For the gym rats

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2nd week back in gym after a month off (as in COMPLETELY off). Still have to take it easy because my calf is still very dodgy. Doing higher reps at the moment and slowly moving up the weight.
oddjob62 said:
2nd week back in gym after a month off (as in COMPLETELY off). Still have to take it easy because my calf is still very dodgy. Doing higher reps at the moment and slowly moving up the weight.

What happened to your calf?
I've gathered notes from various places, and just need a few things clarified if possible:

Is it best to take whey with carbs? If so what carbs would be suitable to take alongside a whey and water shake?

It is best to take creatine with natural sugar? If so, what natural sugar?

I get peckish at work, and am looking for a decent snack that i can nibble on that can compliment my workout after work. Any ideas?
daztrouk said:
I've gathered notes from various places, and just need a few things clarified if possible:

Is it best to take whey with carbs? If so what carbs would be suitable to take alongside a whey and water shake?

It is best to take creatine with natural sugar? If so, what natural sugar?

I get peckish at work, and am looking for a decent snack that i can nibble on that can compliment my workout after work. Any ideas?

The carbs are there for two reasons - to replace lost glycogen and to create an insulin spike. Post workout your body is like a sponge absorbing anything you put down your neck. Lots of people use dextrose or oats.

If you're taking creatine monohydrate then any simple sugar will do, glucose (sugar) or fructose (fruit juice). If you put the creatine in your post workout shake you can kill two birds with one stone. If you're taking creatine ethyl ester (cee) theres no need for the carbs when taking it.

As HCW suggested, sandwich, protein shake, tuna salad, cottage cheese.....need i go on?! ;) Just depends on whether you want extra protein, extra carbs, extra (good) fats or a combination to improve your diet. Do you have a traditional big brekkie/lunch/dinner? Try changing to 6 smaller meals.

If you're cutting i'm afraid feeling hungry is something you'll have to get used to! :(
Thanks for the feedback fellas. OK, so what im thinking is this. I could have oatmeal cereal and mix in the whey with milk so gain the necessary carbs, assuming my whey doesn't include necessary carbs.

With the creatine i'll simply mix it with 100 orange/grapefruit juice.

I'm still looking into the snack though, as i eat sandwiches throughout the day at work and i just need to mix it up a bit.Theres only so many lettuce with chicken sandwiches and peanut butter sandwichs i can take lol
oddjob62 said:
Snapped my right calf quite badly doing calf raises. Last set of the day as well :( Felt 4 snaps.. was as sickening feeling because i knew immediately that i would be out of action for maybe several months.

Seriously, he's just lazy guys....any excuse for him to miss a gym session :rolleyes:

(i know you miss me OJ :D)
I've moved to London and everythings gone to hell. I eat like crap and I barely trained since I got here. Couple weeks ago I finally got a gym membership. Now I'm back in and trying to get my strength up. Also need to start eating better but well I cant be bothered :p
asim said:
I've moved to London and everythings gone to hell. I eat like crap and I barely trained since I got here. Couple weeks ago I finally got a gym membership. Now I'm back in and trying to get my strength up. Also need to start eating better but well I cant be bothered :p

Get down the gym, fatboy!

oddjob62 said:
Snapped my right calf quite badly doing calf raises

Will it grow back thicker? Just something i've wondered since the small rips induced by weightlifting make the muscle grow back thicker, does a big rip have anything like the same effect :eek: :confused:
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