****Fresh random image thread (with rule addition)Every post MUST contain an image!****

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[quote="Building Candy, post: 17013169"]:p


Do those fire live ammunition?

Do those fire live ammunition?

Airsoft, I think

An image was posted here in GD either on this thread on some other one which compared similarities between Family Guy, American Dad and The Cleveland show. It showed how all the shows had a fat dad with a hot wife, a psycho baby, a talking animal.....at least something along those lines.

Does anyone have a link to the image?

An image was posted here in GD either on this thread on some other one which compared similarities between Family Guy, American Dad and The Cleveland show. It showed how all the shows had a fat dad with a hot wife, a psycho baby, a talking animal.....at least something along those lines.

Does anyone have a link to the image?


Seeing as my last post was deleted without any warning or reason why you'll probably be lucky to read this. Did I break some new rule that has been mysteriously created? It was only a photo taken on the highstreet.

The mods could have edited my post and added a message as to why my post was deleted or something, I didn't even know there was a rule against it as I see it all the time on here. Here is a 'clean' version of it, the photo was taken in Commercial Road, Portsmouth. For anyone who can't figure it out, the censored character was seen hanging out with the mascots for the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics earlier this year.

The mods could have edited my post and added a message as to why my post was deleted or something, I didn't even know there was a rule against it as I see it all the time on here. Here is a 'clean' version of it, the photo was taken in Commercial Road, Portsmouth. For anyone who can't figure it out, the censored character was seen hanging out with the mascots for the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics earlier this year.

It's mentioned in the rules in the first post. You can post paedobear in other threads (I think) but not here.

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