Fortnite is overpowering my CPU

since upgrading my GPU to a 5700 XT, Fortnite struggles, I get around 90+ % usage in CPU and GPU because of my bottleneck (the CPU needs to be changed ideally)

i run at 1080p, high detail, tried medium but i get artifacts

Your CPU is about the same as me, and your trying to run at 4k ? no chance
you need to upgrade your CPU or run at low/medium
This doesn't make sense to me

At 4k the game will entirely be stressing the GPU, it's why there is very little difference in 4k 'CPU' benchmarks between many different processors.

1080p is a different matter and will be CPU bound, but not 4k.
This doesn't make sense to me

At 4k the game will entirely be stressing the GPU, it's why there is very little difference in 4k 'CPU' benchmarks between many different processors.

1080p is a different matter and will be CPU bound, but not 4k.

Sure you put more stress on the CPU at 1080p vs 4k but the fact still remains 4 cores is now old and very dated by modern titles. Its that same old story of dual-core vs quad-core when they first came out people didn't want to take the jump.

When running a game its easy to forget what else is also running in the background from Windows, to devices to software all that needs to go down 4 cores.
Sure you put more stress on the CPU at 1080p vs 4k but the fact still remains 4 cores is now old and very dated by modern titles. Its that same old story of dual-core vs quad-core when they first came out people didn't want to take the jump.

When running a game its easy to forget what else is also running in the background from Windows, to devices to software all that needs to go down 4 cores.

Guest2 testing kinda proves my point.

I would think the OP needs to find out what else his CPU is doing.
since upgrading my GPU to a 5700 XT, Fortnite struggles, I get around 90+ % usage in CPU and GPU because of my bottleneck (the CPU needs to be changed ideally)

i run at 1080p, high detail, tried medium but i get artifacts

Your CPU is about the same as me, and your trying to run at 4k ? no chance
you need to upgrade your CPU or run at low/medium
Artifacting? You have a GPU issue.
First match is entirely against bots or other new players :)
This makes sense actually, didnt think of that

since upgrading my GPU to a 5700 XT, Fortnite struggles, I get around 90+ % usage in CPU and GPU because of my bottleneck (the CPU needs to be changed ideally)

i run at 1080p, high detail, tried medium but i get artifacts

Your CPU is about the same as me, and your trying to run at 4k ? no chance
you need to upgrade your CPU or run at low/medium

Upgrade CPU to run at 4k? Nope

CPU upgrade is for those in 2010 who run games at 1080p still and want 240fps

Guest2 testing kinda proves my point.

I would think the OP needs to find out what else his CPU is doing.

Thanks. We can see there are no problems running at 4.5ghz, 3440x1440 at 100fps solid. The CPU is actually under-utilized

OP, have you tried running 3d mark Timespy and Timespy extreme?

Note the CPU scores, see if your's are similar.

From there I would overclock it to 4.3ghz+
I would be more interested in seeing @Guest2 cores usage rather than total CPU usage if he has the time.
I'll have another game now with core monitoring enabled (i quite enjoyed it, great game for free!)

edit - balls, sorry for the multiple posts. Mods, feel free to combine them and remove the last two

I turned off Gsync, vsync and set unlimited fps to hammer CPU and GPU load.
Average fps was ~120
CPU usage accross all cores was 50-70%
It only maxed out near the start, I think on the menu when I first set unlimited fps and the menu went to something like 500fps :D
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Just to illustrate my point, this is what happened to my 4K frame rate in benchmarks between upgrading from a 5 year old Haswell-E 5930k:


And a modern 7nm 12 core 3900x with faster Ram:


56 FPS

Exactly the same result. 100% GPU limited at 4K.
Just to illustrate my point, this is what happened to my 4K frame rate in benchmarks between upgrading from a 5 year old Haswell-E 5930k:


And a modern 7nm 12 core 3900x with faster Ram:


56 FPS

Exactly the same result. 100% GPU limited at 4K.

Great example.
CPU doesnt impact many FPS games (yet)
Note the CPU render though, quite a bit higher on the 3900X. Something like a big RTS game or sim like Planet coaster with lots going on will greatly benefit from the 3900X
Isn't Guest2 CPU 4 core 8thread Vs OP's 4 core non hyperthreaded CPU? Those extra threads will make a difference in a game like this.

Maybe Guest2 could try running it without hyperthreading and what difference it makes.
Wait @Guest2 You using i7? hyperthreading will help with the load. OP is using an i5 just 4 cores That will be why your CPU isn't getting 100% load because the game and system is using the threads like extra cores.

Just flick through this and you see the i5 at 1080p is maxed 100% on all cores

Isn't Guest2 CPU 4 core 8thread Vs OP's 4 core non hyperthreaded CPU? Those extra threads will make a difference in a game like this.

Maybe Guest2 could try running it without hyperthreading and what difference it makes.

Beat me to it, it would be a nice test to see Guest2 disable the 4 threads and see what happens. Am sure that 50/70% will soon become 80/100%
Isn't Guest2 CPU 4 core 8thread Vs OP's 4 core non hyperthreaded CPU? Those extra threads will make a difference in a game like this.

Except Fortnite runs on a potato - as I already said a 2500k can hit 144fps no problem at a more CPU limited res (1080p)
Except Fortnite runs on a potato - as I already said a 2500k can hit 144fps no problem at a more CPU limited res (1080p)

It really surprises me the number of people that actually say this. Yeah sure, you can make the game look bad to able to run on a very low-end system. But with Fortnite maxed out its actually quite demanding to hit them high 100+ fps
Sure the game is colourful and cartoony look although it has some excellent effects and lighting and detailed towns and cities all eating away at CPU/GPU.
yes , hence why i said , as he CPU is a year older than mine (mines a 2015) his CPU is too old, he needs an upgrade (same as me)
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