Formula Boinc 2017

its not that big, only a few points there. on the other hand the one guy to watch is Ba, his hoarding of xeon servers is pretty high. he has/had? a 60 / 120 thread machine aswell. maybe if hes got it still he can bump it into action lol :D
Well the funny thing with NumberFields@home is they seem to pay you for your time, not your productivity, and your screenshot shows significant time invested. I'm not saying I'm worried, but....yeah ok, I'm worried. ;)
Ok I got me 56 cores going and my 5930k also, will try running as much as I can over the weekend. If the plug doesn't get pulled....
they are, and I know its slow for sure, it estimated 6 hours at first! but at least there is 64 cores worth. even my i5 at 4.4 is taking 7 hours or so!!

Ok I got me 56 cores going and my 5930k also, will try running as much as I can over the weekend. If the plug doesn't get pulled....

its only till the 16th col
they are, and I know its slow for sure, it estimated 6 hours at first! but at least there is 64 cores worth. even my i5 at 4.4 is taking 7 hours or so!!

You may have just caught lots of long batches, and like Tony said the credit system may look upon you favourably for your long run times. Credit is screwy that's for sure. I ran with HT on, then off, and my PPD exactly halved with it off.
we need more power , we had LOTS of cpu power

catain unlikey

list goes on. we need jumper to get his dual rig on here if he can. MPG what about your 64 core? dust her of and get her fired up! lol

I knew I should have got that 4p board aswell from streetlight!! I could have ram with min ram for now!
hay your correct on time vs points tony
my i5 may be taking 26,942.47 mins but I get 1000 credits per WU or so. were as yours andy are taking 9,037.34 seconds for 300 points

guess I got a load of long WU's then, and hope my bunker drop adds some nice points :D
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Welcome to Xez who joined our Boinc fold yesterday and has joined in with this sprint :)

Just ask if you have questions about any of it, hopefully you'll find it absorbing and a little distracting.
If it gets too addictive we can arrange an intervention which I think we may have to do for ozaudio, he is displaying worrying signs of over-indulgence :eek:
Yes i joined was a little confusing at first, not much as its running on my microserver with upgraded cpu. When i can i will join my main computer into the mix as well.

Any particular projects i should be targeting at all?
Yes, NumberFields sprint runs until 10pm tomorrow evening our time, after that you can have a look at the other projects in the Formula Boinc challenge or even other ones that aren't included in it. Up to you depending on what sort of project(s) you want to help with.

We will post in this thread before the next challenge starts what the project is so people can swap and help out the team if they want to :)
GETIN! texas connection is here :D:D

tex you need to give us some contact details so I can keep you upto date with what challenges are happening :)
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