Did your friend ever say what they saw?
cant u just get some sugar free zero calorie orange/lemon squash stuff?
This a a huge problem, I NEVER drink water on it's own because it tastes awful.
Ok sorry. That's just weird.Pharmacist says I can't put anything in it, it's got to be straight water.
I don't get how it works.
It's probably easier for them just to say it needs to be pure water rather than stand there and need to list off what it can/can't be and then end up with someone walking away confused.
This a a huge problem, I NEVER drink water on it's own because it tastes awful.
I drink Britis filtered water stored in the fridge, it's a lot better than tap water.This a a huge problem, I NEVER drink water on it's own because it tastes awful.
I don't understand why the countless amounts of water I have with something else in it like tea, diet coke & juice doesn't contribute to being water?
I guess your body is much like any machine it can't keep taking the abuse you give it at some point it'll just come back to bite you.
I always remember hearing "Look after your body when you are younger and it will look after you when you are older"
Never forgot those words, burned into my brain.
I always remember hearing "Look after your body when you are younger and it will look after you when you are older"
Never forgot those words, burned into my brain.
Around end of April begining of May this year my eyesight suddenly changed. I'm VERY short sighted anyway my last prescription was -8.0 in both eyes. It got so bad so quickly it stopped me from driving, I just couldn't see clearly. The Optician tested my eyes, then sat back in his chair told me my eyes had improved, "great!" I said, "no not really" he said. My prescription was now -6.5 and -6.75 with near vision improving dramatically. Optician told me this was not good news and I should go see a doctor for a diabetes test. (I did go back 3 weeks later, a week after I got new glasses, and it had improved again to -5.0).
I 'll keep a watchful eye out, lol.The only time I had trouble with my eyes is when I went on holiday for two weeks at an all inclusive and I hit the food and drinks.
I'd get home and then I could go through a variety of specs from +3 +2 and +1 until I didn't need them.
We haven't been on a two week holiday for at least 5 years so that problem has gone even though we always have a few days away every month.
Now look out for me because I'm coming through Stone around 9am to go to Leon's Coaches for a weekend away
I 'll keep a watchful eye out, lol.
I also had my annual diabetic eye scan a few weeks ago, seems I have a very small retinopathy problem. I guess not unusual due to the prolonged length of time of being undiagnosed.