Free £10,000.. what would you do with it?

3 Dec 2002
Groovin' @ the disco
No, I didn't get £10,000 and no I'm not going to give you £10,000..

but I was watching an interview with Rory Stewart (former tory MP) on how they just gave some people in a villages from a developing country $700 each and when they came back a year later the whole village was transformed, they had running water, a sewage system and cows to farm the land/milk.. etc...

Guessing that $700 wouldn't change most people's lives much here, but if some well meaning, funny talking toff was to give you £10,000.. what would you do with it?
I'd love to blow it on a watch :p But I wouldn't be able to justify it :(
This is what I kinda did in the past... my mom lent me 5k for some of my house down payment. When I went to return it a few years later, she said she didn't want it back, so I popped the cash into an ISA and brought a Planet Ocean on interest free credit. I thought it was right as it gives me someone to remember my mum by, I have the cash in an account gaining interest in case I need to get rid of the debit and in theory; the watch has gain in vaule as it RRPs for a lot more than I got it for when considering the discount I got on the watch and inflation.
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