FirebarUK said:
Serious Sam 1, 2nd encounter and the latest, 2.

Another vote for this :) We've had countless hours of fun playing these in coop :) Much better than playing it SP imo.
Yeah playing Delta Force Extreme is pretty fun in COOP mode, me and my mates play it, all three of us on LAN in the house :D
problem with coop's like this is most of the time they just tack an extra person on... so the single player revolves around the first player with the second just being dragged along for the ride

never properly got into hnd2 coop, my housemates are all lame and wouldn't play it with me :(
OK, thanks guys..going to get a copy of Operation Flashpoint :)

Does anyone know if Halo 2 has LAN coop on the PC? It seems that Halo 1 doesnt but no sure about 2...
Dunno if its been mentioned allready, Doom 3 co-op is very amusing, played with 3 mates (max 8 player lan or 4 on net) and was pmsl everytime i heard there girly screams when something jumped out on any one of us. :D Mod can be found on most forums or fileplanet etc, need patch 1.3 and works a treat. :cool: Version im running is 'opencoop1_1_.1' with no bugs at all, taking on the end boss ultra mode with 4 people is highly amusing.

Mods called: 'Doom 3 OpenCoop'
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PFG said:

but its a pity its a half life mod :-(

They were working on the HL2 version untill early last year, not heard or seen anymore about it so think its dead in the water now sadly... :(
They've put it on hold basically because they don't have enough developer's to work on it. Sniper himself will be taking over later this year once Sven Co-op 3.5 for HL1 is complete.
is it me or are we forgetting the best free game in the world ever?

ET! more custom maps than you could shake a stick at! great fun with a good set of mates, runs on a pentium one and voodoo 2 graphics card, fastish paced, objectives are well balanced between the two sides, use of stupid god modes to spice things up,

anything else people can think of?
daryll said:
Does anyone know of any FPS games that can be played COOP over a lan?
Why dont more games have this option :(

Perfect Dark on N64 :)

it could be played co-op or 'anti co-op' ie against each other, well at least I think it was

ok I know its not a PC game but I really liked it anyway

I agree though, more games should have a co-op feature
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