
8 Mar 2019
Hopefully this is the right place.

Does anyone on here that is 18+ play Fortnite at a semi decent level want to try some duos?

Mainly play customs.

Finding hard to find over 18's that play competitively.


Thought I recognized your name.

Your the guy that kept dying everytime you landed and there was nothing whatsoever that you could do about it right?

"You think we haven't tried loads of **** like that? I've jumped as soon as possible and got down to ground in the quickest time possible, I've left it to the last moment and landed the furthest distance away and everything in between those two extremes - yet I still get insta-killed by somebody I can't see."

"I've gave it another go, and still no matter what I do or where I land I insta-die the moment I land, don't think I've managed to take 5 steps yet. Be that on a roof, in a field or nicely nestled betwixt two structures with no line of sight to anyone. It's now deleted from the HDD"

So what is it, it's for 10 year olds or your bad at it? Don't be bitter coz your bad at a game mate.
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Nice one guys, banter is one thing but now there's no real way this thread is going to go anywhere without moderator intervention.

Please put a sock in it about "lol kid's game!!!". It's funny once, for a few seconds, but when the OP obviously understands that it is the entire point becomes sort of redundant and a bit cringey.

@Tonyabrhm, if I was still playing I'd be up for it, I used to play a lot back when I enjoyed it although I suppose nowhere near the semi-decent level you desire :p unfortunately due to the business model the game is embedded within I stopped enjoying it about a year ago. I also stopped enjoying it because I somehow missed the skill curve increase and was getting absolutely thrashed constantly towards the end of my enjoyment of the game, seemingly no matter what I did. It's a shame because I did enjoy it a lot.

:edit: then again recently I'm not really playing games at all, so maybe that has something to do with it too :p
Thanks zefan. I tried it back in season 1 and hated it, though enjoyed watching streamers. Started playing again and it's just a genius game. The build mechanic is amazing and while you may have a point, at the end of the day it is a free game to those that don't buy into paying for skins etc.

Let me know if you want to give it another go, I'm happy to show you a couple of things if you are willing :)
To be honest one of the other big factors was due to just generally not playing games much anymore, so it's unlikely I'll play again but cheers. About the business model I mentioned, it's less about skins and more about the turbulent nature of updates - adding quite game changing functionality in terms of weapons, items and map - that did it for me. If you can keep up I'm sure it's pretty great, but if you take any real break - like I did - it's a serious task to catch up.

I'm sure there's someone on here who still plays and hasn't either returned to PUBG or been hooked on Apex.
I mean, I have to disagree haha. Maybe related to the skill curve you mentioned above.

Building is most important over weaponry, as long as they don't make drastic changes to that you should be fine taking a break. Getting used to new weapons takes a few hours in creative with mates.
My under 10s play this at semi decent level. I've never bought a battle pass and I dip in every now and again to play with my kids. I don't really build but can still get 6 to 8 kills on a good day which is OK for me. In fact I get quite a few kills when the other guy builds quite often just run into his building because he is so bad at it follow him in and boom. Either that or just let him build eventually he pops out at the top and pop. Hit him. It's really funny sometimes players are so used to opposition doing the same that when you do the unexpected it often pays dividends. Play creative with my kids and their mates. Like teams the best due to quick respawn. Finally they have nailed voice chat as you can set it to talk to just your party and block everyone else. It's good game in small doses.
Wow...insane. 15 year old british kid won £1.8m for coming 2nd at the Fortnite world cup, winner was a 16 year old Norweigan, who won £2.4m.

Those kids have just made more money from spending 8 hours every day playing Fortnite than I will make in my lifetime :D
Wow...insane. 15 year old british kid won £1.8m for coming 2nd at the Fortnite world cup, winner was a 16 year old Norweigan, who won £2.4m.

Those kids have just made more money from spending 8 hours every day playing Fortnite than I will make in my lifetime :D
And it's a disaster for every parent in the UK...

Parent: "Get off that computer and do your homework otherwise you'll never be a success in life"
Kid: "Read the news dad. I'm training for the world tournament"

Wow...insane. 15 year old british kid won £1.8m for coming 2nd at the Fortnite world cup, winner was a 16 year old Norweigan, who won £2.4m.

Those kids have just made more money from spending 8 hours every day playing Fortnite than I will make in my lifetime :D

Sometimes in a certain way I envy these teenagers. At 16 I never had a PC let alone Internet. I never started getting into PC's until 19. Even at 19/20 it was 56k then 21/22 it was ISDN. No esports, no twitch, no streaming. Just clan gaming for fun that most wouldn't have known about. Most people couldn't even record their gameplays then it would have been a slideshow and so much input lag. It had to have been timedemos to record later.

I remember even then most people couldn't get 60fps unless they were fortunate to have a stonking PC back then running 1024x768. Most ran 640x480 or 800x600. You were exceptional back then if you got good frames with 1280x1024 and 75Hz.

Yet here we are these teenagers at 16 with fibre Internet and crazy computers money can buy with a decade to go for them in competitive gaming right now with so many years, opportunities and sponsors ahead of them by the time they're 26. To think Fatal1ty was one if not the first. It's hard to keep up with these younglings and their reaction times and not a care in the world.
Sometimes in a certain way I envy these teenagers. At 16 I never had a PC let alone Internet. I never started getting into PC's until 19. Even at 19/20 it was 56k then 21/22 it was ISDN. No esports, no twitch, no streaming. Just clan gaming for fun that most wouldn't have known about. Most people couldn't even record their gameplays then it would have been a slideshow and so much input lag. It had to have been timedemos to record later.

I remember even then most people couldn't get 60fps unless they were fortunate to have a stonking PC back then running 1024x768. Most ran 640x480 or 800x600. You were exceptional back then if you got good frames with 1280x1024 and 75Hz.

Yet here we are these teenagers at 16 with fibre Internet and crazy computers money can buy with a decade to go for them in competitive gaming right now with so many years, opportunities and sponsors ahead of them by the time they're 26. To think Fatal1ty was one if not the first. It's hard to keep up with these younglings and their reaction times and not a care in the world.

I know exactly what you mean and the money at these tournaments is huge, I couldnt imagine a way when I was 15 that I could win 1.8 million. I dont even know what that 15 year old is going to do becoming almost a double millionaire overnight. I'd hate to be his teachers now trying to motivate him for his GCSEs :D
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