I fancy giving a FPS a go on PC with mouse and keyboard (I normally use 360 controller for games)
So I would like something that is not ridiculous competitive and I can just jump right into. I watched a few vids on CO:GO but it seems totally teamwork based and very competitive. When ive played the likes of COD/Titanfall with mates on 360/One Im typically a run and gun player even in team deathmatch I rarely stick with people.
Spec is in sig and im gaming at 1080p.
I fancy giving a FPS a go on PC with mouse and keyboard (I normally use 360 controller for games)
So I would like something that is not ridiculous competitive and I can just jump right into. I watched a few vids on CO:GO but it seems totally teamwork based and very competitive. When ive played the likes of COD/Titanfall with mates on 360/One Im typically a run and gun player even in team deathmatch I rarely stick with people.
Spec is in sig and im gaming at 1080p.