Forza Motorsport 2 Car and Skins show off thread.



Big WIP, gonna eventually try and get each of the 4 kids on there with one of their alternitive outfits (Kenny - Angel, Stan - Goth, Kyle as a 'fag')
Herminator said:
The ban hammer or whatever they do to glitchers will be interesting.
What will happen to the people who'd had cars bought for huge amounts? I haven't done anything wrong, yet I have 202million in credits :o
There could be a few non glitchers and cheaters left with vast amounts of credits whilst the rest of the players are back down to more normal levels.

Yeah one fool on panicing so much he's been giving 10 million away each time someone finds a car he's selling on AH.

I don't think they are going to target the people with lots of money in their accounts, more the people bidding huge sums for cars and selling a standard car for £50 million moving credits about.

The stuff i've read seems to suggest they know full well about the reselling previously sold cars and whose done it. There is a patch coming and with it bans.

Dunno why they care so much, if they were that worried they shouldve had a max amount of money you could earn, say 30 million at one time. If you bought big then you would either have to sell cars or do some more career racing for money.

Not my work, bought on the auction house, but the paintwork is unlocked.

This took all of 10 minutes, note how crap I am compared to the car I bought.
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Herminator said:
Got a buyer lined up for No.9 so there's one more to go....

Not sure what to do about it yet.

Here's No.8[IMG]

Hmmm, I haven't bought a Zonda yet ;)
Shamikebab said:
Id love that, how much you selling it for?

Already sold.
As has No.9



Just No.10 remaining. I'm going to find the right car for it then decide the best way to sell it off. I'm thinking of taking a couple of very close photo's and letting people try and work out the car and then find it on the auctions, where it will have a sensible buy out. I would put a very cheap buyout but if someone finds an expensive car with a cheap buyout, they'll buy it without even knowing why it's there.
Would make things a lot easier.

Chuck those cars over and I'll slap them up before tonight's racing :)
Jabbs said:
You inspired me with the one i had off u

wow, cheers chap, glad I did! as you certainly have talent, keep up the good work, any probs drop us a msg and i'll try and help you as much as possible, i'm still learning new things every time i use the editor myself
OK, the last of the Hiro vs Dino cars is going up on the auction site in a few minutes.

I'm not going to tell you what it is, but it has a sensible buyout.

Here's a teaser image, you can try and work out the car from it.

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