daztrouk said:
Hey all, im looking for some advice regarding supplements. I noticed a thread regarding myprotein, but is this the best site to get supplements for a good price in the uk? I do a lot of cardio as well as some weights, i don't want to get massive, im sort of after a rugby players shape. So if anyone could suggest what supplements to go for, that would be appreciated.
I'd say Rugby players are pretty massive!?
Yes I'd say MP are the best place to get your supplements from. Their service and quality is of the very highest quality and if you find somewhere cheaper they will pricematch.
If you're wanting to add some weight then you need to eat a lot of real food and don't be scared of eating fat. Though you need to stay away from trans fats, these are very unhealthy.
Ok goto the myprotein site and type in
www.bulkpowders.co.uk into the pricematcher, this will list you some of the best prices. They are roughly the same as MP except you get a tub with the powder instead of just a bag. MP charge extra for the tubs.
Creatine monohydrate - will add a few pounds to you as your muscles hold more water.
Whey Protein Concentrate Euro 80 - Top quality protein.
Flaxseed Powder - Quality fat & Fibre, add to shakes for calorie boost
Omega 3 Fish oil caps - Very important for health.
Oats - Top quality carbs, high in nutrients and fibre, add to shakes.
Taurine - Can help with cramps, take with the creatine. Also 2g before bed helps you sleep
Multi-vitamin & mineral - Get a good quality one.
These will supplement a good diet nicely and add some important health benefits. They'll also help you add some good quality weight and not just fat.
You can also add the code
MP5500 when ordering for a further 5% off your first order
EDIT - oops, started writing this about 11.30am before MTA99 had replied, went for lunch.