FPS That I can play on my own/with a team.

Problem is when ranks and skill are involved people always have to blame someone other than themselves. it's the same in dota and lol.

however some of the community servers are great

Very true. I play quite a bit of CSGO and am reasonably ok at it. Solo'd my way to DMG, but the people you meet on it for the most part a disgusting human beings. If it's not hackers and smurfs ruining the game it's the cretins that just spout constant bile! But I've been playing CS since its earliest beginnings so I've developed a certain immunity to it all! It's for these reasons I wouldnt recommend it as a game to any newcomer. Shame as it's actually a great game in itself.
Maybe give arma 3 and it's mods a go can be very solitary and very team based and in the middle only thing is not so insta play but king of the hill is insta play
I'm enjoying CS GO atm, however as others have said the players can be a bit hostile at times. I had a really bad run the other night and one guy told me to unplug my PC, take it to the nearest deep water and use it as a weight to drown myself :D
CoD4 still has a largeish online presence and you don't have to have any tactical skills whatsoever. It's a bit old but the graphics aren't that bad.
I'm enjoying CS GO atm, however as others have said the players can be a bit hostile at times. I had a really bad run the other night and one guy told me to unplug my PC, take it to the nearest deep water and use it as a weight to drown myself :D

That was polite mate. Very polite.:p
CS GO is FPS cancer as far as I'm concerned.
The scene is toxic and full of elitist scrotum's who need to use the shutdown button and step through their front door more often.
Yeah I would recommend BF4 can pretty much do your own thing there, When I play CS GO on competitive, If anyone says anything horrible/rude I tell them say that again and you'll be blocked, Some of them actually stop shouting BS then and if they do, Then there blocked with no cares given he will not get information where enemy's are from me.
planetside 2, as it's free? :D You'll hit a bit of a learning curve but... it's not like idiots rage at you for stuff you do wrong/poor play.
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