****Fresh random image thread (with rule addition)Every post MUST contain an image!****

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Took this yesterday of River Severn in flood close to Upton Upon Severn, Worcestershire, Malvern Hills in the background. River level currently 13 meters,:eek: average for this time of year is usually around 8.2 meters.

Took this yesterday of River Severn in flood close to Upton Upon Severn, Worcestershire, Malvern Hills in the background. River level currently 13 meters,:eek: average for this time of year is usually around 8.2 meters.

I drive through there everyday on my commute, it's quite amazing how much water there is. I actually live at the base of the hills in the background!

Took this yesterday of River Severn in flood close to Upton Upon Severn, Worcestershire, Malvern Hills in the background. River level currently 13 meters,:eek: average for this time of year is usually around 8.2 meters.

Stream level is normally 0.3M today was 0.5M! Had to walk the long way around to the shops!

But come wet season the whole thing floods to 7-10 metres!

I sent a friend a package over xmas, he wasn't in to receive it :)



And how to tell you spend too long on the internet? People get you presents like this...

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