9 Sep 2003
Does anyone know of any FPS games that can be played COOP over a lan?

Ive managed to get FarCry COOP working but there are still bugs in it.

I bought unreal 2 as I heard it had one but then found out only on the xbox version

Why dont more games have this option :(
There arn't many co-op games as they are so hard to make. If you have two people running around and still want to have puzzles and scripted sequences then you have to be very clever and it's a lot more work and it probably wouldn't turn out as good a game if it was just a single player.

But yeah, I want a good FPS co-op game too. :(

Doom (not sure which one it was now) has co-op I think, as it's just running through corridors to get to the end it was easy to include.
I am not sure if it works over a LAN, but Joint Operations: Typhoon Rising had a Co-Op mode playable over the internet.

It wasn't very challenging, but it was great fun IMO
If you like Half Life etc - then Venshira co-op.
I know it's old-school, but System Shock 2 could be played co-op.
I haven't bought any games recently, so I'm all out of ideas.
Ive got Serious Sam SE but havent had chance to give it a go yet :)

Ive got Joint Operations: Typhoon Rising too, ill give it a try?

Does Venshira co-op let you play through HL2 coop?? :eek:

I thought H&D & Splinter Cell were great games, didnt realise they had COOP, ill have to get a copy :D

Thanks guys, keep them coming if you know of any more ;)
Quite old games, but some of them are still fun:

Delta force series
SWAT Series(most of them i think)
Rainbow Six series
Ghost Recon series
this list is lan based, and for a team of friends working together against the baddies, rather than each other, cos that's what we do, with one exception.(not lan based I mean)

Quake 2 has coop, bloody good too if you can cope with the colourless graphics

the original "unreal" has good coop, as does the addon "return to napali"
there where also a couple of mods for unreal tournement and 2003 that support coop.

Will rock also had coop that's nearly as good as the serious sam series.

splinter cell is only two player coop, no one lies forever 2 also has a coop mode all be it slightly odd.

don't discount dungeon siege 1 and 2 plus addons and mods, I know they aren't fps but still a damn good laugh when you run out of fps options.

Also Guild wars is fanbloodytastic as a coop game, again not really fps but depends on what your priorities are for a coop game.

Just to distroy any street cred I might have gained from this post I must add that
daikatana also has a three player coop mode, and its not bad!!

also if you get totally hooked on the coop thing and are still reading this post, then there is baldurs gate 1 & 2 plus addons and neverwinter nights.

long live coop thats what I say!!


and that lot is a fair few months of anybodies game life
Buzza said:
Quite old games, but some of them are still fun:

Delta force series
SWAT Series(most of them i think)
Rainbow Six series
Ghost Recon series

How could you forget Operation Flashpoint?!?? :mad:

daryll said:
Does Venshira co-op let you play through HL2 coop?? :eek:
Yes, sorry.
Sven Co-op was Half Life.
Venshira is HL2.
Anyody know if Bioshock will have any multiplayer (with co-op) just like System Shock?
I hope Advanced War Fighter has, that looks really good.

Thanks for the in depth reply turbotoes..much appreciated :) I will def have a look at all of those.

I enjoy storyline COOP games so much more than deathmatch (though deathmatch does have its moments too)
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