Forza Horizon 3 just shown at E3

Will this be another one of these awful UWP games? Forza Apex runs ok on just High preset but 2 cores are constantly hammered while the other two do nothing and the game barely uses half my gpu. I fancy the look of Horizon but cant be doing with a hitching/stuttering racing game.
Will this be another one of these awful UWP games? Forza Apex runs ok on just High preset but 2 cores are constantly hammered while the other two do nothing and the game barely uses half my gpu. I fancy the look of Horizon but cant be doing with a hitching/stuttering racing game.

Well its most certainly looking to be UWP, but no one knows for sure how this will work.

Its looking like you need to buy the game on xbox store digitally and then download to a compatible Windows device via Windows store that is logged in using your xbox account.

I don't know. I'm waiting to get 100% confirmation before I look to buy this.
Well its most certainly looking to be UWP, but no one knows for sure how this will work.

Its looking like you need to buy the game on xbox store digitally and then download to a compatible Windows device via Windows store that is logged in using your xbox account.

I don't know. I'm waiting to get 100% confirmation before I look to buy this.

Check earlier in this thread. I got confirmation of how it would work directly from someone at Microsoft. You can apply a key to your Windows Store account and download it that way. You do not HAVE to purchase through the Windows Store
I love the odd balls, that's what makes this game great, Over taking Ferrari's and the like in an insane original mini, drifting around the Tsukuba track in a modified Smart Car with a Children's Tike Car livery.

I can't seriously wait, last Forza I played was the First Horizon, and briefly played Horizon 2 on a mates....Shelling out on an Xbone just for Forza didn't make sense to me.
Really looking forward to this..hopefully my 980ti can handle it at 4k....seems to do fine with apex! Really need that steering wheel support!
Was really impressed by the demos, would definitely have bought it if it had good reviews....until I read it is going to have MONTHLY dlc in the form of cars, now its definitely a no buy at least until they release some goty edition if theres still ppl playing then.
Was really impressed by the demos, would definitely have bought it if it had good reviews....until I read it is going to have MONTHLY dlc in the form of cars, now its definitely a no buy at least until they release some goty edition if theres still ppl playing then.
350 cars on release not good enough for ya?

Just so you know - Forza Horizon 2 never got any GOTY edition or anything. DLC was always sold separately(or as part of a higher-price bundle).

Really looking forward to this..hopefully my 980ti can handle it at 4k....seems to do fine with apex! Really need that steering wheel support!
This is 30fps on consoles so will be a fair bit more demanding than Apex was.
I expect it will run a fair bit worse but am hopeful 1440p 60fps minimum will be doable on my 390X. Time will tell!

I agree though, the content doesn't seem to be lacking and there have been 2 Horizon games before this that people have been very happy with.
My issue is not with the amount of content on release, its with the idea of being milked monthly, this is not an mmo with a sub, I would also bet they will hold back some of the best cars for said dlc.

Just like every other game has a season pass, this one has a car pass which allows access to each of the monthly packs.
My issue is not with the amount of content on release, its with the idea of being milked monthly, this is not an mmo with a sub, I would also bet they will hold back some of the best cars for said dlc.

The Forza series has done this for ages, nothing new. I've also never been compelled to buy many of the packs unless you get new tracks (or whole areas in respect of FH2 and Storm Island), so it's not like you NEED to buy them.

Pre-ordered my digital copy the other day for £40 (2 x £25 codes cheap off eBay). Will be nice top have it on both platforms but I see me playing it mostly on PC.
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The Forza series has done this for ages, nothing new. I've also never been compelled to buy many of the packs unless you get new tracks (or areas in respect of FH2 and Storm) Island, so it's not like you NEED to buy them.

Pre-ordered my digital copy the other day for £40 (2 x £25 codes cheap off eBay). Will be nice top have it on both platforms but I see me playing it mostly on PC.

If you don't mind me asking, where did you preorder from? I have mine through Amazon.
Thanks. I considered doing it that way but Amazon was more convenient and the same price so I just grabbed it there.

Not sure how it is more convenient with being digital, but as I said, for me it worked out around £10 cheaper by combining 2 cheap MS voucher codes.

Apart from that, yeah, no difference other than maybe the pre-order perks.
Not sure how it is more convenient with being digital, but as I said, for me it worked out around £10 cheaper by combining 2 cheap MS voucher codes.

Apart from that, yeah, no difference other than maybe the pre-order perks.

My Amazon account was open at the time with payment details and such already on it :p.

If I went through Xbox Store I would have had to add payment details etc. onto my account.
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