Forza Horizon 3 just shown at E3

Looks fantastic! I love open world racers and with the latest NFS being utterly rubbish, there's nothing else to look forward too. This game is probably the closest thing to the NFS of old (but with an open world twist) or the first Test Drive Unlimited I could ever hope for.

Wish it was standalone or on Steam, though:( I don't plan to upgrade to W10 anytime soon nor do I want to support that stupid store of theirs.
I am 100% all over this. I have been looking forward to a full Forza game on PC for years.


Surprised its taken so long for them to release it on the PC to be honest

Really looking forward to this

Also really loved Motobike Madness (or something like that) back in the day - they should REALLY bring out an up to date version)
Can't wait, the FH series is great. Playing on PC with all the graphical bells and whistles will look sublime.

Think I will pre-order the digital version on Xbox and get access to both platforms.
I'll keep an eye on this one. Not really played a racer since GRID2.

I presume that this doesn't have all the "YO DUDE! AWESOOOME BRO!" annoyance of the later DIRT games?
I presume that this doesn't have all the "YO DUDE! AWESOOOME BRO!" annoyance of the later DIRT games?

There is a bit of that (if they keep it the same as #1 and #2) as they generally have a very loose story running through them, but to be honest, the quality of the Horizon games outshines any annoyances that might cause you.
I can't wait, I've only played the first one since I didnt want to invest into an Xbox just for Forza.

To me, it's what a perfect free roamer racer should be, Forza Motorsport physics albeit slightly toned down, in an open world game, stuff Test Drive, The Crew, NFS etc can only dream of achieving a great experience
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Horizon 1 and 2 are among my favourite ever racers. The multiplayer wasn't as enjoyable on 2, but it was still a blast. Day one for me!
This is "upgrade the PC for a game" worthy for me, an accolade that has only previously been adorned on HL2 and GTA5.
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