Freeman of the Land / Bonkers Theories

Got a good laugh out of the "freeman on the land" wiki.

Freeman on the land, also known as FMOTL, FOTL, "Footle" or simply freeman,[2] is a form of pseudolegal woo in various English-speaking countries

Not sure why it annoys me so much when people make the ****** argument that laws don't apply to them or they shouldn't have to pay for X,Y and Z. They are almost always the people that take the most from society and contribute the least as well. If you want to go and live in the wilds of scotland and fend for yourself then go for it but if you want your bins collected, your children educated, your roads paved and your health taken care of and your food available from shops then pay your damn taxes.
Got a good laugh out of the "freeman on the land" wiki.

Not sure why it annoys me so much when people make the ****** argument that laws don't apply to them or they shouldn't have to pay for X,Y and Z. They are almost always the people that take the most from society and contribute the least as well. If you want to go and live in the wilds of scotland and fend for yourself then go for it but if you want your bins collected, your children educated, your roads paved and your health taken care of and your food available from shops then pay your damn taxes.

Seems like an unfounded opinion
all these so called peoples lawyers have never won a single case and actually ended up getting themselves and the people they gave bad advice to in even more problems. Look up videos on some guy called Tom Crawford who basically tried to lie and get away without paying his mortgage for years because he cancelled his endowment policy. He got a load of morons including some idiot by the name of ceylon who basically blew a load of smoke up his backside telling him he had a case bla bla bla, he then got opened up like a can of Tuna by the judges in court for lying.
all these so called peoples lawyers have never won a single case and actually ended up getting themselves and the people they gave bad advice to in even more problems. Look up videos on some guy called Tom Crawford who basically tried to lie and get away without paying his mortgage for years because he cancelled his endowment policy. He got a load of morons including some idiot by the name of ceylon who basically blew a load of smoke up his backside telling him he had a case bla bla bla, he then got opened up like a can of Tuna by the judges in court for lying.

This guy then? :)

Yikes! See this thread from a few years ago:

That bloke thought he could stop paying his mortgage because he felt he'd paid "enough" and it was his house etc... sure enough he got evicted and I suspect the bank ran up substantial fees for all the bailiffs involved in the process... which presumably came out of his remaining equity!
I used to watch a lot of the freeman on the land stuff, as well as common law. I think there is something in it. But I don't think its as big a deal as some make out.

The guy who used to push it back in the day was called John Harris. He was probably the best advocate of it, and used to give good presentations. He was a very good communicator.

Then before he died he ended up condemning the idea and saying it was a waste of peoples time to start going down that rabbit hole.

If youtube had left that video online, and maybe a few of his talks, instead of censoring everything we wouldn't now be seeing a resurgence in the same subject.

Edit: Ok, a few of his videos are on youtube, including the final interview he did.
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I can sympathize. I spent 2 days working for a client who's fully into this. Total Covid denial, the vaccine makes you magnetic/will kill you/sterilise you, "million person Freedom marches on London at the start of June that the MSM just didn't report", anyone who disagrees is a moron, used "sheeple" all the time and then came out with a phrase that blew my mind. Luckily I was facing away when they said, "David Icke was right and a lot of people owe him an apology." :eek::cry:
The only major tick box missed was anti-Semitism but I put the down to the fact that they had the 'Jewish Study Bible' on their chair.
I used to watch a lot of the freeman on the land stuff, as well as common law. I think there is something in it. But I don't think its as big a deal as some make out.

The guy who used to push it back in the day was called John Harris. He was probably the best advocate of it, and used to give good presentations. He was a very good communicator.

Then before he died he ended up condemning the idea and saying it was a waste of peoples time to start going down that rabbit hole.

If youtube had left that video online, and maybe a few of his talks, instead of censoring everything we wouldn't now be seeing a resurgence in the same subject.

Edit: Ok, a few of his videos are on youtube, including the final interview he did.
I can sympathize. I spent 2 days working for a client who's fully into this. Total Covid denial, the vaccine makes you magnetic/will kill you/sterilise you, "million person Freedom marches on London at the start of June that the MSM just didn't report", anyone who disagrees is a moron, used "sheeple" all the time and then came out with a phrase that blew my mind. Luckily I was facing away when they said, "David Icke was right and a lot of people owe him an apology." :eek::cry:
The only major tick box missed was anti-Semitism but I put the down to the fact that they had the 'Jewish Study Bible' on their chair.

Sounds like quite a few people here...
Your father has essentially been radicalised, or indoctrinated like a cult. it's not difficult for this to happen based on the vast exposure to the likeminded all backing each other up in echo chambers online.

Basically you have to get him spending less time online in these groups and more time in the real world doing positive things. He was likely depressed and this stuff has given him a sense of purpose and direction.

Normally these groups work by creating a simplified cherry picked narrative of the world rather than the chaotic but mundane version that actually exists. He needs to start thinking more critically and reading opinions from a variety of sources.

Tell him to watch the Adam Curtis documentary on iPlayer "Can't get you out of my head" that may make him think about what he might be part of.
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I think the main problem in todays society is very few people ask questions, about anything.

So it leaves them open to fake news.
I think the main problem in todays society is very few people ask questions, about anything.

So it leaves them open to fake news.

There is certainly a lack of critical thinking.

A big issue seems to be people seeking out information to support their view (dismissing "main stream media" that has to comply to reporting standards in favour of sources with no accountability) and then going down the rabbit hole of social media echo chambers and YouTube recommendations that reinforce their belief in an alt fact or full on conspiracy theory as being the real truth that is being ignored by "sheeple" i.e. most rational people.
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dismissing "main stream media" that has to comply to reporting standards in favour of sources with no accountability

this is the issue. you can't use facts and evidence to dissuade a CT nut as anything you provide they'll claim is fake and as a general rule they don't have the faculties to gather their own evidence (even for something as simple as proving the earth is round let alone things like vaccines etc).

and they will never ever tell you how to provide evidence that they would believe.

it's also why censoring them is a bad idea, because the one thing a good CT needs is the belief that "they" don't want you to know, so a demonitised youtube video becomes a global conspiracy.
I think the main problem in todays society is very few people ask questions, about anything.

So it leaves them open to fake news.
Honestly, I fear for you. You may think you're asking questions or "not a sheep", but often people who are saying these things are so far into a rabbit hole like this chaps father that it is indeed you asking the wrong questions and being a "sheep" to the nutcases that cherry pick these things.

(the reason I 'picked' on you is because of your comment about there being some truth behind this cult of freeman of the lands)
Best way to shut down a CT nut is to introduce them to the idea that conspiracy theories were created by the Illuminati to distract enquiring minds from what they are *really* up to, that those who promote CT are all in on it and that anyone who blindly believes them needs to open their eyes to the truth.

Then sit back and watch their head explode.
Best way to shut down a CT nut is to introduce them to the idea that conspiracy theories were created by the Illuminati to distract enquiring minds from what they are *really* up to, that those who promote CT are all in on it and that anyone who blindly believes them needs to open their eyes to the truth.

Then sit back and watch their head explode.
A personal favourite was the anti-mask CT's who had their minds blown when I said I wanted to wear a mask to circumvent the proliferation of closed-circuit television and facial recognition. My taxi drivers eye twitched.
Thanks for the comments, some really good information and some posts that made me lol.

As it's been prolonged manipulative abuse I will leave him to it, lost cause i reckon.

Spoke with accountant and effectively they will be documenting everything to protect the business.
Honestly, I fear for you. You may think you're asking questions or "not a sheep", but often people who are saying these things are so far into a rabbit hole like this chaps father that it is indeed you asking the wrong questions and being a "sheep" to the nutcases that cherry pick these things.

(the reason I 'picked' on you is because of your comment about there being some truth behind this cult of freeman of the lands)

Doesn't all conspiracies have a hint of truth to them? That's what drags people in.

All I've said is that people should always be questioning everything and then balancing it up against the reality of what is likely to happen.

Someone sitting and believing what they watch or read, parroting opinions they don't understand, isn't that far removed from people believing in these deep conspiracies.

Blocking and removing groups/people isn't working. What else do you suggest to do?
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