Got a good laugh out of the "freeman on the land" wiki.
Not sure why it annoys me so much when people make the ****** argument that laws don't apply to them or they shouldn't have to pay for X,Y and Z. They are almost always the people that take the most from society and contribute the least as well. If you want to go and live in the wilds of scotland and fend for yourself then go for it but if you want your bins collected, your children educated, your roads paved and your health taken care of and your food available from shops then pay your damn taxes.
Freeman on the land, also known as FMOTL, FOTL, "Footle" or simply freeman,[2] is a form of pseudolegal woo in various English-speaking countries
Not sure why it annoys me so much when people make the ****** argument that laws don't apply to them or they shouldn't have to pay for X,Y and Z. They are almost always the people that take the most from society and contribute the least as well. If you want to go and live in the wilds of scotland and fend for yourself then go for it but if you want your bins collected, your children educated, your roads paved and your health taken care of and your food available from shops then pay your damn taxes.