set the new deadlift world record of 1003lbs? Insane.
Deadlift. 28/11/06. 170kg at 72kg (5' 8)

I had planned to do 160 today like last time but decided to push myself. I only did the one rep because my lower back is still healing up. A couple of discs are shot.

Not bad though.
asim said:
Deadlift. 28/11/06. 170kg at 72kg (5' 8)

I had planned to do 160 today like last time but decided to push myself. I only did the one rep because my lower back is still healing up. A couple of discs are shot.

Not bad though.

Nice lift Asim, especially after the injury :)

I got my DL up to 125kg x 4 on sunday, hoping to get my bench up to 60 for at least 5 reps today.
Gavstar said:
I haven't done any 1RMs yet this time around but am very pleased (even amazed in the case of the deadlift) with the way the weights are coming back up, here are what I managed for my top sets for my last week of workouts.

Bench: 90kg * 3
Squat: 150kg* 3
Deadlift: 180kg * 5!
(Bodyweight around 100kg)

1 Month on. Still no 1RMs. Heaviest sets:

Bench: 90kg * 5
Squat: 150kg* 5
Deadlift: 190kg * 5

Bodyweight has stayed constant, though I am looking in better shape.

asim said:
Deadlift. 28/11/06. 170kg at 72kg (5' 8)

I had planned to do 160 today like last time but decided to push myself. I only did the one rep because my lower back is still healing up. A couple of discs are shot.

Not bad though.

Not bad at all, great lifting at your bodyweight!
ill post my current lifts and see where i am in about 3 months time :D

for about 5 reps, current maxes are

bench 72.5kg
squat 90kg
DL 90kg
Gavstar said:
Not bad at all, great lifting at your bodyweight!

Thanks. I want to get upto that 180 for around 4-6 reps at my current bodyweight. Not really sure how I'm gonna pull of that one but hopefully its a case of working on the technique and adapting to it. I'm thinking some supporting movements on other days will help like rack deadlifts and squats.
I'm looking to get to around 12% body fat, although that's gonna have to be after Christmas considering we've just picked up 72 bottles of wine, 2 barrels of Guinness & pump :D

Currently around 15-16% body fat (callipers), 81kg @ 5'10". Abs are definitely visible but not as defined as they could be :p

Would like to wide-grip bench 120kg for reps, currently repping around 105kg, but progress has slowed. Would also like to get deadlift up to 200kg for reps, currently lifting 130kg for reps but making rapid progress.

Chest is currently 42", wouldn't dislike having more but am pretty happy with my frame for my height. I suppose it's going to increase a bit when I hit my bench target though anyway. Arms currently about 15.5" flexed, not interested in isolating them though, they sort themselves out. Waist is 31-32". Need to measure my thighs actually.
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