Freeman of the Land / Bonkers Theories

19 Mar 2005
Hi All

It appears that the person who is supposedly my father has completely lost the plot and is following a variety of even stranger people online.

He's effectively forced himself out of the family business due to unreasonable behaviour and is now due a large lump sum for the purchase of his shares, he's written to HMRC and business accountant suggesting he will no longer be paying taxes etc etc due to being a freeman of the land.

He has become utterly delusional and indoctrinated in a variety of QANON theories, coupled with covid denying, bigotry, racism and anti-Semitism he's turned into an throughly disgusting person spouting some absolutely crazy ideas, think South Park pandemic special with extra sauce.

His idols appears to be Dr Charlie Ward, Simon Parkes and Robert David Steele. He's now started a course with The Peoples Lawyer UK to "defend himself".

Does anyone here have any suggestions or experience with this as it seems to be becoming more prevalent?

I feel he's a lost cause.
19 Mar 2005
I’m sorry your father is going through this.
I’ve always likened these people to the mentally ill. He’s taking a lot of solace in feeling superior to other people thinking’s he’s on to something other people aren’t. This can’t be argued against rationally as he will defend that sense of superiority beyond reason.

There’s been some research into how to combat this kind of thought, and you have to be very nice and kind to him, and have a lot of patience. It’s not something that would be worth it for me, so I’d cut him out and ignore him moving forward.

A number of people have identified him as a text book narcissist so your words resonate, i do think at this point he is mentally ill. I've even been to see a therapist about it to learn i'm not the one with the problem! I think he's a gonna just wondered if anyone has gone though the same thing.
19 Mar 2005
Not paying his taxes is probably the bit that will get him in very serious trouble. The other stuff sounds like he needs a trip to his GP.
Well, i'm slightly worried the business will be sucked into this, not that we have anything to hide, just don't fancy the rubber glove treatment.

I'm not sure if accountants have some kind of requirement to report him if they know of tax irregularities or evasion.
19 Mar 2005
He will be getting utterly horrendous legal advice. Every Freeman of the land criminal and civil court case has at best, been delayed a few times, before resulting in utter failure and a significantly worse outcome for the “Freeman”.

Get your own solicitors for the business, brief them on what he’s gotten himself into, and ask them to help you avoid getting sucked in.

I have a good one that we use. Good call, i'll drop him an email, he's aware of the situation but not the tax element.

He was bragging last week that he's tarting a "Law Course" this week - :cry:
19 Mar 2005
does your dad smoke? Vascular dementia caused by clogged cerebral arteries can cause slow and gradual personality changes.

No not smoked for years, but has a variety of significant health issues related to hereditary heart disease, ICD / Pacemaker, quad bypass at 44. General poor health.

I was thinking along the lines of dementia but he's always been a word beginning with c, i just put up with it for the security of the business and all those that work for us...
19 Mar 2005
Thanks for the comments, some really good information and some posts that made me lol.

As it's been prolonged manipulative abuse I will leave him to it, lost cause i reckon.

Spoke with accountant and effectively they will be documenting everything to protect the business.
19 Mar 2005
You and others are saying the person is his dad.

Its a very strange thread. It's not like he's asking for help. Just coming on slagging him off, and at the end is calling him a lost cause.

I used that word as a lot of people have been saying to me “but, he’s supposed to be your dad…” regarding the way I’ve been treated recently.

I’ve been doing a lot of soul searching and looking for answers in all corners, an anonymous Internet forum is good for that.

When you’ve been told for so many years that you’re the one with the problem and many other manipulative things you question yourself. He’s even suggested I need to see a therapist to fix me. I always had myself down as someone quite stoic and able to work past the drama of life and business.

It was all manageable until this CT nonsense started to get amplified and an individual in the business (I’m MD) started playing games with him and making out I was running the business badly as I’d pulled him up on lying amongst other things. As he was my fathers team member it was another “you’ve got a problem yadada” so I decided that was it.

since that day he’s plumbed the depths of the internet for bizarre CT’s.

I didn’t take offence at what you said. It’s an utterly bizarre world I’m living in at the moment so was reaching out to see if anyone else was having a similar experience and how they manage.

Im fairly confident he’s a narcissist based on a number of text book examples he’s demonstrated and other peoples experience, now understanding that it was a form “abuse” I was subjected to I guess you don’t just get over it in short time.

You’re all helping, so thanks, it’s appreciated more than you realise.
19 Mar 2005
Don't usually get involved in threads like these but I've had a grown up drink, so I'll have a quick stab at it.

I completely cut off contact with my mother about a year ago. She's been a narcissistic, toxic, selfish, influence for well over 30 years. Before that, I guess at least I was clothed and fed growing up.

For me, my own kids reaching their teens and she'd only seen them when we made the effort to visit her caused the truths being told session that ended with me deciding I've had enough.

I'm never going to be happy about it.

I'm confident I made the right decision for myself and my family.

I wish you good luck.

sounds familiar, never once did we get invited out. Was always having to suggest to get together after he would make suggestions we didn’t make an effort to see him. Massive ego problem. Apparently narcissists are prone to conspiracy theories.

After the third week of him trying to destroy the business to “teach me a lesson” (his exact words to our ops director), he went out and bought a Bentley and parked in my space at the factory. He had the audacity to put it on the fleet policy too.

I look back now and realise how it’s been a Herculean effort to grow our business to where it is today, crazy that he tried to ruin it to prove a point, still not worked out what it was he was trying to prove though.
19 Mar 2005
It seems that there is psychosis now, "David Icke was probably right all along"

Anyone know what the hell Common Law Court of Great Britain is? Even our solicitor is bereft.

The contract is a joke in general but the last part is a gift.
In the event of any dispute raised by either party with regards to the terms of The Contract, adjudication shall be made in The Common Law Court of Great Britain.
No other Legal Jurisdiction is consented to by the Beneficiary/Seller

It's sad watching someone slowly lose their mind.
19 Mar 2005
I'm sorry to hear what you're going through drew, it sounds like you're taking the best course of action to protect yourself personally, and the business already.

Unfortunately a lot of the "common law" and "freemen of the land" types tend to probably need psychiatric help as they're basically falling into a cult and it's often extremely destructive to their personal lives, their careers and their relationships.

Thank you, thats very kind of you. I can't begin to explain the emotional roller coaster, we were set to complete next Friday based on financing being in place, hes now changed his agreement a third time, I won't share the content but it's bizarre.

It's hard enough running a business in current times, I guess if I can get through this I can get through most things.
19 Mar 2005
I've also cut my mother out. But more because she constantly hangs on every word my narcissitic sister utters and disregards me and my other two sisters. Plenty of the extended family saw my sister for what she is and warned my mum but she was so bent on being her best mate rather than her mother she refused to see it. She lives just 4 miles away but we used to live less than half a mile away and like you, only saw my kids if we made effort, yet she will, at the drop of a hat, travel 20 mile by public transport to go and see my sister's kids. It's gotten much worse in the last 5 years, since my Dad died & I believe he was the voice that was telling her she was in the wrong.

To put it into a context. About 16 years ago I found myself with no place to live after a relationship break up (ex cheated), my mother didn't want me back at the family home (a 4 bed house ith just her and Dad). I discovered that my sis and my ex had been talking and my sis had told my mum that she wasn't seeing her grandkids if I was allowed back home. My Dad was furious & threatened to kick her out, the only time I've seen their marriage hit rocks.

My other 2 sisters make an effort to see my kids and will often cajole my mum to come with them but I will go out of the house. I've no interest anymore. My 2 year old treats her like a stranger when she comes. But I won't stand in the way if they want a relationship with her later down the line & I'll be there to pick up the pieces when it all goes wrong.

Sad isn't it, you can't pick family! I'm embarrassed and ashamed by his behaviour, everyone says not to be, but it's not that easy.
19 Mar 2005
This is going really badly. We're at the stage now where we had an agreement to buy him out and he's moved the goalposts and upped his demands (because he can).

I'm now at the stage where I may need to put the business through a prepack administration to wipe him out.
As it stands we have a healthy balance sheet so it would be more of a restructure process than a method to wipe out debt.

I just need another board member, considering he tried to demote me from MD three months ago and put my colleague as MD due to my lack of ability to run the company to his satisfaction (been doing it for ten years but heyho).

Due to our accreditations though I really don't want to go down this route but may have no alternative.
19 Mar 2005
Just found out my friend split from his wife because of her nuts Covid theories. He'd been keeping it to himself for months. Mad how deep CT can run, ruining a 15 year marriage
That’s sad. Nothing surprises me with this crowd, they really are totally brainwashed, the problem is there is no leader to get rid of. My father is hooked on Dr Charlie Ward and Simon Parkes of my mothers an alien fame.

The Peoples Lawyer is equally insidious with his i don’t pay taxes by just telling the HMRC I don’t exist. So many weak minded people are latching on to these cranks.
19 Mar 2005
Surely it's intolerance to opposing views that's ruined the marriage on your friends part? suppose they split a year ago because she was telling him that COVID leaked from a Wuhan lab, or just prior the 2020 US election because she was telling him that Hunter Biden's laptop is real, or 2016-19 at the height of Mueller investigation because he didn't believe her when she said that there was no and never would be evidence of Trump-Russia collusion. She would have been right on all accounts and your friend basically threw away his marriage because he wants to live within echo chambers.

It's the old argument of wanting to believe painful truths or comforting lies.

There is stuff that happens in the world and is not beyond the possible realms of reality then there is out and out cranks selling USB sticks to protect you from 5g for £150.

I’m not opposed to certain ideas, but believing Biden is dead and an actor is in his place, that Hilary Clinton died of Kuru and that Trump will ascend to power in August you must realise that these are bat doo doo crazy.
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