lost a days wage despite assumingly booking a holiday which would be paid for...? A
She won't lose the days basic pay, no. She will lose the time and half she would have had for working the easter weekend, so shes effectively lost more than a whole days wages.
if you want something NOW, go to the shop to get it, otherwise soak it up and move on
or alternatively use the services that are advertised, I don't think it's unreasonable after paying for next daydelivery on a Wednesday to expect it on the Saturday that they have said it would arrive, do you?
I usually do collect in store, I can't this week.
you're all gonna get your stuff on Tuesday.
3) no. I won't be getting it Tuesday, I have to work for 7 nights starting last night (hense me paying for next day delivery on the Wednesday, so I could have the stuff on thursday) so now I have to wait till Friday before It can be delivered, the missus understandably doesn't want to have another day off work.
Moaning after the event won't get you anywhere.
4) next time il moan before the event then? It has got me somewhere... It's made me understand why it's happened (they said in the post in the customer services bit) they have refunded me the postage and also said they will be able rearrange delivery for the Friday.
But other than that buddy your completely correct, I usually wouldn't care if it was a few days late, ocuk have some of the best customer services I've ever experienced, this won't stop me using them like I always have. It's 1 hiccup in the many times I've used them, but it's better to make them aware, when your not happy.
*Edit* 5UB posted whilst I was typing, point proven, resolved the issue. I'm all happy again.