Free £10,000.. what would you do with it?

take it to las Vegas and double it ;)
I like your thinking... If I ever had **** you cash, I would take a brief case with 1 million pounds to vegas, leave the cards and everything else at home expect the return airplane ticket and blow the whole lot... I'll probably end up selling the place ticket and end up trapped and homeless in Vegas without a means of getting home.. lol..
Install a fireplace to hang a 75" TV over and corner sofa.

Buy posts to get access to MM.

In a small village in a developing country everyone will know each other, sharing the wealth to improve lives for everyone would be the rational thing to do. Here we don't know our neighbours and are surrounded by stores ready to take our money.
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And here we see the difference between a community and individualism. Having said that, I doubt there are many opportunities for a community to club together for anything in the UK even if one existed
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