For the gym rats

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danoliver1 said:
^ Whats your diet like at the moment, how often do you eat.
At least when u start to put muscle on youll be able to see it.

well, it was pretty much 3 meals, and various snacks throughout the day, just eating when im hungry. But i changed from today, should be 5 decent meals in a day, with 1-2 litres of full fat milk throughout the day.

Im going to try as hard as i can for a couple of weeks, thereafter, if/when i see results, itll motivate me to do it on a long-term basis, where itll just come naturally.
digisatman said:
Im going to try as hard as i can for a couple of weeks, thereafter, if/when i see results, itll motivate me to do it on a long-term basis, where itll just come naturally.

It'll take more than a couple of weeks to notice if you're putting any decent weight on. You might start to see the smallest of increase, but you need to think a bit more long term, like eating solidly for a month or two.
Just come back from the gym and i've injured my back :mad: :(

Don't wanna turn this into a medical - i've spoken to my doctor friend for advice on that front, so basically looking for advice on form.

I was doing SLDL with 80kgs. I'm really not flexible in the old hammies so really slow on the way down, trying to feel for the point of no return then pulling back up. Its impossible to keep the lower part of my back flat as with normal deadlifts but still tried to keep it tight even with it rounding. Final rep of final set something clicked.

Question is, am i doing something fundamentally wrong?! :confused:
MTA99 said:
Just come back from the gym and i've injured my back :mad: :(

Don't wanna turn this into a medical - i've spoken to my doctor friend for advice on that front, so basically looking for advice on form.

I was doing SLDL with 80kgs. I'm really not flexible in the old hammies so really slow on the way down, trying to feel for the point of no return then pulling back up. Its impossible to keep the lower part of my back flat as with normal deadlifts but still tried to keep it tight even with it rounding. Final rep of final set something clicked.

Question is, am i doing something fundamentally wrong?! :confused:
SLDL's are such a difficult exercise. Hard to comment on form without seeing you, especially the final ones when fatigued as form always suffers a little.

Don't like the sound of your back rounding. I didn't go too low when I first started but can now as my flexability has improved. I'd stop just before the point that I could feel my back might start to round.

A good trick at first ( I still do this! ) is elevate your toes. I have heels on floor but front of my foot elevated on a weight. This makes it easier to stretch and feel the hammy working and seems to be very helpfull in helping take any strain of my lower back.
Chong Warrior said:
SLDL's are such a difficult exercise. Hard to comment on form without seeing you, especially the final ones when fatigued as form always suffers a little.

Don't like the sound of your back rounding. I didn't go too low when I first started but can now as my flexability has improved. I'd stop just before the point that I could feel my back might start to round.

A good trick at first ( I still do this! ) is elevate your toes. I have heels on floor but front of my foot elevated on a weight. This makes it easier to stretch and feel the hammy working and seems to be very helpfull in helping take any strain of my lower back.

So you need to keep lower back flat for SLDL? If i keep my back flat it doesn't seem to strain my hamstrings. I've done them with toes up before and can see how it would help load up the hammies without too much strain on the back. Really ******** annoyed i didn't think of that when i was doing them - but at the time felt fine until it went :mad: Gonna sign off early and try and get an extra hour or so in bed, think i need it :( Thanks for the advice CW *hi-five*
agreed on elavating the toes, i do this as well. it raises the point of the lowest part of the stretch for me, which is a good thing :]
MTA99 said:
So you need to keep lower back flat for SLDL? If i keep my back flat it doesn't seem to strain my hamstrings. I've done them with toes up before and can see how it would help load up the hammies without too much strain on the back. Really ******** annoyed i didn't think of that when i was doing them - but at the time felt fine until it went :mad: Gonna sign off early and try and get an extra hour or so in bed, think i need it :( Thanks for the advice CW *hi-five*
You have my sympathies, I know better than most how annoying injuries are. You'll probably find you'll be fine in a few days.

but ..... "It's gonna hurt in the mornin' son!" ;) :D
MTA99 said:
So you need to keep lower back flat for SLDL? If i keep my back flat it doesn't seem to strain my hamstrings. I've done them with toes up before and can see how it would help load up the hammies without too much strain on the back. Really ******** annoyed i didn't think of that when i was doing them - but at the time felt fine until it went :mad: Gonna sign off early and try and get an extra hour or so in bed, think i need it :( Thanks for the advice CW *hi-five*
Another tip is to tilt your hips forward, this prestretches your hams and means you can get good range of movement for the muscle without having to go as far down.
oddjob62 said:
Another tip is to tilt your hips forward, this prestretches your hams and means you can get good range of movement for the muscle without having to go as far down.
This is THE key to getting 'it' on SLDL's. You need to learn to bend at the hips and not just bend over using your back, this then allows you (once you've learned a bit of mind to muscle connection) to use the hamstrings to pull your upper body upright.
Thanks for the replies gents. SLDL isn't something i do very often as i've always found it awkward. I'll take all your suggestions on board next time.

Just had a big dose of protein, a bowl of quark, some multivits, vitc, glucosamine and ibuprofen. I've had a bag of frozen peas on my lower back for about 25mins now. Just about to jump in bed and let my body do its thing :)
Ive never actually seen anyone do this exercise, and Ive only just heard of it on this forum. I was doing bent over rows Monday and I felt it in my hamstrings the next day. I concentrate on arching away from the weight pulling your lower back down. In practice this would probably mean my back just remaining straight.

I actually use my employ my lower back to do squats too, but Ive just gone back to the drawing board on my technique. Its with the intention of squating deeper. Going deeper is hitting a different angle on my quads and I reckon less weight is going through my hips. It remains to be seen if I can work my weight back up to what it was.
Wardie said:
Hope it's nothing serious. How's it feeling today?

Thanks buddy. Hoping its just a muscle strain/tear and nothing more serious. Not displaying any classic signs of disc damage or movement so fingers crossed. The pain is worse today than it was yesterday but that's always the case. Doctor friend is coming round later with something to help the recovery.
Hope you get a quick recovery.

I used to get all kinds of muscle strains and sore joints all the time while on creatine. Since i stopped taking i'm back to my old flexible, pain free self. Will never touch the stuff again.

started back day today and then stopped, quite quickly again.

left forearm is not good, nothing inflamed or any bruising, but a deep pain can be felt (and pin pointed) in the bulk of the muscle :/

not good! looks like a week off atleast, tried some tricep exercises and could feel it way too much :/
Unlucky dude. You've been very unfortunate with injuries this year so hopefully this'll be the last of them. Couldn't you do a few leg sessions while you're waiting for your forearm to get better?
damn right i can, legs and cardio! oh hell :/


i have been neglecting legs for a bit tbh, maybe its my body telling me to get back onto legs good and proper!
Just a question about a calf problem i'm getting... I've probably noticed it for a few weeks but since Friday (legs workout) it's been a fair bit worse.

Basically it's fine when i'm walking, but when I stretch it, as in standing up on tip toes as if you were showing off your calf, I get an almost cramp like pain. I only get it on my right calf too and my left is absolutely fine.

Wardie said:
Just a question about a calf problem i'm getting... I've probably noticed it for a few weeks but since Friday (legs workout) it's been a fair bit worse.

Basically it's fine when i'm walking, but when I stretch it, as in standing up on tip toes as if you were showing off your calf, I get an almost cramp like pain. I only get it on my right calf too and my left is absolutely fine.

:eek: I've got exactly the same problem. As soon as I start doing calf raises my right calf begins to cramp. I'm just going to rest it for a few weeks and see if that helps.
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