Forza Motorsport 2 Car and Skins show off thread.

finally got my xbox back yesterday so have been playing forza 2 a little bit, my first car was a Nissan Silvia. Im no good with designing to I went for a paint job to make it look like this car.


Personally I dont think ive done too bad

I got the Kim Possible layers that ljt did for me the other day, fantastic work ljt, looks even better in game than the pics, many thanks :D

I seem to suffer bad jpeg compression on the pics I take once uploaded to forza ... but anyways here is my latest based as close as I can manage to a real race livery as most of mine are:

oh. my. word.

there are some very talented people in here and i'm now not going to bother posting the ones i was going to post as they just don't sand up! i am working on a new flagship one tho so... hrmm...
I was looking for a nice livery for the SLR, and saw a really nice one based on the F1 cars, I don't mind paying for someones hard graft when the result is good, but I thought it a bit steep at 1.2M credits, so I decided to copy his design and do my own, unfortunatley the Forza webby is playing up for me atm, but when itsa fixed I will get some pics of the SLR posted.

BTW .. I definatley seem to have trouble selling locked paint cars since the update, I think the fact you can't sell them on again is disuading people from buying them :(
It would have been better for them to fix the car duplicating bug rather than block selling of locked cars from others.
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I'd never though much of the SLR until I saw that paint job slapped on it.

Nice work. :)

Tetsujin said:
oh. my. word.

there are some very talented people in here and i'm now not going to bother posting the ones i was going to post as they just don't sand up! i am working on a new flagship one tho so... hrmm...Tetsujin

It didn't stop me posting my utterly ludicrous, but fun to drive Gulf liveried Beetle (though maybe it should... ;) ). Stick your designs up for all to see.
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Lunatic Dreyfus said:
I'd never though much of the SLR until I saw that paint job slapped on it.

Well as mentioned, I copied the layout/design from one at silly money on auctions, so I can't take the credit for that.
I just made all the logos and stuff from scratch, apart from the bridgestone decal on the sill which is in game.
ok ok, well here goes. the first one i've managed that's taken any real effort, as i had to recreate the lower half of the letters using primitives...


and by way of explanation, in the counter strike world i'm known as eyebrows, brows for short, and my gamertag is Eyebrows360 (who else would call themselves eyebrows?! bah) hence the EB360 on the bonnet. and it isn't finished i just need to wait for another wave of inspiration to hit...
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Is there any way to search for specific designs in the auction house? For example, if I'm looking for a car with the Williams F1 paint job, can I search for it or do I have to look through all the designs until I find one?
Look through all the designs I am afraid, obviously if its a specific car then you can search that and paint yes to narrow it a bit.
Those designs are looking good Vogon/tetsujin!

I want to start working on some racing designs myself once I've finished the wacky races one lol
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