Freedom 2 Surf Customers *IMPORTANT*

19 Oct 2002
New information from tech support at F2S giving at least some bad news (speed) and some good (LLU Migration).


In order to ensure our customers get the best user experience, we are currently trialling prioritising options on our network - we have prioritised interactive traffic (such as web-browsing and emails) over non time critical applications (namely P2P traffic).

This change is currently being applied to peak periods only and we're monitoring the effects to see what timings work best, to ensure that service can be provided as fairly as possible to the majority of our customers.


As some of you know, LLU MAC numbers can now be generated. We have trialled them with some customers in order to gauge their effectiveness. Currently I'm liaising with our account manager at Easynet in order to work out a process whereby MAC numbers can be issued in line with circuits delivered on other platforms (i.e. IPStream & Datastream).


We're going to start offering this service further across BT's MAX trial exchanges in addition to Easynet's. This will be with the view to rolling out the service out nationally by April (subject to the trial's success).


During spring we're looking to tap into the LLU roll-out by PIPEX as well. This will offer more choice and speeds in the LLU areas. I've got no specific details just yet, but we'll be looking to offer high speed (24Mb/ADSL2+)/low contention services in the LLU areas.

ADDITIONALLY :- Easynet/F2S have suspended signups at around 20 exchanges because their network is getting too congested.

Now obviously the traffic shaping is the major bit because as far as i can work out it's from about 8am till Midnight, which sucks. Cos during peak times i can only pull about 1-2mb max. However i think i'm stuck with F2S as nowhere else does LLU in my area :(
Windle said:
New information from tech support at F2S giving at least some bad news (speed) and some good (LLU Migration).


In order to ensure our customers get the best user experience, we are currently trialling prioritising options on our network - we have prioritised interactive traffic (such as web-browsing and emails) over non time critical applications (namely P2P traffic).

This change is currently being applied to peak periods only and we're monitoring the effects to see what timings work best, to ensure that service can be provided as fairly as possible to the majority of our customers.


As some of you know, LLU MAC numbers can now be generated. We have trialled them with some customers in order to gauge their effectiveness. Currently I'm liaising with our account manager at Easynet in order to work out a process whereby MAC numbers can be issued in line with circuits delivered on other platforms (i.e. IPStream & Datastream).


We're going to start offering this service further across BT's MAX trial exchanges in addition to Easynet's. This will be with the view to rolling out the service out nationally by April (subject to the trial's success).


During spring we're looking to tap into the LLU roll-out by PIPEX as well. This will offer more choice and speeds in the LLU areas. I've got no specific details just yet, but we'll be looking to offer high speed (24Mb/ADSL2+)/low contention services in the LLU areas.

ADDITIONALLY :- Easynet/F2S have suspended signups at around 20 exchanges because their network is getting too congested.

Now obviously the traffic shaping is the major bit because as far as i can work out it's from about 8am till Midnight, which sucks. Cos during peak times i can only pull about 1-2mb max. However i think i'm stuck with F2S as nowhere else does LLU in my area :(
ive only been with f2s for 4monts looks like i will be finding somewhere better, took me ages to find a good one then i found f2s
lol o dear, going down the plusnet route to increase cash for the share holders :( Your P2P speed WILL go down to like 5kb/s :( Expect everything other than HTTP to be throttled eventually with F2S.
Seems ok to me, been with f2s for years now without problems and p2p really isnt all that great anyway, riddled with rubbish, mis named files and viruses!!
Quite concerned seeing as I have signed up for F2S (just waiting to be connected), don't want to have to migrate again so soon
I think its a good thing people on p2p tend to swallow all the resources, it doenst matter how much is available they take it all. I do think however that people how feel strongly against it should be able to quit there contract and move else where at no cost.
Unfortunately despite them claiming priority to Web/Email etc there are a large number of people complaining of slow service over all usage, myself included. The fact that they have suspended LLU signups at a lot of exchanges suggests there network is screwed at the moment.
I'll have to see how this affects my F2S service. I don't do much downloading, so it might not affect me too much, but how much is this likely to affect bit-torrent?, as I don't use it often, but i've found it good for game demos/trailers
the reason ive got adsl is for downloading well i think most people who has a fast connection with no cap would be downloading a lot, i need a good isp who is not going to charge loads, i would go with zen but its a bit pricey for me
Freaking hell! Their HomeS package seem too good to be true! Wow!
Lemme ADSL Guide them...

They come second compared to PlusNet, UkOnline and Zen with unsuprisingly Zen coming first.

Edit: What does this mean:-

Newnet said:
Exchange: Your local BT Exchange: Albert Dock

Line: The product is incompatible.

Preliminary tests indicate that your line should be capable of supporting speeds of 2Mbps, 1Mbps, 512Kbps.

If you decide to place an order, a further test will be performed to confirm if your line is suitable for the speed of service you wish to purchase.

However when I check my own exchange it says I can support up to 2mbps and when I check on other ISPs it says I can support up to 2mbps as well :confused:
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eXSBass said:
However when I check my own exchange it says I can support up to 2mbps and when I check on other ISPs it says I can support up to 2mbps as well :confused:

Because you already have ADSL...
eXSBass said:
Freaking hell! Their HomeS package seem too good to be true! Wow!
Lemme ADSL Guide them...

They come second compared to PlusNet, UkOnline and Zen with unsuprisingly Zen coming first.

Edit: What does this mean:-
However when I check my own exchange it says I can support up to 2mbps and when I check on other ISPs it says I can support up to 2mbps as well :confused:
SamKnows says Albert Dock can get LLU, so its as Tolien says, its because you already have ADSL.
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