For the gym rats

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Went for a single on the bench this afternoon, got 190 out, if all goes well ill try for 200 in a month or so, would be able to do it easily with 20k plates, but with the 45k plates on the bar is dead.
nice one :D

im slowly getting back into shape. of the moves which matter, im back to repping:

squat - 110kg
bench - 90kg
deadlit - 80kg (i can feel this a lot in the later sets)

triceps still feel weak, this is shown on dumbell presses and shoulder presses, however im back to repping the max on machine shoulder press (100kg).

cant curl for crap. barbell - 30kg for a couple of reps, this is down significantly atm :/

my body has loved the cardio recently though, shame I hate it :D
Heaven Can Wait said:
Went for a single on the bench this afternoon, got 190 out, if all goes well ill try for 200 in a month or so, would be able to do it easily with 20k plates, but with the 45k plates on the bar is dead.
Morba said:
im slowly getting back into shape. of the moves which matter, im back to repping:

squat - 110kg
bench - 90kg
deadlit - 80kg (i can feel this a lot in the later sets)
Don't go rushing, it's a marathon not a sprint ;) It's taken me 6 months to get back to where I was before my accident. Still feel the injury sometimes but I feel overall I'm stonger at the core than I was before thanks to taking my time and concentrating on my form and core strength more.
yeah, im hoping it will be the same for me. no point rushing it, will only make things much much worse.

been well demotivated since the accident, been over 4 weeks now and im only just starting to get back into a routine.
doing cardio is just depressing.
Currently cutting and on a 700kcal deficit, eating 3500kcals a day now, also stopped using creatine 2 weeks ago. Bodyweight down from 16st 6lbs to 15st 12lbs and dropping.

Today did:

130kg on ATG Squats - finally getting there!
Dips bodyweight +42kg :)

Hoping to get 135kg on my deadlifts on Thursday then I'm having a 2 week break from the gym for some "Strategic Deconditioning" :) Then start all over again!
Morba said:
yeah, im hoping it will be the same for me. no point rushing it, will only make things much much worse.

been well demotivated since the accident, been over 4 weeks now and im only just starting to get back into a routine.
doing cardio is just depressing.
Exactly, pushing too hard too soon will just make you break down. That will set you back weeks physically... plus whatever it does to you mentally!
It would mentally push me to the point of quitting going to the gym.

the 2 weeks of cardio only was killing me. to think that i would have to do that again and possibly for longer, would seriously make me reconsider the amount of time i spend in the gym.
my diet has been an absolute joke as well, especially the first 2 weeks, my mind went into 'comfort food to recover' mode, when really it should have been good food and some extra protein to help the muscles rebuild.
Chong Warrior said:
Dips bodyweight +42kg :)!

Nice one! I damaged my wrists doing 40s, had to stop dipping altogether but I'm slowly getting back up there. 30-35kgs is fairly easy, fresh out the changing rooms I could probably dip 42 for 4-6 reps ;)
Hey all, im looking for some advice regarding supplements. I noticed a thread regarding myprotein, but is this the best site to get supplements for a good price in the uk? I do a lot of cardio as well as some weights, i don't want to get massive, im sort of after a rugby players shape. So if anyone could suggest what supplements to go for, that would be appreciated.
daztrouk said:
Hey all, im looking for some advice regarding supplements. I noticed a thread regarding myprotein, but is this the best site to get supplements for a good price in the uk? I do a lot of cardio as well as some weights, i don't want to get massive, im sort of after a rugby players shape. So if anyone could suggest what supplements to go for, that would be appreciated.

Rugby player mean fat?! ;) I'm kidding!! :D

Whey protein and creatine to start with. Extra protein will help add lean muscle and creatine will help you train harder. There's a thread somewhere with a discussion on creatine monohydrate vs creatine ethyl ester if you want a balanced view but my opinion is CEE all the way :)

MyProtein is one of the cheapest sites out there with quality products and a good range of sups. For extra value try these codes...

Stick "" into the box on this page

to get 4.5kg of whey (Euro80) for £22.93 INC p&p



to get 5kg of either Euro 80 or NZ 80 for £25.
This is also the best for price matching many other supplements not just whey

Whatever you decide you can get 5% off with this discount code - MP9726
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Thanks for the help MTA99, i'll make a purchase when i get in from work.

Just wondering though, i understand that its best to take the whey protein within an hour after working out? Is this the same with the creatine or is it best to take some before working out. Also, how is it best to take them, do you mix them with water or milk?
daztrouk said:
Hey all, im looking for some advice regarding supplements. I noticed a thread regarding myprotein, but is this the best site to get supplements for a good price in the uk? I do a lot of cardio as well as some weights, i don't want to get massive, im sort of after a rugby players shape. So if anyone could suggest what supplements to go for, that would be appreciated.
I'd say Rugby players are pretty massive!?

Yes I'd say MP are the best place to get your supplements from. Their service and quality is of the very highest quality and if you find somewhere cheaper they will pricematch.

If you're wanting to add some weight then you need to eat a lot of real food and don't be scared of eating fat. Though you need to stay away from trans fats, these are very unhealthy.

Ok goto the myprotein site and type in into the pricematcher, this will list you some of the best prices. They are roughly the same as MP except you get a tub with the powder instead of just a bag. MP charge extra for the tubs.

Creatine monohydrate - will add a few pounds to you as your muscles hold more water.
Whey Protein Concentrate Euro 80 - Top quality protein.
Flaxseed Powder - Quality fat & Fibre, add to shakes for calorie boost
Omega 3 Fish oil caps - Very important for health.
Oats - Top quality carbs, high in nutrients and fibre, add to shakes.
Taurine - Can help with cramps, take with the creatine. Also 2g before bed helps you sleep
Multi-vitamin & mineral - Get a good quality one.

These will supplement a good diet nicely and add some important health benefits. They'll also help you add some good quality weight and not just fat.

You can also add the code MP5500 when ordering for a further 5% off your first order ;)

EDIT - oops, started writing this about 11.30am before MTA99 had replied, went for lunch.
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Thanks for the help guys, appreciate it. What i meant by the rugby player comment was that, yea, they are big, but there not R Coleman big. To me, because their athletes, their more performance orientated then out and out powerhouses. Im a fast runner and need to keep and if possible improve upon my speed, so i don't want to get too big where it might hinder that.
daztrouk said:
Thanks for the help MTA99, i'll make a purchase when i get in from work.

Just wondering though, i understand that its best to take the whey protein within an hour after working out? Is this the same with the creatine or is it best to take some before working out. Also, how is it best to take them, do you mix them with water or milk?

For best results have the whey as soon as the finish training with some carbs and get some real food inside you within 60-90mins. I would recommend whey with water post workout for speedier absorption - adding milk slows down the digestion. I add waxy maize starch to my whey but there's a whole host of carbs you could use, everything from dextrose to oats, honey to banana! ;)

Creatine depends on what type you get as to how to take it. With monohydrate you have a loading period (altho this practice has been widely debated) then you try to maintain high creatine levels for 8-12weeks before giving your body a few weeks break. Most people recommend taking mono after your workout so that its forced into the muscles on the carb induced insulin spike. For ethyl ester (CEE) the advice is different. There no loading period and its generally taken just before training (45-30mins). As CW mentioned mono will (probably) make you hold more water whereas CEE doesn't have this effect.

Buy the smallest amount of Creatine you can from MP (100g IIRC). Some people don't respond so you'll be wasting your cash!
daztrouk said:
Thanks for the help guys, appreciate it. What i meant by the rugby player comment was that, yea, they are big, but there not R Coleman big. To me, because their athletes, their more performance orientated then out and out powerhouses. Im a fast runner and need to keep and if possible improve upon my speed, so i don't want to get too big where it might hinder that.
If you don't want to get Ronnie Coleman big just layoff the dumbell kickbacks and one arm concentration curls...

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