Forza Horizon 3 just shown at E3

^ Is there much space free on the game SSD?

Edit: I know some people have said there needs to be more free space than the game actually requires.
Finally got to install this today and surprised that it runs so well. 1440p at mostly high settings with a couple on ultra, and turned up MSAA & AF on a GTX 970 gets very smooth performance. Sure 60 fps is off the table but lowering the cap works fine and even 36 fps feels genuinely good, not sure if that's the Gsync helping there or not. Turning it to 48 fps also feels good but it does drop a couple of frames here and there.

Overall, runs even better than it does on Xbox One, I just wish there was SLI support as I'd be able to push for 60 fps, or bump some settings even higher.

Anyone know if any of these ports will ever support SLI?
Im hoping xbox(and it's future pc based versions) and windows10 will become closer together. Let's face it a console simply need mid tier pc gpu and loads of ram. Probably be far from what'll happen. I'm just happy I've no issues my end with FH3.
Do you think they'll add some significant landmass in the expansions? If it's going to be a small island and 10 Porsches, then I'll probably pass;p I hope they'll announce something before my Ultimate discount ends.

Don't know whether I should pour any more money into this game but I'm willing to grab the pass if it's worth it.
However, that depends on whether they'll continue patching it.

Also, can anyone on a 1070 post some settings to get 1070 in Surfers Paradise?

I found for me the game currently looks/plays best with 1080p and all settings to max including 8x MSAA. Also lock to 60fps which it maintains for the most part, the centre of Surfers Paradise you will find the tram line, this is the worst area on the map and I find it can dip to about 40 briefly here. In general the game seems to have micro st stu stutters at times even when the fps still says 60. A more powerful card can power past this section and still maintain 60.

I switch between playing 16:9 / 21:9 but the game works not so bad also in 4K with frames locked to 30. It just seems unlocked frames are more jittery and all over the place at the moment, which on my system seems to strain the GPU almost constantly to 98%.

I held out over the summer with a new build (moving from consoles) considering the RX480 / GTX1060 but glad I went for the 1070.
Just got my new GPU for this game and GOW4 so really nice having waited all summer to play these games with all the benefits over the console...
(i7 6700k @4.6 / 16 GB DDR 2400)

(excuse my celebratory happiness with this little build)
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I had a good 5 hour play test last night with a gtx970 and a 4790k @4.7GHz and 16gb 2400MHz DDR3 ram.

On the whole, it was fairly choppy, but playable and definitely enjoyable which is the main thing.

Unfortunately 30fps lock was giving me high input lag, 60fps lock got rid of that, but then issues with the framerate started. fingers crossed it will improve with time. Looking forward to getting back on it tonight after work, even with the frame drops.
I found for me the game currently looks/plays best with 1080p and all settings to max including 8x MSAA. Also lock to 60fps, the centre of Surfers Paradise you will find the tram line, this is the worst area on the map and I find it can dip to about 40 briefly here. In general the game seems to have micro stutters at tiimes even when the fps still says 60. A more powerful card can power past this section and still maintain 60.

I switch between playing 16:9 / 21:9 but the game works not so bad also in 4K with frames locked to 30. It just seems unlocked frames are more jittery and all over the place at the moment, which on my system seems to strain the GPU almost constantly to 98%

Thanks, so it's pretty much the same as in my case at 1440p with MSAAx2 or 4k DSR no AA. Drops to 45-
40 with quite frequent annoying stuttering. I didn't know who to believe because some people claimed everything's perfect and they get locked 60fps which would mean the issue is on my end.

Will have to endure for now and use the priority/affinity fix but it rarely works TBH.
Using 4690k @ 4ghz, 16gb ram, ssd & RX480 8GB

Most of the time it is solid 60fps, But if I go to surfers it tanks to 30-40, Some other areas it drops to 57fps.

Everything on highest apart from MSAA being off at 1920x1080.

Probably asking too much for a solid 60fps at all times.
I'm finding online more fun than I thought I would. Most people race far on tarmac and o n the off road maps a bit of bumping is fine.

It's so so easy to come top of the Championship due to being XP based. Just run clean and rack up your skill score. I think I've not finished top in about 2 Championships so far.

I just made sure that for every class I have a max road and off road car, most don't so they don't race with the appropriate vehicle.

The playground games are a laugh too, capture the flag, king and infected are all fun. It's a shame there isn't more people on here wanting to have a online night where we can do all this.
Has anyone seen a menu option to stop the navigation directing across beaches and dirt roads? It's quite annoying. Yeah I can look at the map and driver around, but there should be an avoid off road toggle using one of the free buttons on the pad.

All roads to festivals should be paved over as well. A small thing, but it's the only thing wrong with the game for me.
So.... I found out I had my 970 in the wrong pci slot so it was running at 2x :o Game is a lot smoother now running high locked to 30fps, city still drops loads but I'm a lot happier and the menu is no longer breaking my game.

I downloaded the entire 49Gb on my second computer...took 5 hours...only to be given an error message and the download started again! :(
Has anyone got the co-op achievement?

Just spent 10 mins trying to do it but nothing unlocked. Tried multiple races, custom race etc... and nothing. Tried as both the leader and not.
Hi, having really enjoyed FH2 on XO I'm interested in FH3, but not clear on a few things, grateful for advice:

1. Would like to play both on the PC and XO. I gather if I purchase from the MS Store a version will be available for download both from my PC and XO?

2. Will latest game progress be available regardless of whether I play from PC or XO, provided I play using the same gamer id?

3. Can I play and communicate with my bro if I'm on PC and he's on XO?

4. Overwhelmed by all the varying versions e.g. VIP, deluxe etc. Which one to go for?

Many thanks! :)
The answer to the first three is "yes" (but remember to buy from Windows Store, I don't know whether Play Anywhere applies to buying a physical copy).

Regarding different editions, it all depends how much you're willing to spend and how much content you want. The base game has plenty of content and bear in mind Ultimate still doesn't get you everything since there's a separate expansion pass. However, you'll get a discount on that if you get the Ultimate. It's the most expensive game I've ever played;p

Ultimate gets you VIP, two car packs and a car pass till March 2017, so you'll get an additional 42 cars (seven of which have already been released).

I went with the Ultimate because I was able to grab a couple of cheaper Live pre-paid cards and the difference between Deluxe and Ultimate wasn't so big (wanted the VIP).
The PC version doesn't run perfectly for me, though, and it doesn't always look amazing so it's a good thing you've got an XBox.

Good game but I slightly regret getting the Ultimate.

EDIT: Remember you can usually buy additional cars separately if you're unsure whether you want all of them enough to splash out for the Ultimate.
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