Forza Horizon 5 - Mexico

I'm having various issues :

Can't play with mate as keeps saying we have disconnected.
Can't seem to get it playing more than 60fps on the tv (lg cx).
Random menu bug where it keeps jumping to menu when you try to get back into game.
My main issues are random disconnects from the sever even though I have absolutely zero issues with my internet connection and I also understand peoples gripe with how easy it is to get high value cars/items. I'm not looking for a mega-grind, but getting the McLaren Senna from... I don't even know where (I don't think I even had to do a race to get it right at the start of the game) is a bit boring really. As an avid player of the original Test Drive Unlimited it was actually nice to be able to drive around in a car you genuinely had to work for, but you don't really get that with FH5. Oh, and yes, the cut-scenes are an absolute plague on this game and I don't think it was much different on FH4.

Other than that I'm enjoying it despite playing with an out-dated PC (2500k, 8GB RAM and GTX 1070), but I am only on a mix of medium-high settings and there is the occasional slow down which is giving me a bigger itch than usual to upgrade to a 3600x/5600x and 16GB RAM. I'd never sit here and say I get a solid 60FPS or anything like that, but it is playable with what I have. I also didn't need to do any setting up with my Logitech G25 that worked from the start with FFB so no issues with that.
Other than that I'm enjoying it despite playing with an out-dated PC (2500k, 8GB RAM and GTX 1070), but I am only on a mix of medium-high settings and there is the occasional slow down which is giving me a bigger itch than usual to upgrade to a 3600x/5600x and 16GB RAM
your higher than 1080 res or what?

runs solid 60fps here with 4670k, 8gb ram and a 980ti which according to google is about equal to your pc

I had the memory low warning but didn't notice any performance impact.

no game made me wanna upgrade yet tbh.. maybe forza motorsport next year might but I doubt it since games that run on the consoles kinda are holding gaming back anyway

oh I ran the benchmark and apparently I lied but it's probably because you never really see that many cars on screen at one time.
I have shadows on low though and blur off.
I always turned shadows down in games they probably have a big impact and I doubt you really notice especially in a racing game.

I don't know how the benchmark says it went over 60 cos vsync was on the whole time and it never showed higher than 60 on the fps counter

oh I just noticed my core clock on my gpu is -90 in afterburner oops.

I still have the same thermal paste on my CPU from like 2014 too :D

kinda insane that a high end pc in 2015 can even run games in 2021 on high settings, I guess most people moved up to 4k though who are enthusiast gamers like I used to be.
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1440p UW
3090 98/99% load!
Thats with a 9900k overclocked.
32gb RAM

Sitting around 120-144 (vsync limited to 144fps)

Not stutters or jitters, no frame drops! Works wonderful on my system.

Dunno if its helping but i tested with 16gb RAM and 32gb RAM and its noticeably smoother with 32gb RAM.

Nice Ive got 32gb In too was very impressed today with the game and have similar gpu load, still beasting the 9900k :) @4k
Right serious question, i was looking for a tune for Supra mk4 for grip and found a really good one however what annoys me is how they also lock the cosmetics of the tune to the car you've applied it to! Is there any way to just get a tune without locking every damn aspect of the car so i can make the car more to how i want it to look?

Yes im too lazy to make my own tune right now, don't get many hours on the game and don't want to spend hours just fine tuning.
If anyone is wondering about how to complete the daily challenge for a clean lap in rivals. It turns out, it’s actually not a clean lap. The easiest way to do it do a drag race and rewind in the middle. It will then complete the challenge.

Also has anyone managed an arcade event yet? There just never seems enough people to get the challenges done.

Not to mention the distance for some of them. I was trying a drift one in the desert on the west of the map and the final challenge was a drift zone at the top of the volcano so lost 3 minutes just driving up to it.
In the pre-order I had no issues joining arcade challenges and completing them, since the main launch I've been the only car in any challenge I've tried.
If anyone is wondering about how to complete the daily challenge for a clean lap in rivals. It turns out, it’s actually not a clean lap. The easiest way to do it do a drag race and rewind in the middle. It will then complete the challenge.

Also has anyone managed an arcade event yet? There just never seems enough people to get the challenges done.

Not to mention the distance for some of them. I was trying a drift one in the desert on the west of the map and the final challenge was a drift zone at the top of the volcano so lost 3 minutes just driving up to it.

can you not use fast travel?
So what are you meant to do in Forza, i just started Forza 4 and seem to be driving around a huge set of roads with AI that are super slow and its not a race.
I am meant to gain X amount of influence but its not telling me the total on screen so im finding the experience the worst i have ever had on any racing game.
Graphics are nice though.
Stupid question but I don't understand what does the FPS setting do? I recall seeing something like 60, 83, 144, 165 of maybe off?
Is that a cap? Should I have vsync on or off? Trying to set this up best I can for my son's machine to run on his gsync capable Dell screen @ 2560 x 1440 which I think goes up to 165hz if required. I have gsync on in the nvidia control panel. I take it this game supports it?

His specs are:

CPU = AMD 1600AF 6core
32gb ram
GPU = RTX 3060

I think he had it on all medium settings and it was micro stuttering and occasionally lagging a bit during races. Is that right? CPU load during gaming was about 48%. When I checked GPU load using task manager it was really low. I guess I should use a better monitoring tool.
Nice Ive got 32gb In too was very impressed today with the game and have similar gpu load, still beasting the 9900k :) @4k
Are you getting the same disconnects everyone else is getting? I got more disconnects last night than ever before, feels almost like the servers can't cope so is kicking you out. Barely saw any real players online last night.

The 9900k still pulls its weight despite being 3 generations behind!
Stupid question but I don't understand what does the FPS setting do? I recall seeing something like 60, 83, 144, 165 of maybe off?
Is that a cap? Should I have vsync on or off? Trying to set this up best I can for my son's machine to run on his gsync capable Dell screen @ 2560 x 1440 which I think goes up to 165hz if required. I have gsync on in the nvidia control panel. I take it this game supports it?

His specs are:

CPU = AMD 1600AF 6core
32gb ram
GPU = RTX 3060

I think he had it on all medium settings and it was micro stuttering and occasionally lagging a bit during races. Is that right? CPU load during gaming was about 48%. When I checked GPU load using task manager it was really low. I guess I should use a better monitoring tool.
Have vsync off,you could cap the high range of fps in game if you like, im not sure why he was getting micro stutter though, i get the occasional stutter sometimes but not to bad, the game needs a update really as there is a few bugs etc
Anyone using a TSS handbrake? I heard it doesn't work on Xbox version but not sure if it does with the PC version?
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