Forza 5 Announced

Haha - you are DOOMED! My drivatar is unleashed on the world!

Initial impressions of the game are fair to middling. It's very pretty but some gameplay issues are preventing me from gushing about it:

Drivatars may be a cool feature but they still suffer the same problem as all racing AI - they don't react well to on track incidents. I got pushed all the way down the back straight at Sebring by a car hell bent on making the corner - a clip I probably should have uploaded :p

I assume everyone is suffering much the same but I frequently see the drivatars stamp on the breaks in the middle of flat out corners which is very annoying when you are lining up a pass.

Lastly who the **** thought the Top Gear test track with 12 cars on it was a good idea for a race? Someone with a sick sense of humour is who! It's hard enough getting your braking points lined up without 1000 wheelie bins flying around and a procession of very slow cars pottering about in your way :(

Some :eek:, a bit of :D and some :( leaves me with an overall feeling of :)
Finally gave this a go last night, enjoying it but not sure on the rumble triggers on the controller. Hard to place it but it just feels weird, might just take some getting used to.

Loving the drivatar stuff, feels like you are racing with friends even when you aren't. Bhoya/Bhoyacelt can you have a word with your virtual self. He keeps ramming me off the road!
I love the drivatars... Even just for the name tags of friends.

They could use "old fashioned" AI with friends names and I'd be sold.
Thatnks for the link to Forza rewards, just scored 4.2m credits :D

Finally gave this a go last night, enjoying it but not sure on the rumble triggers on the controller. Hard to place it but it just feels weird, might just take some getting used to.
I completely agree. I play without any assists apart from clutch, and find the rumbling brake trigger really off-putting considering ABS shouldn't be active. I was surprised it still was.
I'm sure thats all they have done tbh

I completely agree. I play without any assists apart from clutch, and find the rumbling brake trigger really off-putting considering ABS shouldn't be active. I was surprised it still was.

Isn't that the point in the triggers though, they give you useful feedback especially for those not using assists. The right rumbles when you're breaking traction through heavy right handed-ness and the left is that same but for braking. I've not noticed much left trigger rumble because I have ABS on :(.

Yes i've played it quite a lot, the reason I say that, is at the start of every race, everyone seems to just try and ram everyone else out of the way.

Yeh, mine don't do that..
Yes i've played it quite a lot, the reason I say that, is at the start of every race, everyone seems to just try and ram everyone else out of the way.
Which is exactly what the old AI wouldn't do. Did you even play the previous games at all? The AI is so different I don't see how anyone could say they were even remotely the same.
I've spent huge time playing all the forzas,couple of people I know are dirty pure n simple,their drivatars in forza 5 are almost spooky real,one sideswipes if u try n pass and the other brakes too late for corners pinging off other cars instead lol
Only problem I might have is forgetting me ending up having barging matches with their drivatars may make my own drivatar drive dirty when infact I'm ultra clean whenever possible:)
Drivatar AI is brilliant, and puts any previous game to shame. End of.

I've had more close races with the AI taking non-scripted lines and making mistakes that simply wouldn't happen in another racing game.
Drivatar AI is brilliant, and puts any previous game to shame. End of.

I've had more close races with the AI taking non-scripted lines and making mistakes that simply wouldn't happen in another racing game.
Agreed. Any other driving game now needs to step up big time in respect to the AI or it will just feel stale and boring compared to Forza.
Drivatars are Forza specific, Turn 10 created them. DriveClub may be doing something similar, but as Forza has been doing Drivatar stuff in one way or another since Forza 2, I doubt it will be quite as good.

even with those extra months used to make sure it isnt a day one rushed job? Have you seen the latest video of it? Looks really good for lighting but then so did forza in the trailers and also had 3d crowds. so have to wait and see.
even with those extra months used to make sure it isnt a day one rushed job? Have you seen the latest video of it? Looks really good for lighting but then so did forza in the trailers and also had 3d crowds. so have to wait and see.
DriveClub does look really nice, but if the AI is back to the bog standard type we've been used to in the past, it'll feel a bit stale IMO. I'll still give the PS+ version a whirl when it's out though.
Driveclub's saving grace will be that even if the AI is dumb, the game is geared towards social racing and beating other peoples scores and times.

It's still looking to be very good indeed.
Looks like driveclub may be a pretty game given extra dev time,but haven't devs said in interviews it's more an arcade style racing game?
Not saying it'll be bad,no idea till time comes,but suspect it'll edge more towards nfs style handling than games like forza
Looks like driveclub may be a pretty game given extra dev time,but haven't devs said in interviews it's more an arcade style racing game?
Not saying it'll be bad,no idea till time comes,but suspect it'll edge more towards nfs style handling than games like forza

Yeah, I'm expecting it to be like PGR but in more scenic environments, it's by the same guys I think?
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