I achieved my goal to get back to a 140Kg squat, and actually surpassed my expectation because I’m doing 14 or 15 reps with this weight, and I do 2 more sets after that. My next goal is to squat slightly deeper since I’m probably about 5° off parallel.
A bit of background to that goal; I just started training 2 months ago after giving up for 3 years, prior to that I was training 8 years. I bulked up from 11.5 st sometimes at a certain time of day I’m 12.5 st. I started with 2.5plates aside now reached my goal of 3 plates a side.
I’m sure I could do more weight with the same form but I want to squat that tiny bit deeper. It’s a really elusive goal however. Maybe I need to get confident with a lighter weight although I always warm up with 1 plate then 2 plates a side.
Other than that, I can’t think of another goal other than making the harder final reps count on every exercise.
Actually Id like to improve the size of my biceps in proportion to my deltoids, but since I’m not on any kind of performance enhancer except eating a lot; I think it’s a fool's errand. I read that natural weightlifters get more mileage from doing non-isolation exercises; i.e. compound exercises, which work multiple muscles at once.
My routine atm:
4 exercises with bars, dumbbells and pulley machines.
Wrists (cause I think its important to help with biceps):
2 exercises
Squats or leg machine if I cant get on the squat rack.
Calf raises
leg curls
leg extensions
Bench with bar or dumbbell
Incline bench the same
3 or 4 exercises including skull crushers with dumbbell
bodyweight wide grip pull-ups can do 7 reps on first set
back exercises pulling down and pulling back maybe belt over rows.
Also I do 1 exercise for the mid deltoids, raising dumbbells leaning over 45' incline.
There is a torso-twisting machine that I like after seeing how Brock Lesner trains for mat speed (not that I’m a wrestling fan more of an MMA fan) on utube. I like the decline bench for sit-ups but it’s out of reach while they put in a new floor in gym. Sometimes leg-raises where I go for explosiveness after watching the knees in muay thai training.
Maybe my day 1 sucks, I may try adding in shoulder press type movements. I tried the (I think its called log press) where u lift a 80Kg (I think) cylinder with hammer type grips in it above your head. I couldn’t lift it passed my shoulders. Which makes sense cause I haven’t trained shoulder press forever, because of my aforementioned goal and that they get worked a lot indirectly in other exercises (just not the movement required for log press).