For those with diabetes, how did you know/find out?

Have you tried going zero carb? lots of people report complete remission and honestly as hard as it sounds, after the first few days it is the easiest diet in the world to stick to, I get zero cravings and my kids love taunting me with chocolate bars and doughnuts but to be honest I have absolutely zero interest in them now and they are amazed

I was worried what my blood test results would be as the media love to demonise saturated fat, but I couldn't be happier, my triglycerides are really low and so is my ApoB

I didn't have full diabetes but was heading towards pre-diabetes, and as a side bonus all my aches and pains are gone and I'm able to do weights again where previously my shoulder would spend more time with an injury than actually making any gains
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As I am newly diagnosed I have opted to go on the Desmond course. I have several other issues to contend with so just want to see what they advise. Biggest change I have made is not eating the 4 or 5, 2 finger chocolate bars a day, also portion size has reduced over the years. So we'll see how it goes.
Anyway, if you want to know the problem I'm having now with diabetes it's not nice.
I was told when I first went on 5mg Empagliflozin to keep an eye on my willy for yeast/thrush infections.
A few months ago that dosage was increased 5x to 25mg and now my willy is in a state :(

Sorry no **** picks incoming.

GPs this morning because my willy has got way worse :(
I've got to come off the Jardiance Empagliflozin for two weeks to see if that cures it but that pill is my wonder drug.
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GPs this morning because my willy has got way worse :(
I've got to come off the Jardiance Empagliflozin for two weeks to see if that cures it but that pill is my wonder drug.
This is the problem when you have health problems and take medication, you never know if one lot reacts with another or masks symptoms.
Have you tried going zero carb? lots of people report complete remission and honestly as hard as it sounds, after the first few days it is the easiest diet in the world to stick to, I get zero cravings and my kids love taunting me with chocolate bars and doughnuts but to be honest I have absolutely zero interest in them now and they are amazed

I was worried what my blood test results would be as the media love to demonise saturated fat, but I couldn't be happier, my triglycerides are really low and so is my ApoB

I didn't have full diabetes but was heading towards pre-diabetes, and as a side bonus all my aches and pains are gone and I'm able to do weights again where previously my shoulder would spend more time with an injury than actually making any gains

Do you mean cutting out simple carbs like rice, pasta , white bread ect ?
I eat complex carbs like kidney/black/cannellini beans as these are good for you.
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Do you mean cutting out simple carbs like rice, pasta , white bread ect ?
I eat complex carbs like kidney/black/cannellini beans as these are good for you.
No, I mean zero carb - no vegetables at all
I tried Mediterranean, healthy keto etc. and lost a bit of weight, But I've only seen serious health improvements on zero carb/carnivore
With a diet containing regular carb intake I would still get cravings too, but on zero someone can wave my old trigger foods in my face and I don't bat an eyelid

Beans can be inflammatory, particularly if you have metabolic syndrome/prediabetes.

We're told that vegetables are healthy because they contain this or that mineral/vitamin, but bioavailability is actually pretty **** poor. Meat contains everything the body needs.
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No, I mean zero carb - no vegetables at all
I tried Mediterranean, healthy keto etc. and lost a bit of weight, But I've only seen serious health improvements on zero carb/carnivore
With a diet containing regular carb intake I would still get cravings too, but on zero someone can wave my old trigger foods in my face and I don't bat an eyelid

Beans can be inflammatory, particularly if you have metabolic syndrome/prediabetes.

We're told that vegetables are healthy because they contain this or that mineral/vitamin, but bioavailability is actually pretty **** poor. Meat contains everything the body needs.

Where did you read that beans can be inflammatory?
Where did you read that beans can be inflammatory?
They're 60% carbs, carbs cause inflammation in metabolicaly unhealthy people (this is the diabetes thread after all)

I have tested this personally and beans cause me symptoms that go away if I'm zero carb (joint pain, sinus problems) - I can have a limited amount of nuts and I'm ok, but beans are out
Why are vegetables classed as carbs? I thought that carbs were pasta, bread, rice and potatoes i.e. the staple thing that goes with every meal! Then you also have vegs to make it healthier, so that a meal is made up of meat + carb + veg. Unless you're vegan :p

I do eat meat but not a huge amount. Can a carb-free diet be anything else as well as / on top of meat?
Most things have carbs in but it's how many.
When it comes to Veg some are higher than others but the important thing is to keep it below 50 carbs a meal for diabetics.
I haven't had oatcakes for 2 months because they are 35 each and I have 3 normally.
I also haven't had normal white bread but now have low carb bread, so in a morning two slices with egg, bacon, cheese and sausage and I'm losing loads of weight, already gone 3 holes on my belt.
My wife does me loads of 'Sunday dinners' but they are all way below 50 carbs and I have one potato for a treat as the last thing I eat.
I love Pork Scratchings and noticed yesterday In ALDI they are 0.1g of carb a bag :)
Why are vegetables classed as carbs? I thought that carbs were pasta, bread, rice and potatoes i.e. the staple thing that goes with every meal! Then you also have vegs to make it healthier, so that a meal is made up of meat + carb + veg. Unless you're vegan :p

I do eat meat but not a huge amount. Can a carb-free diet be anything else as well as / on top of meat?

If you want to try going zero carb then yes it's meat, eggs, high fat dairy (even milk has lactose so should be limited)

Humans evolved as carnivores, yes we can supplement that with other things in order to survive but it's it not optimal

The basic structure of vegetables is cellulose (fibre) - the same thing trees are made of - and glucose, fructose and sucrose which are sugar. Increasingly research is showing that modern sugar intake causes insulin resistance which leads to metabolic syndrome, diabetes AND is now understood to be the leading cause of heart disease. Cholesterol/fat intake is actually heart protective.

another study showed that with people with gut problems, a zero fibre diet had zero symptoms - it completely resolved the participants gut issues and they had a microbiome on par with people on high fibre diets

Since going zero carb myself, every possible measurable health marker has improved. Blood pressure, blood cholesterol, blood sugar, health condition, energy, sleep, mental health.
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I watched Jessie IInchauspe on Diary of a CEO this week and found her thoughts on Glucose to be interesting and worth a look for people here.

She's written a book called Glucose Revolution too which is on my reading list now too and she has 'hacks' as people like to call them regarding reducing glucose spikes.
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